
Have you met any terrorists?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters


I see so much 'informed' comment about the Boston bombers and the various witnesses' comments about how they seemed like good kids.
Many on the forum don't believe these accounts so I wonder what they base their ideas on.

How many forum members have actually met terrorists so can actually comment on their 'out of hours' behaviour?
I see so much 'informed' comment about the Boston bombers and the various witnesses' comments about how they seemed like good kids.
Many on the forum don't believe these accounts so I wonder what they base their ideas on.

How many forum members have actually met terrorists so can actually comment on their 'out of hours' behaviour?

I've never met any terrorists (I don't think), but I see the results of their nasty actions.

Why, do you know any?
I see so much 'informed' comment about the Boston bombers and the various witnesses' comments about how they seemed like good kids.
Many on the forum don't believe these accounts so I wonder what they base their ideas on.

How many forum members have actually met terrorists so can actually comment on their 'out of hours' behaviour?

I've never met any terrorists (I don't think), but I see the results of their nasty actions.

Why, do you know any?

Not "know", "knew".

Indonesian Police Strike Bomb Suspect Noordin Top's Alleged Lair | The Jakarta Globe

I had no idea who they were but I used to chat to them on a regular basis.
They had an Islamic bookshop in Wonosobo where we spent hours, chatting away.

Nice chaps on the face of it so I can totally relate to the witnesses who claimed the Boston bomber guys were decent.
I knew some folks in the JDL.

And a guy that was affliated with the National Alliance.

Not sure if that qualifies.

And they weren't at all "nice".

Delusional was more like it.
I knew some folks in the JDL.

And a guy that was affliated with the National Alliance.

Not sure if that qualifies.

And they weren't at all "nice".

Delusional was more like it.

I have never met anyone from either group so it's pretty much impossible to comment on their niceness or otherwise.

Top's pals were really nice to talk to. They's often pop into the internet cafe where I would hang out before I got my own connection. We'd sit down and I'd show them around the net.
I see so much 'informed' comment about the Boston bombers and the various witnesses' comments about how they seemed like good kids.
Many on the forum don't believe these accounts so I wonder what they base their ideas on.

How many forum members have actually met terrorists so can actually comment on their 'out of hours' behaviour?

I've never met any terrorists (I don't think), but I see the results of their nasty actions.

Why, do you know any?

Not "know", "knew".

Indonesian Police Strike Bomb Suspect Noordin Top's Alleged Lair | The Jakarta Globe

I had no idea who they were but I used to chat to them on a regular basis.
They had an Islamic bookshop in Wonosobo where we spent hours, chatting away.

Nice chaps on the face of it so I can totally relate to the witnesses who claimed the Boston bomber guys were decent.

I'll have to go read that Indofred, thanks. Well sometimes we think we and other people are on the same wavelength, if you know what I mean, then we find out they don't think like us after all. Sometimes that can take years of talking! I don't have any answers either. Been there too with thinking that certain people were the same, but they were not.
Partied with some guys from the E.L.F. in the 90's. One of them got sent to prison for burning down a housing development in SOCAL.
I knew some folks in the JDL.

And a guy that was affliated with the National Alliance.

Not sure if that qualifies.

And they weren't at all "nice".

Delusional was more like it.

I have never met anyone from either group so it's pretty much impossible to comment on their niceness or otherwise.

Top's pals were really nice to talk to. They's often pop into the internet cafe where I would hang out before I got my own connection. We'd sit down and I'd show them around the net.

I read your link. Wow, you talked with Top and his pals at an Internet cafe? That must have been a shock later on. Glad you are OK.
Partied with some guys from the E.L.F. in the 90's. One of them got sent to prison for burning down a housing development in SOCAL.

I remember reading about that housing development. Some of those ELF/ALF people were really radical in their actions. Sort of like some of the Greenpeace people - not all, just some.
I knew some folks in the JDL.

And a guy that was affliated with the National Alliance.

Not sure if that qualifies.

And they weren't at all "nice".

Delusional was more like it.

I have never met anyone from either group so it's pretty much impossible to comment on their niceness or otherwise.

Top's pals were really nice to talk to. They's often pop into the internet cafe where I would hang out before I got my own connection. We'd sit down and I'd show them around the net.

I read your link. Wow, you talked with Top and his pals at an Internet cafe? That must have been a shock later on. Glad you are OK.

Not just once but several times. If I walked past their bookshop, they'd call me in for a chat.
I think they were interested in the white English Muslim.
Oddly enough, I used to go to mosque with some of the cops that killed them (or at least were at the operation).
I watched it live on TV from just a few miles away but had an SMS conversation with a police mate who was on site at the time.
D88, the specialist police division, were really crap and amateurish in their attempts to enter the building. They totally missed obvious danger spots and left themselves open to being shot. One guy even walked past a window.
I have never met anyone from either group so it's pretty much impossible to comment on their niceness or otherwise.

