Testimony of Alberto Rivera - Ex-Jesuit

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set

There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People

Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.

you have crossed the line---Jeremiah-----Penelope (good news) has stated that she left the church (good news for the
catholic church)

If she left the Roman Catholic church she shouldn't believe their lies any longer. She should be delivered of her hatred of the Jews and Christians - which is what the Romans are noted for.
read this, Rosie. For the truth about Catholicism and Islam. This is how it all began:

The information that I am sharing with you I learned from reading Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimonies which can be found at Jack Chick Publications.

Here is the information I learned:

Dr. Alberto Rivera was an ex-Jesuit who answered directly to the pope. He learned this information in secret briefings in the Vatican when he was a Jesuit priest, under oath and induction. A Jesuit Cardinal named Augustine Bea showed the Jesuits how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of the religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure.

A scheme had been developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city. The great untapped manpower that they would use to achieve their agenda was the children of Ishmael. The Arabs fell victim to one of the most cleverly devised plans ever devised by the powers of darkness.

Back when Israel was under the control of Rome, Bible prophecies were fulfilled. God raised up a prophet called John the Baptist to introduce to the world to the one who was prophesied to come. He said, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. (John 1:29)

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - John 14:6

The Bible says there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. ( see 1 Timothy 2:6 )

While Jesus taught - the religious leaders were plotting his arrest and execution. Jesus was crucified on the cross, rose on the third day and ascended into heaven and he is at the right hand of God preparing for His return.

Ever since the crucifixion, the prince of darkness has launched constant attacks against the minds of men to kill this message of hope. Satan's plan was to turn men into slaves and rob them of the truth of the Gospel.

Believers went forth with the Gospel even into Africa, setting up small churches. They were heavily persecuted. Both the Jews and the Roman government persecuted the believers to stop the move of God.

The Jews rebelled against Rome and in 70 A.D. Roman armies under General Titus smashed Jerusalem and destroyed the great Jewish temple which therein fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus in Matthew 24:2

Some of the Jewish refugees settled like nomads in tents in North Africa. The agents of Rome followed them and kept an eye on them. Corruption was eating away at the Roman empire and she was ready to collapse. Apathy, greed, perversion, and rebellion were eating away at the foundation. The slaughter of the Christians - feeding them to lions - was useless. The believers in Christ continued to lay down their lives for the Gospel. The only way Satan could stop this was to create a counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of God.

It took time. It began with the writings of the so - called "early church fathers." It was through their writings that the new religion began to take shape. The statue of Jupiter in Rome was called St. Peter, and the statue of Venus was changed to Mary. The site chosen for its headquarters was among the 7 hills, on a hill called "Vaticanus" the place of divination and the place where the Satanic Temple of Janus stood.

The great counterfeit religion was called, Roman Catholicism.

She was raised up to block the gospel, slaughter the believers of Christ, establish religions (false ones) create wars and make the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication, as you will see in the next post. Stay tuned. There is much, much more!
Since the Roman Empire was collapsing, they could no longer pay for spies. So the new religion took over that responsibility. The policies set up by the old Roman Empire were carried on...spying on Jews and Christians ( the believers in Christ ) and plotting their destruction.

Monasteries started springing up in North Africa. They were strategically placed wherever there was a Christian settlement. The religious heads of Rome had their eyes on the descendants of Ishmael who were living as nomads throughout Africa. The story of Abraham having two sons is true. Isaac ( not Ishmael ) was placed on the altar as a sacrifice but God provided another sacrifice and Isaac was spared. Ishmael was also Abraham's son and although he was not the son of promise God promised that this son would become a great nation, because he is thy see. See Genesis 21:13

Today the seed of Ishmael is almost 1 billion souls.

