Taliban Draw Up Kill Lists and Demand Girls as War Booty To “Marry” Fighters


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Taliban commander: “All girls over the age of 15 and widows younger than 40 should be married to the insurgent fighters.”

Or as Joe puts it: ‘Can I have a few too?’

So what do you suspect me to do about it.

I voted for Biden and tramp would of had the same thing, after all he made a deal with evil ones.
Taliban commander: “All girls over the age of 15 and widows younger than 40 should be married to the insurgent fighters.”

Or as Joe puts it: ‘Can I have a few too?’

I've already seen a few execution videos
Usmb mods won't even let me post a dead che pictures ...

One was particularly nasty ...I can't post em here
Penelope what an intelligent reply
..even if the Taliban give orders not to kill/etc, it's very hard for me to believe they would change their culture just like that
...also, there are a lot of people that want revenge--there always are after a war like that......and there are always males that will do violence/rape/rob/murder/etc in the ''shadow''' of a victory and what they think is carrying out god's will or the Taliban's will--the ''true'' will
That is why we saw the video of that pretty young Afghan girl at the gate crying "please help, they are coming for me".
..even if the Taliban give orders not to kill/etc, it's very hard for me to believe they would change their culture just like that
...also, there are a lot of people that want revenge--there always are after a war like that......and there are always males that will do violence/rape/rob/murder/etc in the ''shadow''' of a victory and what they think is carrying out god's will or the Taliban's will--the ''true'' will

Rape was rampant in Berlin during the occupation. The numbers are staggering.

The Rape of Berlin: Red Army atrocities in 1945 - EU Today
The Rape of Berlin: Red Army atrocities in 1945 "Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with German women," wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in his diary whilst serving as an officer of marine infantry in East Prussia. "Nine, ten, twelve men at a time - they rape them on a collective basis."

Mass Rape of German Women After the Fall of Germany in 1945
They had two months to freely plunder and rape, and Berlin was a city virtually without men. The female population had swelled to 2,000,000 with thousands more refugee women who had fled there from the east. Up to a million females from ages 8 to 80 were believed to have been raped.
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So Joe knowingly ignoring the requirements of the deal on what the Taliban can and cannot do has no play in it?

What a pathetic excuse for a human being you are.

Trump put NO conditions on the Taliban. He praised them profusely.
Taliban commander: “All girls over the age of 15 and widows younger than 40 should be married to the insurgent fighters.”

Or as Joe puts it: ‘Can I have a few too?’

Send the military back in------------annihilate all talibani----and their fucking clerics.

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