The 800 MILLION pound Gorilla in the Letita James debacle

Real estate valuation is the cornerstone money driver for multi holding enterprises like large Hospital systems for instance. There is no such thing as OVERVALUATION and in reality if it was strictly enforced it would immediately stiffle up to 20 percent of the economy almost immediately
What an idiotic talking point.

This failed spectacularly already, as anyone who actually reads anything knows.

"There is no such thing as OVERVALUATUON"

^^ A stupid and failed lie. Saying a property is three times it actual size is overvaluation. For example.

And, it's criminal fraud.

What a stupid thread. This stupidity could have been prevented simply by following the case.
Trump and his children will be held personally liable for hundreds of millions in fraud.$168 million alone just in lost interest their fraud caused.

That doest even count the insurance fraud or tax fraud.

It also does not even count the disgorgement of ill gotten gains.

And trumpers will once again be scratching their heads, wonder how it is possible that they did not watch a Dan Bongino youtube video and outsmart the prosecutors, the courts, and the letter of the law.

Good luck with that. You are idealist. I am a pragmatist. You will eventually become one too.
Good luck with that. You are idealist. I am a pragmatist. You will eventually become one too.
That's not compelling. Sounds like a tantrum. No facts, no argument. Just a kid throwing a fit because he isn't getting what he wanted for Christmas.
That's not compelling. Sounds like a tantrum. No facts, no argument. Just a kid throwing a fit because he isn't getting what he wanted for Christmas.

I am under no obligation to compel you... That is something you must do for yourself.

Once again I have no idea what you're talking about. But please do continue to construct straw men; Actually it sounds to me like you're the one who didn't get what he wanted. I'm fine with the thread. You're perfectly welcome the be not fine with it. You also have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to real estate valuation. It is wildly subjective.
Once again I have no idea what you're talking about. But please do continue to construct straw men; Actually it sounds to me like you're the one who didn't get what he wanted. I'm fine with the thread. You're perfectly welcome the be not fine with it. You also have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to real estate valuation. It is wildly subjective.
You tried to say a property cannot be overvalued.

That was stupid and wrong. For the reasons stated.

I cannot dumb this down any further.
You tried to say a property cannot be overvalued.

That was stupid and wrong. For the reasons stated.

I cannot dumb this down any further.

And I continue to say that it cannot be overvalued. Nobody is forced to buy anything and no lender is forced to lend anything and they certainly don't do it blindly. You haven't dumbed anything down.... But I know you will continue to claim that you have so please do proceed.
And I continue to say that it cannot be overvalued
Which is stupid and wrong.

What you forgot to account for was blatant lies about the properties, which is criminal fraud.

You now realize your stupid mistake (and yes, it's stupid, guve that it coidl have been prevented by you possessing the most basic of knowledge about the case).

But you love your talking point and cling to it as your Alamo.
Which is stupid and wrong.

What you forgot to account for was blatant lies about the properties, which is criminal fraud.

You now realize your stupid mistake (and yes, it's stupid, guve that it coidl have been prevented by you possessing the most basic of knowledge about the case).

But you love your talking point and cling to it as your Alamo.
Right and wrong are a matter of opinion. The word stupid doesn't apply. It's a fact of doing business in the real estate world. Your many straw men are very amusing. I forgot nothing about any of the details of the case despite what you might assume. Placing me in the Alamo reminds me of a kid playing with army men and favoring the red guys over the blue guys. In the end it's the kid who gets to decide the winner.

Please feel free to declare yourself the winner. I realize this makes you feel very good. Just like the kid playing with army men.
Right and wrong are a matter of opinion.
But the square footage of a property is not. The number of stories a building has is not. The zoning of a property is not. The number of tenants a building has is not.

I'm going to walk you through this and get you to normal world, where the normal people are.

Baby steps.
But the square footage of a property is not. The number of stories a building has is not. The zoning of a property is not. The number of tenants a building has is not.

I'm going to walk you through this and get you to normal world, where the normal people are.

Baby steps.
I am in the normal world it's called The real world. Would that all of your high ideals existed somewhere on the planet..... But then again you still think that there's a moral high ground out there somewhere. I really can do nothing to help you with this it's something you must do yourself. All of the details you mentioned in your desperately impassioned plea are commonly disputed in high end real estate deals.... With those being only a few of dozens that can affect the price of a property. The list is nearly mind-boggling. I'm not even going to explain to you how I know this.

Thanks for the offer of baby steps but I'm afraid they're going in the wrong direction.... away from reality. I prefer to see things as they are not as I wish they were.

