Texas man fatally shoots 11-year-old daughter while hunting, authorities say

I have a problem with IDIOTS owning guns. And I've known MANY gun owners who easily fit that description. Some can barely read.
I know! Let's require a literacy test to own a gun!
We can do the same for the right to vote!
And finally, I'll bet you'd reconsider your flippant remark about accidental gun deaths "approaching statistical zero" if you, or someone you cared about (if there is such a person) were the one who died because some moron was able to easily get a gun he was too fucking stupid to handle carefully.
There you go again - another fallacious appeal to emotion.
Rational, reasoned people are not swayed by such things -- why are you?
In 2018 about 58 kids died from heat stroke in hot cars. It's estimated that about 2,500 kids are injured every year in their own driveways from careless parents who back out of the garage. Tragically there are gun related accidents but they are fewer. Unless negligent homicide charges are filed let the people mourn in peace.
Yet I don't know of anyone who opposes common sense regulation of swimming pools.

We already have common sense gun laws….more than we need…

Our problem is that after we catch violent gun criminals democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians let them out over and over again……if the democrat party would stop doing that our gun crime rate would drop about 95%…..
A Texas man fatally shot his 11-year-old daughter Saturday in what appears to have been a hunting accident, officials said.

The child was identified as Daisy Grace Lynn George, a sixth-grader in junior high school in the Hallsville Independent School District, Harrison County Sheriff’s Capt. Tyler Owen said.

Harrison County is in northeastern Texas along the Louisiana border.

The girl’s father, who has not been publicly identified, has not been charged with any crimes, Owen said. The man was hunting when he was unloading a high-powered rifle, which fired and struck his daughter once, Owen said.

Although the investigation is ongoing, Owen said, the shooting appears to have been a tragic accident. “For it to be a father and daughter is just a horrible situation,” he said.

Dispatchers began receiving 911 calls at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday about a "hunting accident involving an 11-year-old female," the sheriff’s office said in a statement. "Further calls determined that a father had accidentally shot his 11-year-old daughter."

Air transportation was requested, the sheriff’s office said, but all emergency helicopters were grounded because of inclement weather. The critically wounded girl was transported with a police escort to Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, where she was pronounced dead, officials said.

How do you shoot someone when you're unloading a gun? How would a rifle discharge when you don't have your finger on the trigger?

Should a safety test be required before you can buy a gun?

He should be locked way. Obviously guess which way it was pointed ?
OTOH in that hood her momma and her older sister may have been the same person ?

Lil darlin...look down thissy here barrel and make sure ya kaint see nothin in thar.
I know! Let's require a literacy test to own a gun!
We can do the same for the right to vote!

There you go again - another fallacious appeal to emotion.
Rational, reasoned people are not swayed by such things -- why are you?
You're neither rational nor seasoned. You're an arrogant, delusional clown who is so insecure he just has to have the final word, in any exchange.

Please, don't bother to respond. Your first post was tedious, and things have gone downhill from there.

Say goodnight, Gracie.
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A Texas man fatally shot his 11-year-old daughter Saturday in what appears to have been a hunting accident, officials said.

The child was identified as Daisy Grace Lynn George, a sixth-grader in junior high school in the Hallsville Independent School District, Harrison County Sheriff’s Capt. Tyler Owen said.

Harrison County is in northeastern Texas along the Louisiana border.

The girl’s father, who has not been publicly identified, has not been charged with any crimes, Owen said. The man was hunting when he was unloading a high-powered rifle, which fired and struck his daughter once, Owen said.

Although the investigation is ongoing, Owen said, the shooting appears to have been a tragic accident. “For it to be a father and daughter is just a horrible situation,” he said.

Dispatchers began receiving 911 calls at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday about a "hunting accident involving an 11-year-old female," the sheriff’s office said in a statement. "Further calls determined that a father had accidentally shot his 11-year-old daughter."

Air transportation was requested, the sheriff’s office said, but all emergency helicopters were grounded because of inclement weather. The critically wounded girl was transported with a police escort to Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, where she was pronounced dead, officials said.

How do you shoot someone when you're unloading a gun? How would a rifle discharge when you don't have your finger on the trigger?

Should a safety test be required before you can buy a gun?


You can be unloading the gun by ejecting the magazine but there still be a round in the chamber.

Not an infrequent occurrence accidental discharge.
It's a waste of time trying to reason with someone with such an immature attitude.
Says the guy who presents fallacious appeals to emotion, not understanding that rational, reasoned people are not swayed by such nonsense.

And I don't recall your response:
Let's require a literacy test to own a gun!
We can do the same for the right to vote!

