Texas getting a tragic lesson in Climate Change science

Floodwaters Deepen After Storms Dump Another Foot Of Rain In Houston Area

My heart goes out to the families and victims of another climate disaster. We are sitting in our garage with the car running and wondering why people are dying--while GOP partisans say CO is perfectly safe.


HOUSTON (AP) — Floodwaters deepened across much of Texas on Tuesday as storms dumped almost a foot more of rain on the Houston area, stranding hundreds of motorists and inundating the famously congested highways that serve the nation's fourth-largest city.

Meanwhile, the search went on for about a dozen people who were still missing, including a group that disappeared after a vacation home was swept down a river and slammed into a bridge.

Several more fatalities were reported — four in Houston and four more in Central Texas. That brought to 17 the number of people killed by the holiday weekend storms in Texas and Oklahoma.

Similar search efforts unfolded just south of the Texas-Mexico border, where crews tried to track down the missing and assessed damage in the city of Ciudad Acuna after a tornado killed 13 people Monday.

I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.

Try to show some compassion, people are dying.

Thank you.

I love it when AGW nutters out the AGW as a complete scam. They do this in the way YOU just did:

If it's raining, it's Global Warming,
If it's flooding it's Global Warming,
If there is a drought, it's Global Warming,
Snow? Global Warming
No snow? Global Warming
Earthquakes? Global Warming
Volcanos? Global Warming
Is it hot? It's Global Warming
Is it cold? Global Warming

What more evidence does anyone need that this is simply a scam?
Floodwaters Deepen After Storms Dump Another Foot Of Rain In Houston Area

My heart goes out to the families and victims of another climate disaster. We are sitting in our garage with the car running and wondering why people are dying--while GOP partisans say CO is perfectly safe.


HOUSTON (AP) — Floodwaters deepened across much of Texas on Tuesday as storms dumped almost a foot more of rain on the Houston area, stranding hundreds of motorists and inundating the famously congested highways that serve the nation's fourth-largest city.

Meanwhile, the search went on for about a dozen people who were still missing, including a group that disappeared after a vacation home was swept down a river and slammed into a bridge.

Several more fatalities were reported — four in Houston and four more in Central Texas. That brought to 17 the number of people killed by the holiday weekend storms in Texas and Oklahoma.

Similar search efforts unfolded just south of the Texas-Mexico border, where crews tried to track down the missing and assessed damage in the city of Ciudad Acuna after a tornado killed 13 people Monday.

I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.

Try to show some compassion, people are dying.

Thank you.

I love it when AGW nutters out the AGW as a complete scam. They do this in the way YOU just did:

If it's raining, it's Global Warming,
If it's flooding it's Global Warming,
If there is a drought, it's Global Warming,
Snow? Global Warming
No snow? Global Warming
Earthquakes? Global Warming
Volcanos? Global Warming
Is it hot? It's Global Warming
Is it cold? Global Warming

What more evidence does anyone need that this is simply a scam?

Stupid con shits, once again: GW is measured on only one parameter but it has drastic consequences.

Parameter to measure (cons, pay attention to this, this is extremely complicated): Global Average Temperature

Got that? Average Global Temp means it's not just your sstupid backyard, it means all over the world. Average means we measure it over many years then calculate average and see the trend, if there's one. Temperature means temperature, it measures hotness and coldness. Do you morons understand how we determine what GW is now?
Ok lets have a rundown of what has happened in this thread so far:

1. You claim there is global warming because it's hot in the summer and because Texas flooded. Proof is given that the earth is cooling.
2. You produce some graph that shows only the last 100 years, and this is pointed out.
3. You ask for data from the previous billions of years, and that is given to you.
4. You decide that this data, since it shows that the earth temp fluctuates, is no longer relevant because it's "millions of years old."
5. You state that this "has never happened before" and photos are shown from as recently as 1935 of epic flooding in Texas. You ignore this.

So you think we will take you seriously?
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Floodwaters Deepen After Storms Dump Another Foot Of Rain In Houston Area

My heart goes out to the families and victims of another climate disaster. We are sitting in our garage with the car running and wondering why people are dying--while GOP partisans say CO is perfectly safe.


HOUSTON (AP) — Floodwaters deepened across much of Texas on Tuesday as storms dumped almost a foot more of rain on the Houston area, stranding hundreds of motorists and inundating the famously congested highways that serve the nation's fourth-largest city.

Meanwhile, the search went on for about a dozen people who were still missing, including a group that disappeared after a vacation home was swept down a river and slammed into a bridge.

Several more fatalities were reported — four in Houston and four more in Central Texas. That brought to 17 the number of people killed by the holiday weekend storms in Texas and Oklahoma.

Similar search efforts unfolded just south of the Texas-Mexico border, where crews tried to track down the missing and assessed damage in the city of Ciudad Acuna after a tornado killed 13 people Monday.

I'm sure the usually partisan hack trolls will have their fun and make jokes about cold weather debunking global "warming"... it's time to flush these retards and corporate shills.

Try to show some compassion, people are dying.

