"TERROR IN AMERICA" on the Kelly File Friday night at 9PM on Fox News
Megan Kelly, a controversial and tough journalist has an hour special Friday night consisting of a panel of Islamic Imams, Orlando terrorist victims, Progressives, vets who have fought terrorists, Sgt. Kimberly D. Munley who stood eight feet from Nidal Hassan, both with guns, stood her ground and took him down.
She has a panel of about 20 on all sides of the equation. You can't combine all those opinions without fireworks! I already record her program so I'm all set. Love her or hate her, her specials are always dynamic, controversial and heated. Hate me or love me but trust me
If you can't see it live, DVR it and watch it later.
Get a first-hand view of all sides to the increasing terrorist threat.
Megan Kelly, a controversial and tough journalist has an hour special Friday night consisting of a panel of Islamic Imams, Orlando terrorist victims, Progressives, vets who have fought terrorists, Sgt. Kimberly D. Munley who stood eight feet from Nidal Hassan, both with guns, stood her ground and took him down.
She has a panel of about 20 on all sides of the equation. You can't combine all those opinions without fireworks! I already record her program so I'm all set. Love her or hate her, her specials are always dynamic, controversial and heated. Hate me or love me but trust me
If you can't see it live, DVR it and watch it later.
Get a first-hand view of all sides to the increasing terrorist threat.