Thanks to Bush and The Patriot Act...Your PRIVACY is GONE

The real problem is, most people are still being duped on that old outdated 'Republican vs. Democrat' paradigm. The reality is, it's a One-Party System. The War being fought today, is the 'NWO Globalist Elites vs. The People.' There is no 'Republican vs. Democrat.'

'Winner, winner - Chicken Dinner!'
I said it was both Republicans and Democrats. They work very closely together to fuck the People. Obama has only made things worse. He's advanced the Police State agenda.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?
The Patriot Act set the bar very, very low for authorities to eavesdrop and even enter buildings or private premises without a warrant based on such incredibly inane excuses as odd noises, much less any kind of suspicious activity.

The Technology discussed in this article was developed in Iraq during our illegal occupation and vanity war there. Now city governments have adopted it to spy on their citizens.

Sad to see the dupes here Who think that is OK
Because Bush isn't President any more he shouldn't be blamed or even held accountable for what he did while he was.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


but lets not hold him accountable, b/c that would force you to think for yourself, and that's just not possible

Prove that he made it stronger. Where's your source for this? The problem is he did not repeal it, which I was not happy about.

But you won't hold him accountable for it because it's easier to blame Bush. Just like it's easier to ignore the members of Congress who sent the POS Patriot Act to Bush's desk. Why is that? Because you're a fucking partisan hack.

Senate Vote Roll Call on U.S. Patriot Act 2001 & 2006
The Patriot Act set the bar very, very low for authorities to eavesdrop and even enter buildings or private premises without a warrant based on such incredibly inane excuses as odd noises, much less any kind of suspicious activity.

The Technology discussed in this article was developed in Iraq during our illegal occupation and vanity war there. Now city governments have adopted it to spy on their citizens.

Sad to see the dupes here Who think that is OK

The problem is nobody has ever been convicted by using any evidence provided by the NSA or the Patriot Act.

The NSA for instance doesn't even know who they are listening to. They just have search words very similar to how Google works and the machines bring up transmissions between people using key words or phrases. Even if they took the time to listen in, they still have no idea who they are listening to. All they really care about is finding out plots against our country by terrorists.

As for our privacy, anytime you use any electronic gadget to transmit or receive messages, nobody can really believe they are insulated from people who really want to listen in or intercept emails. I don't care if government comes a peeking into my phone, my emails, my texts. I have nothing to hide.

I have to admit when it first started, I was on the fence about it. But back then I had a tenant and friend living here of Lebanese descent that kind of pushed me to one side of that fence.

Even though he is all American born and bred here, he brought up the aggravation of being pulled out of lines at airports and being searched all the time. I asked why he doesn't try to take some sort of action against this kind of racial profiling? He told me that as much of a pain as it was, if it helps our government protect this country, and even more so our solders overseas, then it's the very least he could do for his country. And that's kind of my attitude as well.
The Patriot Act set the bar very, very low for authorities to eavesdrop and even enter buildings or private premises without a warrant based on such incredibly inane excuses as odd noises, much less any kind of suspicious activity.

The Technology discussed in this article was developed in Iraq during our illegal occupation and vanity war there. Now city governments have adopted it to spy on their citizens.

Sad to see the dupes here Who think that is OK
Because Bush isn't President any more he shouldn't be blamed or even held accountable for what he did while he was.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


but lets not hold him accountable, b/c that would force you to think for yourself, and that's just not possible

Prove that he made it stronger. Where's your source for this? The problem is he did not repeal it, which I was not happy about.
what did obama do to make the Patriot act stronger - Google Search

Obama on Mass Government Surveillance, Then and Now

Revise the Patriot Act to increase oversight on government surveillance

I wish is was still funny that now-it-all leftist don't know jack.
been 3 days and you have yet to thank me for educating you.

not that I expect you to have read the links, since you're just an election season paid poster hack
I said it was both Republicans and Democrats. They work very closely together to fuck the People. Obama has only made things worse. He's advanced the Police State agenda.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?

I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
I said it was both Republicans and Democrats. They work very closely together to fuck the People. Obama has only made things worse. He's advanced the Police State agenda.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?

I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!
I said it was both Republicans and Democrats. They work very closely together to fuck the People. Obama has only made things worse. He's advanced the Police State agenda.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?

I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!

The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.
I said it was both Republicans and Democrats. They work very closely together to fuck the People. Obama has only made things worse. He's advanced the Police State agenda.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?

I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!

The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.

Another fucking dodge! Did you respond to the questions presented to back up your claims? Fuck no you didn't you fucking worm! Here they are again, but I'm sure you'll just ignore them again!

