Texas Planned Parenthood wanted to sell aborted baby livers for $750 each


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Ripped from the womb and sectioned to put big bucks in their coffers.

Infanticide at its cruelest.

More of this disgusting story @ Texas Planned Parenthood wanted to sell aborted baby livers for $750 each, Daleiden trial reveals
More bullshit from a criminal.

Planned Parenthood offers fetal tissues at cost to be used in research. This is old bullshit.
Selling off organs from aborted babies. Just one of the perks of being in the abortion mill business.
Donating at cost.
Tissue is not "donated", asshole, but sold.

"Doe 7, an abortionist, admitted to procuring fetal tissue from the abortions she performed at Planned Parenthood. She also confessed to being familiar with StemExpress. She testified that she was aware of cases where money had been exchanged as part of such transactions. It is worth noting that StemExpress and Planned Parenthood Northern California are both under ongoing FBI and U.S. Department of Justice investigation for selling fetal organs and tissue illegally."
We have an alleged political whistle blower who is part of a political coup and is protected by democrats at all costs but real whistle blowers who uncovered the plot by PP operatives to sell human body parts were quickly outed and charged with a crime. The world is upside down.
More Fake News
It is illegal to sell for profit

Much scientific research relies on fetal tissue
It's illegal to cheat on your income tax too. That doesn't stop lots of people from breaking the law does it?
You have the reasoning powers of a child.
So, you prefer the remains be trashed?

With permission they are offered for research at cost.

Yoiu realize that companies sell fetal parts, right? Where do researchers get their materials?

Basically you support conning a non english speaking woman out of the money then? If they care so much, why don't they offer the minorities who get the scrape and sick the money? Why do they get to profit from the scrape and suck, but not the poor woman who is having the child killed because she can't afford it? Funny how you libtards are greedy the same way you say republicans are. Y'all even invented a whole new way to exploit children.
Dimwingers support infanticide, so it this really surprising?
What else you gonna do with a dead fetus?

May as well make a few bucks off the thing.
What else you gonna do with a dead fetus?

May as well make a few bucks off the thing.
"The thing" is...was, a human being.
You want to incentivize abortions which is the whole point. Planned Parenthood has a real economic incentive to promote abortion.

Any woman walking through their doors for "counseling" (the PP sales pitch) is of course steered towards simply treating their fetus as a useless hindrance just like anyone walking onto a car lot is going to be pushed, encouraged, cajoled and manipulated into buying a new car.

Even if nothing is gained financially from the abortion itself, the mere fact the PP performed another abortion is going to be a plus when Congress in lobbied for it's budget the next
administrative year. Planned Parenthood loves dead presidents even more than dead babies.
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