Texas redistricting - You won't believe it

You see normal people... This is how they justify it to themselves..

They invent a lie that illegals immigrants are voting for Democrats by the millions... Spin around the Right Wings MEdia spin cycle a few times and hey pesto you have an alternative fact..

Using the Alternative Fact you now can oppress people and take away there rights because it is just fighting back... Then Repeat...
”Normal people” not like Hutch Starskey know that baby factory running ILLEGAL ALIENS = LITTERS OF NEEDY TAXPAYER DEPENDENT DEMOCRAT VOTING ANCHOR BABIES.
Its weird that you and Hutch Starskey didn’t know that.
Republicans offer Hispanics the opportunity to enter this country legally and take advantage of its freedoms to achieve whatever they want.
You leftists offer them free stuff in exchange for their lifetime vote. Didn’t work out so well for the black community.
Dear Leader failed on both legal and illegal immigration.

The Cato Institute. Hilarious.

OoOpS :lol:

Cato Institute - Right Center Bias - Libertarian - Republican - Conservative - Credible

Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable

  • Overall, we rate the Cato Institute Right-Center Biased. While Cato’s economic and environmental positions are strongly right, they also hold liberal positions through immigration and social liberty issues. On the whole, this places them Right-Center as we weigh economic theory more heavily in the overall score. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information and recognizing the consensus of science.
OoOpS :lol:

Cato Institute - Right Center Bias - Libertarian - Republican - Conservative - Credible

Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable

  • Overall, we rate the Cato Institute Right-Center Biased. While Cato’s economic and environmental positions are strongly right, they also hold liberal positions through immigration and social liberty issues. On the whole, this places them Right-Center as we weigh economic theory more heavily in the overall score. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information and recognizing the consensus of science.

Even funnier! HahaahaahhhaahhahHjHhJhHhJhJhHajajahahaha
OoOpS :lol:

Cato Institute - Right Center Bias - Libertarian - Republican - Conservative - Credible

Factual Reporting: High - Credible - Reliable

  • Overall, we rate the Cato Institute Right-Center Biased. While Cato’s economic and environmental positions are strongly right, they also hold liberal positions through immigration and social liberty issues. On the whole, this places them Right-Center as we weigh economic theory more heavily in the overall score. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information and recognizing the consensus of science.
Dimtards always hate sites where their factual rating is "HIGH">
Dimtards always hate sites where their factual rating is "HIGH">

No loon - I find Cato quite credible 90% of the time even though they lean right. If you were to use sources as decent as Cato as opposed to kook sites, you'd be a ton more credible. ;)
Texas got two new congressional seats due to population growth, 95% of which was non-white. Their bogus gerrymandering negates that fact. Exhibit A (or B perhaps) why we need nonpartisan committees to take care of this henceforth. MUST prevent this kind of BS.

AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday signed into law new political maps drawn by Republicans that cement the GOP’s grip on power for the next decade but blunt the voting strength of nonwhite voters who fueled Texas’ population surge.​
Critics say the redrawn congressional, legislative and State Board of Education maps do not reflect the major growth of the Hispanic community, which made up nearly half of the state’s population gain since 2020. People of color accounted for 95% of the state’s population boom over the last decade, with much of the growth concentrated in cities and suburban areas, census data show.​
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund has already asked a federal court to toss out the maps, arguing the redrawn boundaries violate the federal Voting Rights Act and dilute the voting strength of Hispanic voters. The new maps are generally expected to withstand legal challenges, but battles over aspects of the boundaries could last several years.​
A second federal lawsuit against the maps was filed Monday, with advocacy organization Voto Latino and a group of individual voters arguing the new U.S. House boundaries dilute Latino and Black voting strength in violation of the Voting Rights Act.​
Because Abbott signed the redistricting plans before a Nov. 15 deadline set by state lawmakers, the primary election is slated for March 1, 2022.​

Guv Abbott needs to be removed! Beto O'Roarke will become the next governor and Ted Cruz will be on permanent vacation in Mexico! LOL!


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Texas got two new congressional seats due to population growth, 95% of which was non-white. Their bogus gerrymandering negates that fact. Exhibit A (or B perhaps) why we need nonpartisan committees to take care of this henceforth. MUST prevent this kind of BS.

AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday signed into law new political maps drawn by Republicans that cement the GOP’s grip on power for the next decade but blunt the voting strength of nonwhite voters who fueled Texas’ population surge.​
Critics say the redrawn congressional, legislative and State Board of Education maps do not reflect the major growth of the Hispanic community, which made up nearly half of the state’s population gain since 2020. People of color accounted for 95% of the state’s population boom over the last decade, with much of the growth concentrated in cities and suburban areas, census data show.​
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund has already asked a federal court to toss out the maps, arguing the redrawn boundaries violate the federal Voting Rights Act and dilute the voting strength of Hispanic voters. The new maps are generally expected to withstand legal challenges, but battles over aspects of the boundaries could last several years.​
A second federal lawsuit against the maps was filed Monday, with advocacy organization Voto Latino and a group of individual voters arguing the new U.S. House boundaries dilute Latino and Black voting strength in violation of the Voting Rights Act.​
Because Abbott signed the redistricting plans before a Nov. 15 deadline set by state lawmakers, the primary election is slated for March 1, 2022.​

Such is the racist right.
KKK is you beyatch.
Guv Abbott needs to be removed! Beto O'Roarke will become the next governor and Ted Cruz will be on permanent vacation in Mexico! LOL!

Psst, that wasn't funny, you can stop laughing until you learn to tell better jokes

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