Here is what you wrote:
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Here are my questions put to you in response to your posted assertions;
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and Congress certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
So are you going to dodge responding to the implications of your own assertions or are you once again take the cowards way out and make weaseling excuses to deflect you fucking piece of shit? Take that "Police State" dodge and stick it up your ass, you fucking tool!
The Patriot Act set the bar very, very low for authorities to eavesdrop and even enter buildings or private premises without a warrant based on such incredibly inane excuses as odd noises, much less any kind of suspicious activity.

The Technology discussed in this article was developed in Iraq during our illegal occupation and vanity war there. Now city governments have adopted it to spy on their citizens.

Sad to see the dupes here Who think that is OK
Because Bush isn't President any more he shouldn't be blamed or even held accountable for what he did while he was.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

The patriot act expired after Bush left office, it was you dear leader and congress that renewed it, they didn't have to.
The Patriot Act set the bar very, very low for authorities to eavesdrop and even enter buildings or private premises without a warrant based on such incredibly inane excuses as odd noises, much less any kind of suspicious activity.

The Technology discussed in this article was developed in Iraq during our illegal occupation and vanity war there. Now city governments have adopted it to spy on their citizens.

Sad to see the dupes here Who think that is OK
Because Bush isn't President any more he shouldn't be blamed or even held accountable for what he did while he was.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


but lets not hold him accountable, b/c that would force you to think for yourself, and that's just not possible

Prove that he made it stronger. Where's your source for this? The problem is he did not repeal it, which I was not happy about.

Not only did he not repeal it, he demanded it's renewal.
I said it was both Republicans and Democrats. They work very closely together to fuck the People. Obama has only made things worse. He's advanced the Police State agenda.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?

I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!

The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.

Another fucking dodge! Did you respond to the questions presented to back up your claims? Fuck no you didn't you fucking worm! Here they are again, but I'm sure you'll just ignore them again!

Here is what you wrote:
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Here are my questions put to you in response to your posted assertions;
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and Congress certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
So are you going to dodge responding to the implications of your own assertions or are you once again take the cowards way out and make weaseling excuses to deflect you fucking piece of shit? Take that "Police State" dodge and stick it up your ass, you fucking tool!

Sorry, but you have been duped again. Your guy hasn't done anything different than Bush. If you do truly care about civil liberties, you should be ashamed of him. Period, end of story.
Did you? Let's look at what you wrote to see if that's true!
Well, you didn't say then what you are claiming now, dipstick! Conclusion - You're a fucking LIAR and deflecting because you put you foot in your mouth and don't want to display what a bloody fraud you are!

My response consisted of three questions based on your three bullshit claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the NSA. Here they are again to refresh your dancing, dodging & deflecting "memory"!
Did you respond to any of the three questions I asked you to explain and justify your post to which I responded? Fuck No! Want to respond to those questions now or simply squirm away you fucking lying bitch?

I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!

The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.

Another fucking dodge! Did you respond to the questions presented to back up your claims? Fuck no you didn't you fucking worm! Here they are again, but I'm sure you'll just ignore them again!

Here is what you wrote:
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Here are my questions put to you in response to your posted assertions;
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and Congress certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
So are you going to dodge responding to the implications of your own assertions or are you once again take the cowards way out and make weaseling excuses to deflect you fucking piece of shit? Take that "Police State" dodge and stick it up your ass, you fucking tool!

Sorry, but you have been duped again. Your guy hasn't done anything different than Bush. If you do truly care about civil liberties, you should be ashamed of him. Period, end of story.
This wasn't about civil liberties...that was your deflection to keep from answering your lying assertions! You're a fucking coward who talks tough with lies, then when put to task for them, dances away like a frightened little girl! What a piece of shit you are!
I've given you the answer. You just don't like the answer. The Police State has only grown more oppressive under Obama. Him and his Party had a chance to change things, but they didn't. They made no attempts at all.

So what does that tell you? It tells you that they're all-in on this Police State too. It's a One Party-System. Hopefully, more Americans will figure that out. 'Republican vs. Democrat' is an old sham.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!

The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.

Another fucking dodge! Did you respond to the questions presented to back up your claims? Fuck no you didn't you fucking worm! Here they are again, but I'm sure you'll just ignore them again!

Here is what you wrote:
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Here are my questions put to you in response to your posted assertions;
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and Congress certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
So are you going to dodge responding to the implications of your own assertions or are you once again take the cowards way out and make weaseling excuses to deflect you fucking piece of shit? Take that "Police State" dodge and stick it up your ass, you fucking tool!