A Texas man fatally shot his 11-year-old daughter Saturday in what appears to have been a hunting accident, officials said.

The child was identified as Daisy Grace Lynn George, a sixth-grader in junior high school in the Hallsville Independent School District, Harrison County Sheriff’s Capt. Tyler Owen said.

Harrison County is in northeastern Texas along the Louisiana border.

The girl’s father, who has not been publicly identified, has not been charged with any crimes, Owen said. The man was hunting when he was unloading a high-powered rifle, which fired and struck his daughter once, Owen said.

Although the investigation is ongoing, Owen said, the shooting appears to have been a tragic accident. “For it to be a father and daughter is just a horrible situation,” he said.

Dispatchers began receiving 911 calls at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday about a "hunting accident involving an 11-year-old female," the sheriff’s office said in a statement. "Further calls determined that a father had accidentally shot his 11-year-old daughter."

Air transportation was requested, the sheriff’s office said, but all emergency helicopters were grounded because of inclement weather. The critically wounded girl was transported with a police escort to Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, where she was pronounced dead, officials said.

How do you shoot someone when you're unloading a gun? How would a rifle discharge when you don't have your finger on the trigger?

Should a safety test be required before you can buy a gun?

You gotta love those guns. They should be handed out at petrol stations. Further saturate to country with them. Blast the shot out of everyone.

The justification of hunting as an excuse has just gone down the drain.
You gotta love those guns. They should be handed out at petrol stations. Further saturate to country with them. Blast the shot out of everyone.

The justification of hunting as an excuse has just gone down the drain.

And your post should warn hunters that their shotguns and deer rifles are not safe from fascists like you. Too long many hunters have ignored the fight for th Right to own guns because they believed asshats like you would have no reason to target their hunting guns......and they are gravely mistaken.
In 2018, accidental gun deaths accounted for 1% (458) of total gun-related deaths (39,740) in the United States.

458 isn't trivial.
458 out of 600 million firearms legally owned is miniscule.
How would a rifle discharge when you don't have your finger on the trigger?
You should ask Alec Baldwin. As for your question, it's called a "negligent discharge". They happen regularly, even with people who KNOW how to safely handle a firearm. They're still "human" remember? If I did that and ended my child's life, I'd immediately join her. I couldn't live through that kind of horror. I wouldn't even want to try.
some of the most irresponsible gun owners are hunters.
I grew up around older uncles and cousins who taught me to hunt and to safely handle firearms. I've had 2 negligent discharges in about 50 years of handling weapons and thankfully, no one got injured. I understand your point though. I just think it has less to do with hunters as a group and more to do with careless, lazy people. IMO, the more dangerous group are those who carry a firearm for self-protection and refuse to train regularly.
You should ask Alec Baldwin. As for your question, it's called a "negligent discharge". They happen regularly, even with people who KNOW how to safely handle a firearm. They're still "human" remember? If I did that and ended my child's life, I'd immediately join her. I couldn't live through that kind of horror. I wouldn't even want to try.
Even this idiot was stupid enough to mishandle a gun. The head of the Oath Keepers was too stupid to check a gun before he decided to clean it, so now he wears an eye patch. He should have listened when that funny Christmas show told him "You'll shoot your eye out kid". From the looks of that nasty mouth, he should have listened when he was told to brush his teeth too.
A Texas man fatally shot his 11-year-old daughter Saturday in what appears to have been a hunting accident, officials said.

The child was identified as Daisy Grace Lynn George, a sixth-grader in junior high school in the Hallsville Independent School District, Harrison County Sheriff’s Capt. Tyler Owen said.

Harrison County is in northeastern Texas along the Louisiana border.

The girl’s father, who has not been publicly identified, has not been charged with any crimes, Owen said. The man was hunting when he was unloading a high-powered rifle, which fired and struck his daughter once, Owen said.

Although the investigation is ongoing, Owen said, the shooting appears to have been a tragic accident. “For it to be a father and daughter is just a horrible situation,” he said.

Dispatchers began receiving 911 calls at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday about a "hunting accident involving an 11-year-old female," the sheriff’s office said in a statement. "Further calls determined that a father had accidentally shot his 11-year-old daughter."

Air transportation was requested, the sheriff’s office said, but all emergency helicopters were grounded because of inclement weather. The critically wounded girl was transported with a police escort to Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, where she was pronounced dead, officials said.

How do you shoot someone when you're unloading a gun? How would a rifle discharge when you don't have your finger on the trigger?

Should a safety test be required before you can buy a gun?

We have to agree that this was an accident instead of the murders on the inner-city shitholes where blacks kill kids because of gang violence.

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