So, Texas has NEVER had floods before hmm? That what you're saying?:popcorn:
Your life must be miserable, and obviously panic filled, since you choose not to see past the nose on the end of your face, and no interest in seeing how long term history is actually very much relevant to today.
Or is your pocketbook just getting bigger.
In San Antonio, a light rain began on September 8. The rain continued the next day, growing more intense. Lingering over the northern portion of Bexar County, the storm dropped a foot-and-a-half of rain.

For the people of San Antonio, the rain could not have fallen in a worse place—Bexar County’s highest, rockiest terrain. Running down hillsides and draws, rain water filled Apache and Olmos Creeks and surged into the San Antonio River, bearing down on the Alamo City.

Sudden rises on Alazan and Martinez Creeks sent water ripping though low-lying areas on the city’s west and south sides. “Rescue workers began helping dwellers of the flooded districts to safety as early as 11 o’clock,” the San Antonio Express reported.

“Entire families were washed away,” police officer Jack Thompson said the next morning. “The cries of the helpless and the barking of hundreds of dogs made the night one of terror. We saw people within twenty-five feet of us, yet unable to reach them.”

By midnight, nearly fifty houses had been washed away, “churned into a shapeless mass of debris,” as the newspaper put it.

At 1:30 a.m. Saturday, a 12-foot wave swept across much of downtown. People still up and about raced up stairs in the city’s high-rise buildings, barely ahead of the lapping flood water. Others, trapped outside, tumbled downstream.
In San Antonio, a light rain began on September 8. The rain continued the next day, growing more intense. Lingering over the northern portion of Bexar County, the storm dropped a foot-and-a-half of rain.

For the people of San Antonio, the rain could not have fallen in a worse place—Bexar County’s highest, rockiest terrain. Running down hillsides and draws, rain water filled Apache and Olmos Creeks and surged into the San Antonio River, bearing down on the Alamo City.

Sudden rises on Alazan and Martinez Creeks sent water ripping though low-lying areas on the city’s west and south sides. “Rescue workers began helping dwellers of the flooded districts to safety as early as 11 o’clock,” the San Antonio Express reported.

“Entire families were washed away,” police officer Jack Thompson said the next morning. “The cries of the helpless and the barking of hundreds of dogs made the night one of terror. We saw people within twenty-five feet of us, yet unable to reach them.”

By midnight, nearly fifty houses had been washed away, “churned into a shapeless mass of debris,” as the newspaper put it.

At 1:30 a.m. Saturday, a 12-foot wave swept across much of downtown. People still up and about raced up stairs in the city’s high-rise buildings, barely ahead of the lapping flood water. Others, trapped outside, tumbled downstream.

After the 1921 flood.
San antonio was covered downtown with from 2-12 ft of water.
And in Williamsburg county over 38 inches of rain in 24 hours.
Wow and the world started in 1880? The world is 4 billion years old, what about the other 3.99999999 billion that you've left out of that graph?

OK so do you have the data to show us earth was warming and cooling for the past 3.9 billion or whatever number of years the earth's been around? I will wait, go ahead and dig up your data for the past 5 billion years, give or take the initial few centuries when the earth was cooling down after the big bang.

Gawd oh Gawd, do you realize that data from million years ago is no longer relevant? We have drastically changed the atmosphere as a result of human activity since the industrial revolution. I don't give a f*ck what the warming trends looked like in the past just as I don't give a f*ck about what the humans looked like in the past. I want to know how this shit is going to impact us here and now. And the here and now situation is the frightening situation.

You morons are incapable of understanding that even though earth may have been warming and cooling, idiots, the trend has accelerated. Gawd f**k us all, but the fact is we are making it worse.

Gawd, I gave you an example already didn't I? Just because huymans have been dying for billions of years does not mean we should ignore the current threats of tterrorism and gun violence.

Shit in my mouth someone.
Ok lets have a rundown of what has happened in this thread so far:

1. You claim there is global warming, and proof is given that the earth is cooling.
2. You produce some graph that shows only the last 100 years, and this is pointed out.
3. You ask for data from the previous billions of years, and that is given to you.
4. You decide that this data, since it shows that the earth temp fluctuates, decide that this data is no longer relevant.

So you think we will take you seriously?

Your past data is not "data". I didn't know we were measuring temperatures before humans existed. LOL! OK so you made bullsh*t up and passed it along as data. LOL! You expect to be taken seriously? Really? Who measured the data for you before humans existed? Your big sky daddy? Answeer that then we will go from there.
Gawd, C-u-n-t-s-e-r-v-a-t-i-v-e-s don't understand that just because you have local snowfall records does not necessarily mean that there's no global warming going on.

Here cons, let me explain: Just because you see a bunch of fat poor kids eating a Pizza, fries, coke and burgers at a local homeless shelter does not mean America's poor don't have a hunger problem. Understood?
So you are denying that climate change is a natural part of the earths eco system regardless of scientific evidence showing those changes in the past because the truth doesn't support your agenda? BTW your video is gay.

Once again, c-untservatives, the climate change is natural and manmade just like fire can be natural or manmade, you stupid morons. What you morons don't understand is that climate change is accelerating.

