Texas now has more brown than white

Most of the Latino's I have met are very Conservative. The problems in San Antonio, Austin, and Huston are almost exclusively caused by White Liberals and their absolute belief that minorities can not survive without their intervention.
Today’s liberals (so called) choose to wear the mantle of the “white man’s burden.”

How paternalistic is it to assume that you are helping those who are unable to help themselves when you are speaking of others purely in terms of race?

The actual meaning of “liberal” has morphed over time. The direction of that change is from acceptable to disgraceful.
We stole it from Mexico, who stole it from Spain, who stole it from The Indians...

... so, fair is fair.
A reminder, Texas was just one of several estados that revolted when Santa Anna seized power. Thats why the flag had the date of the Mexican Constitution on it.
They haven't managed to get into the pool cleaning business though.

At least one has. I see their trucks parked in front of a house I drive by on my way to breakfast every morning. It's your typical Mexican house, a small two bedroom with 15 cars parked around it, and 5 work trucks and trailers. three or four look like they still run, and have the obligatory paper tags for license plates.

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