In the 4th century many in the rural areas heard about the holy man in Rome who replaced the Caesars. He had a strange army of priests, monks and nuns who fasted, prayed and helped the poor. The people looked at the religious followers of this man (the pope) with fear and great respect. In Algeria, North Africa, in 354 A.D. a devout Roman Catholic mother gave birth to a son and named him Augustine. Augustine was a genius and eventually became a "saint' in the Roman Catholic religion. He was the bishop of Roman Africa. He was called a Church Father. Augustine wrote two famous works, The City of God and The Confessions which, unknown to the Arab world - have greatly effected their lives.

Augustine was busy winning Arabs to roman Catholicism, including whole tribes but many Arabs hated Catholicism and refused to convert.

In time, spies were sent to those remote Arabs who rejected Catholicism and they were told that one day a great leader would appear, who would gather the Arabs together.

This is where Mohammad enters the picture.

200 years after Augustine, around 570 A.D. Muhammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Muhammad called himself the messenger of God. He established the religion of Islam.

In less than 30 years after his death, his armies defeated the Byzantine and Persian Empires and later his armies swept through Europe. Now here is the true shocking story of the real history of Islam.

It was the Roman Catholic Arabs who were pushing the concept of looking for an Arab prophet, just as the Jews were looking for their Messiah. The stories had been circulated for many, many years and when Mohammad was born, his grandfather, Abd Al- Muattalib carried Muhammad to the Kaaba and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to Allah for this gift. Mohammad's mother, Aminah, died when he was six years old leaving him an orphan. When he was nine years old, he was with his uncle on a caravan when a Roman Catholic monk saw the boy and questioned him. He saw a mark on his back and said it is the seal of prophethood. He told his uncle, take thy brother's son back to his country and guard him against the Jews, for by god.......if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will construe evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother's son of thine.

The Roman Catholic monk had fanned the flames for future Jewish persecution at the hands of the followers of Muhammad.
Muhammad was 25 years old when he married a wealthy widow, Khadijah. She was about 40 years old at the time. Muhammad and Khadjah had two sons, who died young, and four daughters. The most famous was Fatimahwho married Muhammad's successor, his cousin, Ali. (Shia branch of Islam)

About 610 A.D. Mohammad claimed he had a vision from Allah about a majestic being who he called the angel Gabriel, who said, you are the messenger of God. Note* I have read conflicting stories that Mohammad first told his wife he believed he had encountered a demon as he was grabbed by the throat and forced to recite verse, messages...

Back to what Dr. Alberto Rivera learned - With the help of his wife's (Khadjah) Roman Catholic cousin, Waraquah, The Prophet was able to interpret these messages.

some of his revelations were place in the Koran in 650 A.D. and other writings of Mohammad were never published. In the 5th year of Mohammads mission persecution came to his followers because they refused to worship the idols of the Kaaba. Mohammad instructed some of them to flee to Abyssinia.
Negus, the Roman Catholic King of Abbyssinia accepted them because Mohammad's views on the virgin Mary which were so close to Roman Catholic Doctrine.

In 630 A.D. Mohammad conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. Mohammad wanted to create his own religion. He needed the backing of his powerful tribe. He picked Allah, the moon god which they worshiped to be the one god and he declared himself to be Allah's prophet. History proves that before Islam came into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshipped the moon-god who was married to the sun-goddess.

They gave birth to 3 goddesses who were called Al-lat, Al-uzza, and Manat. They became idols and were worshipped throughout the world as "Daughters of Allah".

The crescent moon symbol is everywhere in Islam.

In 1950 there was a moon god excavated in Hazor in Palestine. The photo of him shows Allah sitting on a throne. With the cresent moon on his chest.

Allah is only an idol.

Why did the Vatican do this? The Vatican was desperately wanting Jerusalem because of its religious significance. But it was blocked by the Jews. Another problem was the true Christians preaching the gospel in North Africa. Somehow the Roman Vatican had to craete a weapon to eliminate the Jews and the Christians believers who refused to accept Roman Catholicism. Looking to North Africa they saw multitudes of Arabs as a source of manpower to do their dirty work.