Do you morons understand science at all? Idiots, it's like hastening death. Yes death is natural, but when someone pumps a bullet into your brain (assuming you have one) it's called murder, not just death.

Global warming today is hastening the calamities facing this earth.

OK forget that, so how many guns do you own? And do you want to see Obama's birth certificate? Aren't those issues more important than science, economy, education, crime, foreign policy, wars etc?
Prove specifically that the flooding in Texas is man made and not natural. YOU CAN'T therefore one must assume that it's natural until proven otherwise. It's not like floods haven't happened before, history is full of them way before "man made weather" started. Labeling something without proof is poor science which is something you bandwagon jumping liberal morons don't seem to understand. You sit there with you mouths open ready to suckle the tit of liberal Ideas. Sometimes you get a tit and sometimes someone slips a dick in your mouth. Climate change for the most part is a dick delivered by Al Gore. I'm not saying that humans don't impact the weather but not to this extent unless someone's government has developed weather control weaponry. The crappy weather could be due to many factors including Volcanic ash which we've had no shortage of this year. Again look to the past. We've had shitty weather due to volcanic activity several times just in my lifetime. The pacific rim is on fire right now so yes it's going to impact the weather. Last I heard volcanic activity was entirely natural.
We could provide solid proof blood is red, but if it goes against your agenda, you would deny it.
Also, your flip flops beat even Kerry's, I believe.
And you expect any one to take you seriously?
Ok lets have a rundown of what has happened in this thread so far:

1. You claim there is global warming, and proof is given that the earth is cooling.
2. You produce some graph that shows only the last 100 years, and this is pointed out.
3. You ask for data from the previous billions of years, and that is given to you.
4. You decide that this data, since it shows that the earth temp fluctuates, decide that this data is no longer relevant.

So you think we will take you seriously?

Your past data is not "data". I didn't know we were measuring temperatures before humans existed. LOL! OK so you made bullsh*t up and passed it along as data. LOL! You expect to be taken seriously? Really? Who measured the data for you before humans existed? Your big sky daddy? Answeer that then we will go from there.
Its not as though its only Texasss. The storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods - its happening all over the world. And, with every example of unprecedented "weather", the deniers come out with the same venom and willful ignorance.

We are standing hip deep in gasoline and the deniers are collecting matches.

"storms, the earthquakes, the droughts, the floods"

Has been happening for centuries so why do you think any of it is "unprecedented"?

Do you own a dictionary?

Look up the word "unprecedented" -- then get back to us.

You clearly don't know what it means. This has happened MANY TIMES BEFORE. Only a idiot, with no knowledge of history, would claim this is "unprecedented".
Yeah your heart goes out to them but not so much as to not use a weather related tragedy to spread your partisan brand of hate.

Once again: You choose to deny science. This is not a "weather related tragedy" alone although I can't say whether it is or not. I am not a scientist.

What the scientists are saying is our climate globally is changing in fundamental ways. Remeber the science is always true whether you believe it or not.

Once again I hope you will wake up from your Fucks Nuse slumber party and learn the consequences of your own actions. CO2 in the atmosphere is not a laughing matter.

In the 70's scientist said we were heading toward an ice age. There were huh.... wrong then. Why should we think they are right now?

That right there is the biggest reason I refuse to accept what "science" is telling us without critical thinking. In the 70s it was well promoted that we would be out of oil long before this time and we are swimming in the stuff. We were told that the Earth could not support a population smaller then what we have today. We were told that genetically altered food crops would be the end of civilization. We were told lots of stuff and it turned out to be BS. Now we are told a 1 to 2 degree swing in temperature, when it hasn't increased in the US in 20 years, is a threat. I like warm and most animals do.
The living things on this earth have always done better in warm weather,you can't grow a T Rex in snow and ice.
Your past data is not "data". I didn't know we were measuring temperatures before humans existed. LOL! OK so you made bullsh*t up and passed it along as data. LOL! You expect to be taken seriously? Really? Who measured the data for you before humans existed? Your big sky daddy? Answeer that then we will go from there.

Remember that chart you posted from Giss.nasa.gov? Well here is your answer.

NASA GISS Science Briefs How Can We Tell Past Temperatures

In consequence, the many records of δ18O in ocean sediments and in ice cores, contain information about the temperature, evaporation, rainfall, and indeed the amount of glacial ice — all of which are important to know if we are to understand the changes of climate in the Earth's history.

There are ways to tell temp without a thermometer. We did it for thousands of years.
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Who knew? Globull warming was taking place way back in 1889? Idiots

The Johnstown Flood - May 31 1889 - HISTORY.com

You realize we're talking about Houston, and the rain hasn't stopped.

Maybe you should reread the OP and make sure you know where you are.

Stop pissing on the graves of victims, okay honey.

Fuck off and keep your nose out of my states business. You fucken ghoul.

But send more federal money ...


How about the federal government protect our borders so Texas and other border states dont have to eat the cost?
Yeah...fuck off dudely.
People are dying. Mother nature can be a vicious girl.

I pray for those lost in the floods and am so happy for those rescued. Some real heros come out of things like this.

But to try to push a partisan agenda from events like this is only something the slimiest slimeball would do.

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