UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Ah we're against evolution and climate science.......typical lefty....
Climate science is a joke......these professors and scientists can lead by example...if it's so dire, then they need to give up creature comforts first......show us how bad it really is.
Oh wait there's more....STATE FUNDING....the love of every lefty.....sorry guys.....you need to learn to live in a budget....and when you don't use all your grant money...that should be a good thing...but it isn't under the author's system.
I don't care if the ratio of liberal to conservative professors and administrators is 100,000:1.

The question and the issue is whether they push a political agenda, whether they distort, avoid or ignore opinions with which they disagree, whether they insert politics and political opinion into classes that should have nothing to do with politics, whether they promote the shouting down of opposing views.

This country needs critical thinkers, not drones. It needs people who question what they hear, who are intellectually curious and open-minded, not people who obediently fall in line with one "side" or the other. College is THE perfect time to be exposed to contrary and new ideas and thought at every opportunity, and any professor or administrator who consciously works against that is doing both the student and the country a grave disservice.
Republicans are DOERS.
Democrats, not so much.

Those who can, DO.
Those who can't, teach.
What a complete crock of shit. Since when is it anti-science to question jiggered manipulated climate data? Look Democrats support higher taxes which they then give to the university to buy their vote, Republicans support lower taxes. Its that simple.
Education is a calling and one of the most important jobs we have. Unfortunately, it's pretty tough to be an educator and a Republican as the GOP has a tendency to try to kill you and paint you as the bad guy for teaching. There's a fair amount of educators who lean conservative and would vote Republican if they weren't worried that GOP State Legislatures and Governors wouldn't immediately slit educator's throats upon being elected.
the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart
Education is a calling and one of the most important jobs we have. Unfortunately, it's pretty tough to be an educator and a Republican as the GOP has a tendency to try to kill you and paint you as the bad guy for teaching. There's a fair amount of educators who lean conservative and would vote Republican if they weren't worried that GOP State Legislatures and Governors wouldn't immediately slit educator's throats upon being elected.

It amazes me how people as stupid as you live to adulthood.

It used to be that the kid who ate the lead paint chips didn't grow up to have kids of their own. Thanks to excessive safety warnings imbeciles like you no longer die using Drano as a laxative.

the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

Nice place, has jack shit to do with anything.

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