Texas suffers the most severe drought in 100 years

You stand around mewling about how your nonsensical pseudo-science "remains unchallenged" but you seem to be unable to point out/cite some specific example of your nonsense that wasn't immediately debunked.

None of the claims I have made have been debunked. There is no need to point to any specific example that wasn't debunked because none have been debunked.


So you actually can't point to (with a link) or reiterate any claims you made that weren't debunked, but in your fantasy world, "there is no need to point to any specific example" because, in that safe little fantasy world, you're always right. LOLOLOLOLOL....such a retard!!!

I challenged you in post #107 of this thread and now 14 posts later you still haven't been able to answer the challenge. Pathetic.

"Point to something you've posted that you imagine somehow refutes any part of mainstream climate science and I'll point out where it was debunked. Or I'll debunk it anew with actual scientific evidence."

LOLOL. You apparently live in another universe with very different "laws of physics". The only thing 'supporting' your idiotic nonsense is your own insanity and ignorance of actual science.

Is it your claim that neither the earth nor the atmosphere emit an EM field? Is it your claim that one or both of those fields are not subject to the laws of physics that govern the transfer of energy via EM fields? Is it your claim that one or both of those fields are not emitted in terms of vectors? Is it your claim that the vectors emitted by one or both of those fields are not subject to the laws of physics that govern the behavior of vectors?

For example, are you making the claim that energy can flow from two EM fields in two directions along any given vector?
I challenged you to make a straightforward claim of something that refutes modern climate science, not to masturbate over strawman suppositions about my state of knowledge of physics. Put up or shut up.

No, wired&bent, I am suggesting that you are a clueless dufus whose knowledge of science and physics is minimal and usually mistaken. Your "whole topic" is such out-in-the-ozone pseudo-science that no real scientists have even heard of it, let alone bothered to refute it. Real scientists can't be bothered to refute the braindead claims put out by the Flat Earth Society either but that doesn't mean the flat-earthers are right by default, it just means that, like you, they are too crazy to bother with.

Sorry guy, but I didn't invent my position.
No, you scraped it off of some dingbat denier cult blog written by someone as ignorant as you are.

My position is based on very well known physical laws and long known knowledge regarding vector physics.
Your position is based on your ignorance, gullibility, arrogance, paranoia, and general stupidity. As well as a generous helping of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

My position has been stated in long known and accepted texts on subjects ranging from engineering to astrophysics. That it is entirely over your head is made blatantly obvious by your complete inability to point to any specific error on my part.
Your position is a misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the accepted texts. The entire matter is way over your head but you lack the intellectual ability to comprehend your own limitations or appreciate the extent of your ignorance.
My Baptist preacher friend told me that real reason for the Texas drought is to bring people to Governor Perry's presidential campaign. Pray for Perry, Pray for Rain, Then once again, Pray for the Same.

According to my friend.
So you actually can't point to (with a link) or reiterate any claims you made that weren't debunked, but in your fantasy world, "there is no need to point to any specific example" because, in that safe little fantasy world, you're always right. LOLOLOLOLOL....such a retard!!!

None of my claims or positions has been debunked, therefore I point to all of my claims as still standing.

I challenged you in post #107 of this thread and now 14 posts later you still haven't been able to answer the challenge. Pathetic.

This challenge? Was that a serious challenge? OK, thunder debunk this, it's easy and you can do the experiment in your own back yard. If you need a set of plans to make a reflector, just let me know and I will give you some with which you can make a reflector in a few hours for less than 15 dollars.

Take a parabolic reflector and, on a sunny day, point it at the sun. If you measure the temperature in the well of the reflector, you will see that the temperature quickly rises quite a bit above the ambient temperature. No surprise there. It is doing exactly what the second law of thermodynamics predicts.

Now take that same reflector and point it away from the sun towards clear sky but be sure that no part of the reflector is aimed at a structure. If you measure the temperature in the well of the reflector, you will see that the temperature drops to a level below the ambient temperature. This, also is exactly what the second law of thermodynamics predicts. The surface of the reflector is radiating heat to the cooler atmosphere.

The rest of this will need to wait till fall, but on a clear evening with an ambient temperature somewhere between 47 degrees and 33 degrees, after sunset, put a small container of water in your reflector and point it into the clear sky. After an hour or so, you will find that ice is forming in the water even though the ambient temperature is above freezing. Again, exactly what the second law of thermodynamics predicts. Heat is radiating out of the water to the colder atmosphere.

What this is, thunder, is observable, repeatable, empirical evidence that the downdwelling radiation proclaimed as part of the energy budget by your preists is not a reality. If downdwelling radiation were warming the earth, how do you suppose pointing a parabolic reflector at that self same downdwelling radiation could result in temperatures below the ambient temperature? How could that downdwelling radiation being collected by the parabolic reflector not raise the temperature in the well of that reflector above the ambient if it is indeed sufficient to warm the surface of the earth.

According to your priests, that downdwelling radiation inputs more than two times the energy of the sun into the surface of the earth. How could downdwelling radiation of such magnitude not cause warming in that reflector and how in the world could ice form at night when the ambient temperature is above freezing?

Debunk that repeatable, empirical evidence that the claims of downdwelling radiation in an amount more than twice the energy from the sun are just so much bunkum.

"Point to something you've posted that you imagine somehow refutes any part of mainstream climate science and I'll point out where it was debunked. Or I'll debunk it anew with actual scientific evidence."

Done. I look forward to your explanation as to how that downdwelling radiation that is warming the earth can also cause ice to form when the ambient temperature is above freezing.

Your position is a misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the accepted texts. The entire matter is way over your head but you lack the intellectual ability to comprehend your own limitations or appreciate the extent of your ignorance.

By all means thunder, tell me which physical law I have misapplied or what sort of mathemiatical error I have made. You keep making the claim that I am wrong, but remain unable to describe in any detail at all how I am wrong and what the nature of my mistake is.

Ask me how hard I was laughing today???
Looks like God is dropping the ball in Texas.

On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God’s messengers visited Rick Perry.

On this day, the Lord’s messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor’s office inside the state Capitol. Schlueter and Long both oversee small congregations, but they are more than just pastors. They consider themselves modern-day apostles and prophets, blessed with the same gifts as Old Testament prophets or New Testament apostles.

The pastors told Perry of God’s grand plan for Texas. A chain of powerful prophecies had proclaimed that Texas was “The Prophet State,” anointed by God to lead the United States into revival and Godly government. And the governor would have a special role.

Rick Perry's Army of God - The Texas Observer
I don't believe this. Rick Perry "prayed to God". I know if God was going to listen to anyone, it would be Rick. For the hokey George Bush accent if nothing else.
With Texas scorched by a blistering hot summer and parched by a 10-month drought, state agriculture officials are counting a record $5.2 billion in commodity losses, according to Texas A&M agriculture economists.

"The drought of 2011 will have a lasting impact on Texas agriculture," said Travis Miller with the university's AgriLife Extension Service and a member of the Governor's Drought Preparedness Council.

Livestock took the biggest hit, with producers losing nearly $2.1 billion. Next was cotton, with producers losing $1.8 billion. Other commodities hurt by the drought were hay, corn, wheat and sorghum, the agriculture economists said.

The estimates released Wednesday do not include losses to fruit and vegetable producers, horticultural and nursery crops, or other grain and row crops.

The drought began for much of the state nearly a year ago in September, according to Miller.

Report: Crop losses in Texas top $5 billion - CNN.com

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