The 2012 Election Is Not About Obama's Record

let me see if I can explain the obongo situation using physics. What would obongo be if he were attached to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis?


Potentially Devastating News on the Obama Economy

By William Tate

The Gallup Organization had some bad news for Barack Obama on Friday. It's not that Obama fell behind Mitt Romney by two points in Gallup's daily tracking poll, although that couldn't have helped the the O-Team's spirits heading into the weekend. Between now and the election, polls are likely to be less stable than Joe Biden's thought process.

The really bad news for the Chicago mob is that Gallup's unemployment survey shows the Obama economy is getting even worse. Gallup reported an uptick in joblessness in their latest survey of 30,000 households.

"(T)his suggests that the government's unadjusted unemployment rate could increase to 8.7% ... The government's measurement of the unadjusted unemployment rate has been known to differ with Gallup's findings, but a drop of 0.3% ... is necessary to bring the government's unadjusted rate down to Gallup levels."


Read more: Articles: Potentially Devastating News on the Obama Economy

Obama knows that once the convention kicks off and the emphasis goes to economics....

He is screwed.
I'll take, "What the American people have had done to them since Jan, 2009" for the win!

An incumbent running for re-election and a thread headline CLAIMING that the election is really not about the incumbent's record?

This shit would be a whole lot funnier if it wasn't so tragically common as the "thinking" of libs.

But Republicans don't want to steal the election. Like hell!!! That's the only way that loser ticket they have will ever get to the WH. However, I don't think the Dems will let them get away with it.

Don't worry.

Obama will lose fair and square

Believe me, I am not worried at all. :)
By Bill Fletcher, Jr., Carl Davidson

The 2012 election will be one of the most polarized and critical elections in recent history.

Let’s cut to the chase. The November 2012 elections will be unlike anything that any of us can remember. It is not just that this will be a close election. It is also not just that the direction of Congress hangs in the balance. Rather, this will be one of the most polarized and critical elections in recent history.

Unfortunately what too few leftists and progressives have been prepared to accept is that the polarization is to a great extent centered on a revenge-seeking white supremacy; on race and the racial implications of the moves to the right in the US political system. It is also focused on a re-subjugation of women, harsh burdens on youth and the elderly, increased war dangers, and reaction all along the line for labor and the working class. No one on the left with any good sense should remain indifferent or stand idly by in the critical need to defeat Republicans this year.

Much More: The 2012 Elections Have Little To Do With Obama's Record
You really want to go with that?
back in 2008 it was all about Bushes record and he wasn't even running.
GOP Official: Early Voting Process Should Not Accommodate Blacks

An Ohio GOP election official who voted against the weekend voting rules that enabled thousands to cast ballots in the 2008 election said Sunday that he did not think that the state's early voting procedures should accommodate African-Americans.

More: Doug Priesse: Ohio Early Voting Process Should Not Accommodate Black Voters

You mean huffy puffy reported that? What a shocker.
Four long years of partying, golfing, record unemployment, $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, record numbers of Americans on public assistance, first credit downgrade in U.S. history, worthless $, low/no growth, etc. Yeah, it won't have anything to do with any of that.

If someone is going to quote Think Progress they should just as well say "George Soros said...."
But Republicans don't want to steal the election. Like hell!!! That's the only way that loser ticket they have will ever get to the WH. However, I don't think the Dems will let them get away with it.

Don't worry.

Obama will lose fair and square

Believe me, I am not worried at all. :)

Ok...Put your money where that hole in your face is...Go onto one of those off shore betting websites and wager your bank account on Obama winning the election. There are betting lines on the election..
Now, let's see how worried you really are.
If you cannot make the wager without being concerned about losing, you are then lying about your alleged confidence in an Obama win.
And don't try to turn this back on me. You libs are so easily read. I never stated nor implied Romney was a shoe-in.
Now, time for you to put up or shut up.
Oh, I made it easy for you....Here's a site. Place your bet, smartass.
2012 US Presidential Race Betting Odds |Bet at
AP Exclusive: Energy loan watchdog an Obama donor

August 23, 2012

WASHINGTON — A veteran Wall Street executive who performed an independent review that exonerated the Obama administration's program of loans to energy companies contributed $52,500 to re-elect President Barack Obama in the months since completing his work, according to an Associated Press review of campaign records. The executive defended the integrity of his conclusions and said he decided to donate to Obama after his work was finished.The campaign contributions to Obama started just weeks after Herbert M. Allison Jr., in congressional testimony in March, minimized concerns that the Energy Department was at high risk in more than $23 billion in federal loans awarded to green energy firms. Two weeks later, Allison began giving to the Obama campaign. His contributions to Obama and the Democratic National Committee totaled $52,500 by last month. Allison previously was the former head of the government's mass purchase of toxic Wall Street assets.

Read more here: WASHINGTON: AP Exclusive: Energy loan watchdog an Obama donor | Presidential Election 2012 | Bradenton Herald
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