Tesla’s Elon Musk: ‘Population collapse’ is ‘biggest problem’ facing world

I thought a population collapse was good news since we wouldn't have to feed as many people or share as many resources. I guess when you are a CEO and a billionaire you get to smoke anything you want.

Haha. I have to admit both are billionaires. Yet, that shouldn't be used against their thinking. It is backed up by the demographers, "Demographers have for years already been warning Western countries with below replacement-level birth rates about what some call the “demographic winter” as a result of the decline. In such a collapse, the old outnumber the young, creating severe imbalances. Economies suffer. Some could even crash. The result could negatively impact, and could prove detrimental, to some of the main infrastructures — such as financial systems and healthcare — that contribute to living in a western democracy.

Population Research Institute president Steven Mosher said Musk’s comments on population collapse are accurate.

“An old-age tsunami is hitting not just the West and China, but all of humanity. China is now facing a demographic repression caused by the wanton elimination of 400 million people. So will the world as a whole in decades to come. Elon Musk is right,” he told LifeSiteNews."

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