Terrible Ted The Television Tough Guy....What A Pathetic Jackass


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Ted Cruz doesn't do anything unless it's in front of cameras. He's nearly as packaged and rehearsed as Hillary. Yesterday the television tough guy looked into the camera, point his finger into it, and right on cue, called Donald Trump "A Sniveling Coward". Ted Cruz: Trump is a 'Sniveling Coward'

Wow......that's impressive!!! Add that to the packaged threat he gave Trump two days ago stolen right from Michael Douglass's line in "The American President". This is good for MME or something, but not for our government.

I can't think of anyone I would want in the White House less than a guy who loves to make threats to other public officials on television. The real coward here is Ted Cruz. He can't say this sort of thing to Trump in person. He does it in front of the cameras so Trump can't belt him in the mouth.

Ted Cruz has been conducting a nasty campaign. Stealing Ben Carson votes in Iowa, Rubio votes in Idaho, generally a nasty SOB trying to act like a born again Christian.

The Democrats used Ted Cruz as a poster boy to shut down the government in 2013. Ted felt he had to go on the floor of the Senate and give a speech telling the Republicans to stand firm and don't give in to Obama's budget demands. Folks, it was all just an showboating act. The government shut down some parks and memorials, but the budget was passed and Obama got everything he wanted, and it gave the media something else to blame on the Republicans. This established Cruz's bonafides as a strict unbending conservative. Something he really isn't. He also claims to be an outsider when in fact he's been behind the scenes working with the establishment for over a decade. Ted Cruz's Claim to Truth Is a Big Fat Lie

During the campaign Ted was seen receiving a blessing from a pastor in front of cameras, something that I felt was unseemly for several reasons. Real Christians don't show off their faith to anyone who will listen to them. It is unseemly to a real Christian. It shows pride and a lack of humility that is discouraged inside the Church.


Romans 14:22 The faith you have, keep to yourself before God. Blessed is the one who does not judge himself by what he approves.
What this means is don't bring attention to yourself when it comes to your Christianity. Don't act like a Pharisee who wears flashy clothes and loudly proclaims to the crowd his faith in the God Almighty. The key to living like a Christian is be private about it. Don't broadcast it so all can hear, and possibly use it against you.

How can you call yourself a Christian when all you do every time you open your mouth is lie about someone. Ted claims that Donald Trump wrote 4 checks to Hillary Clinton. How does he know how many checks Trump wrote to Hillary? He also forgot to mention the amounts of those checks. Probably because they came to a grand total of only $700. Ted has been insulting Trump every time he opens his mouth. He can't help it. Even when a journalist asks Ted about his own policies, Ted Cruz launches instead into a nasty tirade of imaginary Trump flaws. Trump hates women. Trump hates America. Trump hates fuzzy puppies. Ted is giving Hillary free advertisement every time he's asked to talk about world events. If anyone is a nasty Ogre, it's Ted Cruz talking about Trump. To be frank, I'm getting tired of it.

When Bush was still in the race, Jeb was the one throwing the insults at Trump. When Jeb dropped out, Rubio started doing it, talking about his small hands and thus his small penis. Since Rubio had to drop out, Ted Cruz can't seem to shut up about Trump. Meanwhile all Hillary has to do is sit on her ass and wait for openings, talk about how presidential she is. It's pathetic.
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So, we have the two top GOP contenders posting pictures of each others wives and exchanging grade schoolyard insults. Do we want to have either one of these men with their finger on the nuclear button? Seems to me that they are disqualifying themselves for the job they seek.
So, we have the two top GOP contenders posting pictures of each others wives and exchanging grade schoolyard insults. Do we want to have either one of these men with their finger on the nuclear button? Seems to me that they are disqualifying themselves for the job they seek.
The funny thing is....neither is the security risk Hillary is. At least they air it out. Hillary hides all of her dirt and is willing to pay dearly to keep is secret, a massive textbook security risk.

Real Christians don't show off their faith to anyone who will listen to them. It is unseemly to a real Christian. It shows pride and a lack of humility that is discouraged inside the Church.

'Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of...'

Christians are called to emulate Christ in their daily lives, but they are also called to go out and spread God's word. Yes, their is a difference between flaunting religion and being and living Christ-like. Not attacking you or necessarily disagreeing with you, just wanted to say this.
the trump pattern, attack who ever is in second place! can you imagine if it was Sarah Palin who was only 2 point behind the donald? what body part or parts would donald be making fun of? especially being Sarah Palin has at least 24 sexy body parts.
Trump is a public official now? There goes the anti establishment claim.

When a "public official" attacks your wife on Twitter see how happy you are with him when asked about it.
So, we have the two top GOP contenders posting pictures of each others wives and exchanging grade schoolyard insults. Do we want to have either one of these men with their finger on the nuclear button? Seems to me that they are disqualifying themselves for the job they seek.

No we have one GOP contender posting pictures of the others wife.

You want to give the nuclear codes to the barking dog or the idiot?
What a pathetic slime ball scumbag loser Cruz is....
He was fine with all the sneaky underhanded things his people were doing during the campaign
including the pic of Trump's wife.Then when Trump responds like we all knew he would then Cruz
blasts Trump for bringing family members into the fray.
And the media is all over Trump for doing what he did but Cruz and his people started this....
Avatar, saw that in context, and your characterization is out in left field. And Sanders is anything but an idiot. The Dems have to people running on their records and their policy positions. Whether you agree with either of them is immaterial. They are still running as candidates should run. The two GOP leaders are running as school yard bullies, and people are getting real disgusted with both of them. People, not Dems or Republicans. One of these guys ends up your nominee, you will see a large crossover for the Democratic nominee.

Real Christians don't show off their faith to anyone who will listen to them. It is unseemly to a real Christian. It shows pride and a lack of humility that is discouraged inside the Church.

'Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of...'

Christians are called to emulate Christ in their daily lives, but they are also called to go out and spread God's word. Yes, their is a difference between flaunting religion and being and living Christ-like. Not attacking you or necessarily disagreeing with you, just wanted to say this.
The point being anyone who is a bragging Christian who flaunts his faith, wears it on his sleeve, isn't a true child of God.
Avatar, saw that in context, and your characterization is out in left field. And Sanders is anything but an idiot. The Dems have to people running on their records and their policy positions. Whether you agree with either of them is immaterial. They are still running as candidates should run. The two GOP leaders are running as school yard bullies, and people are getting real disgusted with both of them. People, not Dems or Republicans. One of these guys ends up your nominee, you will see a large crossover for the Democratic nominee.
The two Democrats running aren't really running. It's no contest because the outcome was decided before the gun sounded. Super Delegates decided this so-called race already.
So, we have the two top GOP contenders posting pictures of each others wives and exchanging grade schoolyard insults. Do we want to have either one of these men with their finger on the nuclear button? Seems to me that they are disqualifying themselves for the job they seek.

No we have one GOP contender posting pictures of the others wife.

You want to give the nuclear codes to the barking dog or the idiot?
As opposed to the woman who thinks she is above the law and committed acts that any of us would be breaking rocks in Leavenworth for.
Trump is a public official now? There goes the anti establishment claim.

When a "public official" attacks your wife on Twitter see how happy you are with him when asked about it.
Public official, celebrity, personality, presidential front-runner, whatever. Just running for office doesn't make you part of the establishment, you friggen idiot.
the trump pattern, attack who ever is in second place! can you imagine if it was Sarah Palin who was only 2 point behind the donald? what body part or parts would donald be making fun of? especially being Sarah Palin has at least 24 sexy body parts.
Trump attacks those who attack him.

Cruz hides behind other people when they went after Trump's wife to start all this.
Then when Trump responds like the whole world knew he would Cruz acts all offended and takes the high road....
Cruz acts all tough defending his wife....

Hey slimy Ted....
Start reeling your people in a bit then you wouldn't have to deal with this.
Just remember

Beneath the package persona of a politician may exist a man that will work for you ........or not!

Record, check his record. That tells you who the
Politician is.

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