Sorry, but you have been duped again. Your guy hasn't done anything different than Bush. If you do truly care about civil liberties, you should be ashamed of him. Period, end of story.
This wasn't about civil liberties...that was your deflection to keep from answering your lying assertions! You're a fucking coward who talks tough with lies, then when put to task for them, dances away like a frightened little girl! What a piece of shit you are!

The more i hear from you, the less i'm convinced you really care about civil liberties at all. Because if you really did, you would acknowledge this current President has been an absolute disaster in that regard. He's just as bad, if not worse than Bush.
You made false claims about the Patriot Act, the NDAA and NSA. Since I challenged you to respond to those claims you haven't even mentioned those three! How could you answer without even mentioning them, asshole! You've been caught out lying through your fucking teeth and falling back on your Police State dodge! You've shown your true mettle you dodging, lying fuck! Damn, you're a miserable POS!

The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.

Another fucking dodge! Did you respond to the questions presented to back up your claims? Fuck no you didn't you fucking worm! Here they are again, but I'm sure you'll just ignore them again!

Here is what you wrote:
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Here are my questions put to you in response to your posted assertions;
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and Congress certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
So are you going to dodge responding to the implications of your own assertions or are you once again take the cowards way out and make weaseling excuses to deflect you fucking piece of shit? Take that "Police State" dodge and stick it up your ass, you fucking tool!

Sorry, but you have been duped again. Your guy hasn't done anything different than Bush. If you do truly care about civil liberties, you should be ashamed of him. Period, end of story.
This wasn't about civil liberties...that was your deflection to keep from answering your lying assertions! You're a fucking coward who talks tough with lies, then when put to task for them, dances away like a frightened little girl! What a piece of shit you are!

The more i hear from you, the less i'm convinced you really care about civil liberties at all. Because if you really did, you would acknowledge this current President has been an absolute disaster in that regard. He's just as bad, if not worse than Bush.
And you're a Gawd Damn fraud!
The NDAA was enacted on your guy's watch. The Patriot Act was 'strengthened' on your guy's watch. And it's been proven that the NSA is currently conducting massive domestic spying.

It's all happened on your guy's watch. Him and his Party didn't do a damn thing to change anything. They only made things worse. So i'm sorry, but you've been duped again. Don't be mad at me for that, be mad at them.

Another fucking dodge! Did you respond to the questions presented to back up your claims? Fuck no you didn't you fucking worm! Here they are again, but I'm sure you'll just ignore them again!

Here is what you wrote:
Obama has made things worse. He's actually strengthened the Patriot Act and enacted the NDAA. He's also supported the massive expansion of NSA domestic spying. That's the reality. Sorry to rain on some folk's parade, but it is what it is.
Here are my questions put to you in response to your posted assertions;
1. How did OBAMA strengthen the Patriot Act without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
2. How did Obama "enact" the NDAA without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Give precise specifics!
3. How did Obama enable the yuuuge expansion of NSA domestic spying without the complicity and aid of Congress or otherwise? Also, tell us how you know so much about the Top Secret Black budget covertly set by the POTUS and Congress certain members of Congress each and every cycle to accomplish the yuuge expansion and yet are still alive posting about in on a fucking message board! Give precise specifics!
So are you going to dodge responding to the implications of your own assertions or are you once again take the cowards way out and make weaseling excuses to deflect you fucking piece of shit? Take that "Police State" dodge and stick it up your ass, you fucking tool!

Sorry, but you have been duped again. Your guy hasn't done anything different than Bush. If you do truly care about civil liberties, you should be ashamed of him. Period, end of story.
This wasn't about civil liberties...that was your deflection to keep from answering your lying assertions! You're a fucking coward who talks tough with lies, then when put to task for them, dances away like a frightened little girl! What a piece of shit you are!

The more i hear from you, the less i'm convinced you really care about civil liberties at all. Because if you really did, you would acknowledge this current President has been an absolute disaster in that regard. He's just as bad, if not worse than Bush.
And you're a Gawd Damn fraud!

Back at ya. ;)
Mr. Bush needs to be charged and tried for TREASON against the American people.

Secret Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move From Above

Nahhh - Obama owns the Patriot Act. He liked it so much he extended it. Spin that away if you can. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Obama signs NSA bill, renewing Patriot Act powers | TheHill
By Julian Hattem - 06/02/15 10:44 PM EDT

President Obama signed legislation into law on Tuesday evening reinstating key counterterrorism laws and reforming the government’s surveillance powers.

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