A number of Arabs had become Roman Catholic and could be used to report information to their leaders in Rome. Others could be used as a 5th Column (an underground spy network) to carry out Rome's master plan to control the great multitudes of Arabs who had completely rejected Catholicism. When Augustine appeared on the scene he knew what was going on. Augustine was a very influential man with his own army. (he was also a genius) His monastaries served as bases to seek out and destroy Bible Manuscripts owned by the true Christians. Augustine was made a saint for faithfully serving his "Mother Church".

The Vatican wanted to create a Messiah for the Arabs, someone they could raise up as a great laeder, a man with charisma who they could train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind..... creating a mighty army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for the Pope.

In the Vatican briefing which Dr. Alberto Rivera was present for - Cardinal Bea told them the truth. A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the poe, played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She had given her wealth to "Mother Church" and retired to a convent. While there she was given a strange assignment, and sent back into the world.

Her job was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become Messiah for the children of Ishmael. She soon found Mohammad and they were married. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah, who, like herself, was a very faithful Roman Catholic. He had tremendous influence over Mohammad.

The Vatican had him placed in a critical spot as Muhammad's advisor.

Rome had found their man and money was no object. Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he underwent extensive training.

Mohammad devoured the works of Augustine under Waraquah's teaching and became a devotee of his works. This was preparing him for his "great calling"...

Under orders of the Vatican, Roman Catholic Arabs across North America began spreading the story of a great one.... who was about to rise among the people.

While Mohammad was being groomed, he was told his enemies were the Jews.

He was also told that the Roman Catholics were the only true Christians and that the others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked imposters and children of the devil that must be destroyed.

It was Warraquah, the Roman Catholic cousin of Muhammad's wife, Khadijah that was deeply involved in interpreting the visions of Mohammad.

Interesting history fact - from an early stage the Muslims received protection from Catholic kings because of Mohammad's "revelation" concerning the virgin Mary.

But the most interesting revelation is yet to come! Wait until you hear what the Ayatollah's in Iran have been in their hands! You'll be amazed! That comes in the next post.
There are unpublished works of Muhammad that are right now in the hands of high ranking holy men (Ayatollahs) in the Islamic faith. When Cardinal Bea shared this information with his Jesuits he told them the writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Because both sides have so much information on each other...if it were exposed? It would cause a major disaster in both religions.

In the Qu'ran Jesus is regarded as only a prophet. If the pope was His representative on earth, they also must be a prophet of God. Which caused the followers of Islam to fear and respect the pope as another holy man. The pope moved quickly to issue bulls granting the Arab generals permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa. The Vatican helped to finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three favors:

1. Eliminate the Jews and Christians (true believers, which they call infidels)
2. Protect the Augustinian monks and Roman Catholics.

3. Conquer Jerusalem for "his holiness" in the Vatican.

* My own comment - because the Vatican has not been able to destroy the Christians and wipe them out as they hoped (not yet anyhow) they appear to have loosened up on no. 2 because when Roman churches are burned and Catholics murdered - it confuses the world into believing the Roman Catholics are also Christian - the Vatican doesn't mind its own people being murdered so long as the end justifies the means - they murdered their own during the Inquisitions and the holocaust - it does not surprise me to see them repeat history here.
uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set

There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People

Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.

you have crossed the line---Jeremiah-----Penelope (good news) has stated that she left the church (good news for the
catholic church)

If she left the Roman Catholic church she shouldn't believe their lies any longer. She should be delivered of her hatred of the Jews and Christians - which is what the Romans are noted for.

