Texas governor says state facing 'massive' COVID-19 outbreak

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?

Maybe you should care more about Brits kneeling at soccer games, than what's happening in Texas.

I don't see you complaining UK having 20 times more death than Texas, but hey, Texas is the problem, right faggot?
Nope, our incompetent right wing government is as bad as yours. The world is dying because of shit populists.

UK didn't have right wing government since Thatcher. What you have today is left, and extreme left. The only right wing party (UKIP) has no political power.

Still, I don't see you talking how bad your government is, and to criticize them, yet you always seem to be spitting on US government. You're acting like typical leftist faggot, whose intellect doesn't come from natural sciences, reading scientific journals and books, studying the world by traveling, having spiritual insights... your "superior intellect" is simply something that you're born with. You know everything about about all nations and countries, even you can't find them on the map.

Of course, coupled with a beer, you know more about soccer than all the coaches in the world combined. You're self thought that everything you need comes from government which is economically your singular growing sector. It manifests as early as in your youth, when you realize that it's better to cheat on an exam than to study for it, since you're gonna get participation trophy anyways. Later in life, it gives you the brilliant idea that you can earn more by betting on games than by working. Basically, your "superior intellect" allows you to sit in a bar or be logged to message board and speak confidently about everything without actually knowing anything.

You believe that you are more knowledgeable than all the Nobel laureates, academics, former and current prime ministers and presidents, but at the same time, you despise the path to acquiring knowledge, and above all, those who possess that knowledge. You give your equally retarded government blank check to fuck you in the ass seven ways till Sunday, and you can't do anything about is, except to beg for more. Because that your purpose. To be a leftist. Precisely, leftist faggot.
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And thanks to the coast to coast asshole shoulder to shoulder protesters, we are going to see a lot of new cases.


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the state is facing a “massive outbreak” in the coronavirus pandemic as the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations hit record highs, and that some new local restrictions may be needed to protect hospital space for new patients.

Texas health officials reported a record-high 5,551 new coronavirus cases Wednesday, and another record of 4,389 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Texas also reported 29 new fatalities and saw its rate of positive tests reach 10.4%, its highest level since mid-April when Texas was still under stay-at-home orders.

Texas had just passed the 4,000 mark of daily new cases over the weekend and has seen cases and hospitalizations surge since then.

I recall that the Gov was not a big fan of the lockdown.
Those are big numbers. Maybe they should stop testing in order to bring it under control ?
Itll never match New York
I NO LONGER GIVE A DAMN.................

0.2% rate..............you can't stop the dang Flu or common cold .........so you can't stop this from running it's course.

To hell with the FEAR MONGERING that has destroyed so many jobs..........which in the end will be worse than the dang virus................

Oh and they are padding the COVID DEATHS...........I know people who had relatives die FROM COVID......both old...............One had Cancer with 1 to 2 months to live......COVID KILLED HIM..........and another Diabetes..............GANG GREEN from lack of circulation...........amputated the leg.......Gang Green still there...............HE DIED OF COVID........

Blow me FEAR MONGERS and those padding the death count.

Here's another COVID DEATH

Gang Green....do they have leather jackets and drive motorcycles?

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