Top's pals were really nice to talk to. They's often pop into the internet cafe where I would hang out before I got my own connection. We'd sit down and I'd show them around the net.

I read your link. Wow, you talked with Top and his pals at an Internet cafe? That must have been a shock later on. Glad you are OK.

Not just once but several times. If I walked past their bookshop, they'd call me in for a chat.
I think they were interested in the white English Muslim.
Oddly enough, I used to go to mosque with some of the cops that killed them (or at least were at the operation).
I watched it live on TV from just a few miles away but had an SMS conversation with a police mate who was on site at the time.
D88, the specialist police division, were really crap and amateurish in their attempts to enter the building. They totally missed obvious danger spots and left themselves open to being shot. One guy even walked past a window.

Guess it depends on how well certain police/security forces train. I saw a program about the Mumbai attacks back in 2008 - the responding 'special police force' didn't have detailed floorplans of the hotels to be able to plan and sweep through to get the terrorists. It took them several days. - Guess they won't be making THAT mistake again. The terrorists from Pakistan, sympathizers with Al Qaeda, had people inside the hotels who worked there for months, sketched up the floorplans and knew the buildings backwards and forewards.

Security people need to train & have the same information long before any attack occurs.
Are terrorists ideological or just plain sadistic? Personally, I believe that they are sadistic in their spirit, but use their idology as means to terrorize the people for their own pleasure. You see, there is a correlation, and most of the case it's their sadistic behavior or personality that push them into becoming terrorist, not religion. Having said that, religion does indeed well coalesce with their personality.

My prayers go to the people of Boston.
Are terrorists ideological or just plain sadistic? Personally, I believe that they are sadistic in their spirit, but use their idology as means to terrorize the people for their own pleasure. You see, there is a correlation, and most of the case it's their sadistic behavior or personality that push them into becoming terrorist, not religion. Having said that, religion does indeed well coalesce with their personality.

My prayers go to the people of Boston.

Isn't that saying the same thing??
Are terrorists ideological or just plain sadistic? Personally, I believe that they are sadistic in their spirit, but use their idology as means to terrorize the people for their own pleasure. You see, there is a correlation, and most of the case it's their sadistic behavior or personality that push them into becoming terrorist, not religion. Having said that, religion does indeed well coalesce with their personality.

My prayers go to the people of Boston.

Isn't that saying the same thing??

What I meant was that religion is not the culprit in the making of the terorrist. The real culprit is their behavior and personality. Religion is is used as a device of expression.
Are terrorists ideological or just plain sadistic? Personally, I believe that they are sadistic in their spirit, but use their idology as means to terrorize the people for their own pleasure. You see, there is a correlation, and most of the case it's their sadistic behavior or personality that push them into becoming terrorist, not religion. Having said that, religion does indeed well coalesce with their personality.

My prayers go to the people of Boston.

Isn't that saying the same thing??

What I meant was that religion is not the culprit in the making of the terorrist. The real culprit is their behavior and personality. Religion is is used as a device of expression.

Dunno. Then why is 'the religion of peace' the only one churning out jihadists who kill innocent travelers, hotel guests, movie theater patrons, schoolchildren, marathon runners, airplane passengers, military base personnel and recruiters, CIA employees, embassy workers, ambassadors, cruise ship passengers, and officer workers on an ongoing and regular basis???? No anarchist or left-wing/right-wing domestic terrorists even come close to a track record like this.
Isn't that saying the same thing??

What I meant was that religion is not the culprit in the making of the terorrist. The real culprit is their behavior and personality. Religion is is used as a device of expression.

Dunno. Then why is 'the religion of peace' the only one churning out jihadists who kill innocent travelers, hotel guests, movie theater patrons, schoolchildren, marathon runners, airplane passengers, military base personnel and recruiters, CIA employees, embassy workers, ambassadors, cruise ship passengers, and officer workers on an ongoing and regular basis???? No anarchist or left-wing/right-wing domestic terrorists even come close to a track record like this.

Yeah, they do have a substantial track record which no other terrorist group beats. But their actions are still not too different from left-wing/anarchist/right-wing terrorist. They are, in nature, the same essential matter. It also seems that in Islamistic jihaadism the target of their terrorist conspiracies are ordinary people, and to some degree military personells. Let's not take in account the occupied regions in south-east Asia. After the decay of Soviet union, US needed a focal point in which they could exercise and validate their position as superpower. The 94 bombings of World trade center induced series of process that would eventually with the help of 2001 bombings consolidate their interference in the middle east. This opportunity gave way for US presence in middle east and more extensive surveillance in the world, but it also helped to spread Global jihadism and its new mentality.

Wouldn't the number of terrorist attacks carried out by left-wing or right-wing groups been higher, if the fall of Soviet union or the dissolution of some fascist states didn't happen?
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