She left the good stuff-------it's the lousy stuff she likes-----
You are TOO YOUNG-----but I remember circa 1964---
Pope John XXIII------issued a new edict "don't blame the jews <of today>" There were people INDIGNANT ----
they were so attached to their hatreds. My school at that time was notable for a weird balance ----approx. 1/3 1/3
1/3 ----catholic, protestant, jewish ------the catholics looked
slightly confused at don't blame the jews and now you can eat meat on Friday, some of the protestants murmured
"their pope thinks he can change history" ------and the jews laughed "gee, thanks"
Before the Inquisitions the pope realized that what they had created had gotten out of control. He also learned that the Muslims were calling him an infidel. The Muslim generals were determined to conquer the world for Allah so they now turned their eyes toward Europe. The pope was outraged and because temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic right of the pope he would not think of sharing it with what he considered heathens. So the pope raised up armies and called them crusades to hold back the children of Ishmael from grabbing catholic Europe. The wars continued for centuries............and Jerusalem slipped out of the popes grasp.

at the end of it all they went through formal negotiations and the signing of the concordats and the upshot of those negotiations were that Muslims were allowed to occupy Turkey in exchange for Catholics being allowed to occupy Lebanon and the Arab world. It was also agreed to permit Mosques in Catholic countries as long as Catholicism could flourish in Arab countries............

Cardinal Bea told the Jesuits that both the Muslims and the Roman Catholics agreed to block and destroy the efforts in their common enemy...............

Bible believing Christian Missionaries. (AND THE JEWS)

Islam is doing the bidding of the Roman Vatican and the Roman Vatican works for none other than Satan himself.
There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People

Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.

you have crossed the line---Jeremiah-----Penelope (good news) has stated that she left the church (good news for the
catholic church)

If she left the Roman Catholic church she shouldn't believe their lies any longer. She should be delivered of her hatred of the Jews and Christians - which is what the Romans are noted for.

She left the good stuff-------it's the lousy stuff she likes-----
You are TOO YOUNG-----but I remember circa 1964---
Pope John XXIII------issued a new edict "don't blame the jews <of today>" There were people INDIGNANT ----
they were so attached to their hatreds. My school at that time was notable for a weird balance ----approx. 1/3 1/3
1/3 ----catholic, protestant, jewish ------the catholics looked
slightly confused at don't blame the jews and now you can eat meat on Friday, some of the protestants murmured
"their pope thinks he can change history" ------and the jews laughed "gee, thanks"

Please do me a favor, Rosie. Do not ever believe a word coming out of a Pope's mouth. Just keep this in mind about history.............

It is bound to repeat itself!!!!

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. It isn't possible.
read this, Rosie. For the truth about Catholicism and Islam. This is how it all began:

The information that I am sharing with you I learned from reading Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimonies which can be found at Jack Chick Publications.

Here is the information I learned:

Dr. Alberto Rivera was an ex-Jesuit who answered directly to the pope. He learned this information in secret briefings in the Vatican when he was a Jesuit priest, under oath and induction. A Jesuit Cardinal named Augustine Bea showed the Jesuits how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of the religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure.

A scheme had been developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city. The great untapped manpower that they would use to achieve their agenda was the children of Ishmael. The Arabs fell victim to one of the most cleverly devised plans ever devised by the powers of darkness.

Back when Israel was under the control of Rome, Bible prophecies were fulfilled. God raised up a prophet called John the Baptist to introduce to the world to the one who was prophesied to come. He said, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. (John 1:29)

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - John 14:6

The Bible says there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. ( see 1 Timothy 2:6 )

While Jesus taught - the religious leaders were plotting his arrest and execution. Jesus was crucified on the cross, rose on the third day and ascended into heaven and he is at the right hand of God preparing for His return.

Ever since the crucifixion, the prince of darkness has launched constant attacks against the minds of men to kill this message of hope. Satan's plan was to turn men into slaves and rob them of the truth of the Gospel.

Believers went forth with the Gospel even into Africa, setting up small churches. They were heavily persecuted. Both the Jews and the Roman government persecuted the believers to stop the move of God.