You participated in this thread thread so I believe I owe you the courtesy of replies. I believe I've done my part in that regard.
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I am in the normal world it's called The real world. Would that all of your high ideals existed somewhere on the planet..... But then again you still think that there's a moral high ground out there somewhere. I really can do nothing to help you with this it's something you must do yourself. All of the details you mentioned in your desperately and passion plea are commonly disputed high end real estate deals I'm not even going to explain to you how I know this. Thanks for the offer of baby steps but I'm afraid they're going in the wrong direction away from reality. I prefer to see things as they are not as I wish they were.
And we're back to vapid, irrelevant babbling.

Face it, your talking point has been destroyed.

You could have avoided this stupid mistake if you had been following the trial. Team Trump already tried your failed talking point. And they lost.
And we're back to vapid, irrelevant babbling.

Face it, your talking point has been destroyed.

You could have avoided this stupid mistake if you had been following the trial. Team Trump already tried your failed talking point. And they lost.
My talking point is Just as real now as it was when we began this discussion.

Your expression of displeasure with it is well within the rules of the forum. If you feel you have destroyed something that is also well within your own purview. I am aware of what has been tried and what has failed in this trial. Your assumption that I would change my mind but for a little more knowledge is simply wrong.

They actually all hold up just fine.

You don't think a DC Jury is going to find him guilty? Or that the judiciary will endorse mob violence?
Can they find a biased jury to convict Trump based on their dislike of him in DC? Sure. Should/will that hold up based on the legal facts of the case in appeal. I doubt it. And you shouldn’t want it to.
They actually all hold up just fine.

You don't think a DC Jury is going to find him guilty? Or that the judiciary will endorse mob violence?
The judiciary seems quite indifferent to mob violence when it suits them. Nothing was done about the attack on the supreme Court Justice's houses while there was certainly many opportunities to do so. The problem with cherry picking enforcement is that it has the effect of diluting real enforcement going forward.
Can they find a biased jury to convict Trump based on their dislike of him in DC? Sure. Should/will that hold up based on the legal facts of the case in appeal. I doubt it. And you shouldn’t want it to.
The one thing I find remarkable about the gaggle of pseudo intellectuals who condescend here thinking it to be a personal playground for them is their glaring collection of double standards. They won't admit to having them but they certainly do display them.
So now you are justifying Trump's prosecution as a basis for upending the whole real estate industry? Thank you, Antifus.
Lol, no.

I'm saying if tRump is telling the truth and it's an "everybody does it" kinda thing she's got her work cut out for her.
Lol, no.

I'm saying if tRump is telling the truth and it's an "everybody does it" kinda thing she's got her work cut out for her.
Trump is probably a crook. I Don't know the man personally and I don't like him, never did. However I have some considerable experience with both residential and commercial real estate.

My experience doesn't cover deals in the hundreds of millions but it does cover deals in the multimillions. I have literally seen a list of valuation variables with dozens of items on them up to and including the proximity of the nearest underground gasoline storage tank. I have never once been involved in a commercial deal wherein numerous details of the physical property components didn't need to be corrected, rewritten, adjusted and sometimes eliminated. Exaggeration is rampant in this industry. This is why there is entire army of adjusters and appraisers.

Any deal of any size inevitably encounters these things. I can tell you that the word overvalued does not exist in any real sense on the commercial market because property simply will not move if it's not priced correctly.

I have never once seen a bank or lending institution offer out money without sending out, once again, an army of adjusters and appraisers with enemas and microscopes...

I'm simply not able to swallow that Trump was able to get loans based false valuations without the bank knowing exactly what they were getting into. It just doesn't exist.

Additionally I know from dealings with the local hospital system here which has grown to a considerable size and is also a formidable real estate holding company.... That construction loans offered out based on currently held collateral very often seem to be way the hell out of the ballpark considering what the collateral is. I don't know who's responsible for all the seeing these things I'm sure somebody does. This is a pretty common practice with multi-faceted businesses that lean on their real estate holdings both has assets and collateral. Real estate valuation is the grease behind the Wheels of the loan industry. Is it dishonest? I suppose you could call it that.

I don't know the particulars of Trump's situation.... I just think it's laughable that people believe he's done something that is tantamount the ultimate evil when it is practiced far and wide across the economy. If Trump is to be prosecuted with any real teeth which remains to be seen... I suspect there are at least a dozen bank officials out there who will also be held culpable for these things. This is where I begin to develop doubt. Once you begin the journey up the road to conquer that financial Giant you embark on Don Quixote's quest Lance in hand charging up on real windmills that hit back.
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