Terrorist WMDs that no one dares talk about that could destroy us tomorrow.



Our society is on the brink of destruction. Take a gander at http://www.wmdterrordefense.info to see the major threats that already exist. A Liberal Democrat in the White House will open the door wide. What we have to hope for and work for is the re-election of President Bush and let him finish the clean up job he has started. This will not be an easy task since dems and liberals are more interested in getting payback for the persecution of Bill Clinton. Politics as usual threaten us all. Bin Ladin is out there and so are many many others who want to see our destruction and a new world order.

We need all the help we can get to fund radio commercials for www.BUSH4MORE.COM, a grass roots campaign strategic effort to nurture clear and pragmatic awareness and thinking in the voting public. Are you willing to invest in this effort and the future by helping me go the extra mile to keep George Bush in the White House?

Yes, welcome (from a fellow newbie) and thanks for post!

DAMN! I just read the link.... scary sh*t!
welcome carl046!!!! interesting read! I do have a thought on the supertanker theory... as these ships are soo huge that they have to be unloaded offshore...would not one of these big ass sunsabitches stick out if they tried to gain entrance to a harbor??? even if they could fit in said habor...last I knew all ships were brought into port by a pilot that works OUT of the harbor..not for the ship owner...just thought would toss that out for you....got to love that discovery channel....
Originally posted by evilarnold
Exactly! Imagine if Clinton paid less attention to those cigar's and a little more to Bin Laden! He had his chance and blew it!

I thought monica blew it. Clinton poked it and smoked it.

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