The Jews rebelled against Rome and in 70 A.D. Roman armies under General Titus smashed Jerusalem and destroyed the great Jewish temple which therein fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus in Matthew 24:2

Some of the Jewish refugees settled like nomads in tents in North Africa. The agents of Rome followed them and kept an eye on them. Corruption was eating away at the Roman empire and she was ready to collapse. Apathy, greed, perversion, and rebellion were eating away at the foundation. The slaughter of the Christians - feeding them to lions - was useless. The believers in Christ continued to lay down their lives for the Gospel. The only way Satan could stop this was to create a counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of God.

It took time. It began with the writings of the so - called "early church fathers." It was through their writings that the new religion began to take shape. The statue of Jupiter in Rome was called St. Peter, and the statue of Venus was changed to Mary. The site chosen for its headquarters was among the 7 hills, on a hill called "Vaticanus" the place of divination and the place where the Satanic Temple of Janus stood.

The great counterfeit religion was called, Roman Catholicism.

She was raised up to block the gospel, slaughter the believers of Christ, establish religions (false ones) create wars and make the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication, as you will see in the next post. Stay tuned. There is much, much more!

You are scaring me....... I am not sure it was done all that NEFARIOUSLY-------and besides-------how did they ID the
children of Ishmael? The term is used in the Talmud-----
ISHMAELITES----so I did ask hubby ------what it means-----
He said the term describes people who live in tents in the desert and are illiterate and marauders-----generally dangerous living by raid and theft. It was a generic term
that did not actually mean they had to be related to
The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.

you have crossed the line---Jeremiah-----Penelope (good news) has stated that she left the church (good news for the
catholic church)

If she left the Roman Catholic church she shouldn't believe their lies any longer. She should be delivered of her hatred of the Jews and Christians - which is what the Romans are noted for.

She left the good stuff-------it's the lousy stuff she likes-----
You are TOO YOUNG-----but I remember circa 1964---
Pope John XXIII------issued a new edict "don't blame the jews <of today>" There were people INDIGNANT ----
they were so attached to their hatreds. My school at that time was notable for a weird balance ----approx. 1/3 1/3
1/3 ----catholic, protestant, jewish ------the catholics looked
slightly confused at don't blame the jews and now you can eat meat on Friday, some of the protestants murmured
"their pope thinks he can change history" ------and the jews laughed "gee, thanks"

Please do me a favor, Rosie. Do not ever believe a word coming out of a Pope's mouth. Just keep this in mind about history.............

It is bound to repeat itself!!!!

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. It isn't possible.

be calm Jeremiah I am not likely to ever talk to a pope----but they cannot ALL be bad. -------If I happen to be in rome------get lost and stumble into the pope and in DESPERATION ask "quick ---where's the ladies room"?-----
I will have to believe------I have this problem since childhood------QUICK!!!!!
how many hours of this shit must we listen too? let's condense what he said to major points please. if it's the the religions of this world are a pyramid scheme so the vast majoirty of the tax free money you weren't going to give to the need isn't give to the needy by these schemes? the pope already told us that a bit ago when he said you must pay "his" churches' vig to have a relationship with Jesus. lol. ain't that grand? does anybody have a clue how much money the church has on it's walls or banks?
The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.

you have crossed the line---Jeremiah-----Penelope (good news) has stated that she left the church (good news for the
catholic church)

If she left the Roman Catholic church she shouldn't believe their lies any longer. She should be delivered of her hatred of the Jews and Christians - which is what the Romans are noted for.

She left the good stuff-------it's the lousy stuff she likes-----
You are TOO YOUNG-----but I remember circa 1964---
Pope John XXIII------issued a new edict "don't blame the jews <of today>" There were people INDIGNANT ----
they were so attached to their hatreds. My school at that time was notable for a weird balance ----approx. 1/3 1/3
1/3 ----catholic, protestant, jewish ------the catholics looked
slightly confused at don't blame the jews and now you can eat meat on Friday, some of the protestants murmured
"their pope thinks he can change history" ------and the jews laughed "gee, thanks"

Please do me a favor, Rosie. Do not ever believe a word coming out of a Pope's mouth. Just keep this in mind about history.............

