That Oval Office sit-down? Pelosi and Schumer got skunked.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
That Oval Office sit-down? Pelosi and Schumer got skunked.
There are thousands of families in the U.S. who have lost children and family members to illegal aliens in a variety of horrific ways. In that sure-to-go-down-in-history Oval Office confab, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer effectively let us know that they don't care about us or our losses. They need Democrat voters; that is their abiding goal.... The theatrics in the Oval Office on Tuesday morning were just that: great theater. Trump always steps ahead of his opponents, and he set up Schumer and Pelosi. He began his discussion with the press in the room. Pelosi came in spouting "transparency" but could not wait to get the media out. Trump saw to it that each of them revealed their preference for illegal aliens over American citizens. It was delicious, gratifying.
The Democrats pretend to be so compassionate, but in fact, they are hardcore pols. They do not give a moment's thought to the consequences of our cities being flooded with illegal migrants or how they affect Americans who do not live in gated communities or behind the walls like the ones that surround their homes. They offer no solutions beyond another "continuing resolution." Their "we are the good guys" act was exposed for all to see. Those two, Pelosi and Schumer, are hateful, power-mad reprobates who will do and say anything to win, to be on top. They want to let millions of third-world refugees into the U.S. in order to defeat Republicans. That's their plan, and they are sticking to it.... But on Tuesday morning, Trump had them for breakfast. It was a glorious sight to behold. Pelosi's hand gestures were hilarious, clearly practiced and ridiculous... Democrats so badly want Trump to be a failure, they are working so hard to ensure that he is a failure, that they are missing his many successes that are making the country great again. Now that they have won the House majority, we can count on their trying to torpedo him even more zealously and to do what they can to put the brakes on his agenda. They will of course be doing harm to all the Americans Trump's economic policies have helped. Do they care? Not one bit.... That Oval Office sit-down with the Beavis and Butt-Head of the House and Senate will go down in history as the best of political theater and a demonstration of presidential genius.

Hmm..., Transparency, often spouted by Democrats and rarely displayed. Except by TRUMP.
To the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left, transparency is another word they love to throw around pretending they are but in reality they are not. As an example, when WikiLeaks forced them to be transparent by leaking their emails online, they hated it. WikiLeaks did not create those emails, Democrats did. They detest the idea of transparency.
DJT has Schumer on tape mocking the president for bragging that he won North Dakota and Indiana. This is the real Schumer. Down-state New Yorkers believe they are the Center of the World. According to them, the rest of the flyover citizens living in the heartland are just trash. The best part was Schumer attempted to do it live on TV. One more bit of evidence of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/ DSA Democratic Party disdain for Heartland America for all the nation and world to see. The end result is evidence that the PMS/DSA Democrat party love for illiterate peasant illegal welfare predator invaders.
Has anyone wondered why Chucky Schumer hates Trump so much and why does he looks like an aging Hitler without a mustache, while Pelosi is as loyal to Schumer, as Eva Braun was loyal to Adolph?
In the end, what President DJT got was National distribution of the meeting showing Democrats could care less for the Security of the American people and the country as a whole. This is exactly what he got and when Schumer shuts the Government down again by refusing not to fund the border Wall. American citizens are becoming fully aware that Democrats hate the people of the United States.
I loved how Pence leaned away from Trump like the guy who was escorting Oswald.

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I think Pence knows he’s on a sinking ship

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