It is bound to repeat itself!!!!

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. It isn't possible.

be calm Jeremiah I am not likely to ever talk to a pope----but they cannot ALL be bad. -------If I happen to be in rome------get lost and stumble into the pope and in DESPERATION ask "quick ---where's the ladies room"?-----
I will have to believe------I have this problem since childhood------QUICK!!!!!

Go to a restaurant. They all have bathrooms.
how many hours of this shit must we listen too? let's condense what he said to major points please. if it's the the religions of this world are a pyramid scheme so the vast majoirty of the tax free money you weren't going to give to the need isn't give to the needy by these schemes? the pope already told us that a bit ago when he said you must pay "his" churches' vig to have a relationship with Jesus. lol. ain't that grand? does anybody have a clue how much money the church has on it's walls or banks?

The pope that told you that is a liar. You do not have to give him a nickel to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. How much money does the Vatican have on its walls, in its vaults / banks including their ownership of land, hospitals, schools, universities, publishing companies, etc? Trillions. Not Billions, Haissem123. TRILLIONS WITH A "T".

Did Satan not say if you'll bow down and worship me I will give you the world? (to Jesus) Yes, he did and while Jesus refused his offer it is quite clear the Roman Vatican did not!
Haissem, you asked how many hours must you listen to this? Until you are saved. Then you can join me and start helping out here. Thank you.
UHM------well-----there is this scary program created in SAUDI ARABIA-----I forgot the name of the SHAYKH------he has
conceived of a kind of movement to UNITE----all "monotheists"-------and create WORLD WIDE THEOCRACIES----if you read their stuff it seems that the actual plan is ----a divison of the planet between two kingdoms-----
a giant CALIPHATE -------and a giant HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

This monstrosity did and probably still does have a website-----
I just cannot remember its name. It sponsors meetings ----
with the word "INTERNATIONAL......" something and claims
membership by very prominent people------it scares me.
UHM------well-----there is this scary program created in SAUDI ARABIA-----I forgot the name of the SHAYKH------he has
conceived of a kind of movement to UNITE----all "monotheists"-------and create WORLD WIDE THEOCRACIES----if you read their stuff it seems that the actual plan is ----a divison of the planet between two kingdoms-----
a giant CALIPHATE -------and a giant HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.

This monstrosity did and probably still does have a website-----
I just cannot remember its name. It sponsors meetings ----
with the word "INTERNATIONAL......" something and claims
membership by very prominent people------it scares me.

Think, Rosie, think. I'd like the name of that website. In the meantime, do you know that it was Ignatius Loyola who founded the Illuminati? He was also the founder of the "Society of Jesus" better known as the Jesuits. About the Illuminati - the Roman spawned propaganda has the story spinned to claim it was a Jew. Is there anything new under the sun? No. The Writer of Ecclesiastes (Solomon) had that right. Of course as the wisest man on all the earth we should expect no less.

About the "Holy Roman Empire" - they have no plans on sharing anything. They will use the Islamists and Russians to get the Orthodox church in Russia under their control and the Islamists will get a trip to their paradise - if they have their way - AFTER they invade Jerusalem - but once again - they will come up empty handed because the Jews will remain in Israel. The anti Christ that comes out of the Roman system will declare himself God in the temple but that is when the Jews will be on to him and reject him. God always has a plan.
I am going to have nightmares

No. You are not. You are going to have sweet dreams and sleep like a top! (because G-d is in full control)

I wish He had done some controlling on that guy who lit
the Jordanian kid like a fouth of july sparkler

You do not know what that man said in his heart to God at the moment of his execution at the hands of those Muslim terrorists, Rosie. He could have said in his heart and with his mouth - Jesus I believe you are the Messsiah and receive you - forgive me of my sins - and in that instant - it is very likely he didn't even feel the flames because the LORD would have taken him instantly! So if that be the case? He is in heaven! Enjoying the beauty and majesty of heaven and has already met Jesus Christ face to face.

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