Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Because of obamacare single men will no longer have to buy crappy insurance that doesn't provide for maternity care and lactation training.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

As always - the idiot Dumbocrat creates the problem and then cries the loudest about the problem. Then they suggest a "fix" for the problem they created themselves which is exponentially worse than the original problem. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Atlas Shrugged, anyone?!?

[MENTION=43400]OnePercenter[/MENTION], the beauty of the free market is that you are completely and totally empowered to get up off of your lazy ass and "fix" it yourself without forcing other people to do your bidding like a mini-Saddam Hussein. So why don't you create a health insurance company which doesn't offer "crappy" insurance, but instead offers cadillac plan insurance (oh wait, that's right, cadillac plans were outlawed by Obama in Obamacare - which was designed to create "affordable, quality health insurance" - which is exactly what a cadillac plan is but then was outlawed... but I digress). So anyway - why don't you offer exceptional plans to the American people?
Why didn't health care overhaul address the single largest driver of health care increases, tort reform?
How about my right to decide for myself what type of insurance I need or want? How about letting me decide if the insurance I have or want is crappy or not? Despite what the President and other's in the government might think I'm more than capable of making my own decisions in matters like this I can decide if something is crappy or substandard on my own thank you very fucking much.
How about my right to decide for myself what type of insurance I need or want? How about letting me decide if the insurance I have or want is crappy or not? Despite what the President and other's in the government might think I'm more than capable of making my own decisions in matters like this I can decide if something is crappy or substandard on my own thank you very fucking much.

How about we take down all the speed limit signs and trust that everyone is more capable of deciding what's a safe speed than is the government?
Crap policies? Who are you to say they are 'crap' policies? How are they 'crap' policies to begin with? Naturally, I wouldn't pick a crap policy. Even if I did, I would like to be able to select a crap policy without my government breathing down my neck.

In all seriousness, people picked these plans because they suited their needs the best. Not because they were 'crap' policies. How does a Cadillac plan all of a sudden become "substandard" under Obamacare? Yours is a shitty excuse for cancelling the insurance of over 2,100,000 people.

I don't have any insurance right now. Reason being the market has been thrown into such a state of chaos, I'd dare not

What people like you don't understand and don't want to understand is that there are provisions in the ACA that require the insurance companies to sell policies that aren't crap,

or pay the price for doing so:

Beyond Rebates: How Much Are Consumers Saving from the ACA?s Medical Loss Ratio Provision? | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Sorry, not falling for your bunk tonight. The entire law itself is crap. It doesn't matter what provisions say what. If only 6 people managed to sign up for the damned thing, what good will these provisions do? At the 24 hour rate of enrollment we saw on Oct 1, it would take 3,196 years for 7 million people to sign up for Obamacare.

Stop defending it. This is the end of the line foe the ACA. Those 2.1 million people aren't saving money by being kicked off their plans and forced into more expensive ones. You can take that nonsense elsewhere.

You're a perfect example of why conservatism always loses to progress.
How about my right to decide for myself what type of insurance I need or want? How about letting me decide if the insurance I have or want is crappy or not? Despite what the President and other's in the government might think I'm more than capable of making my own decisions in matters like this I can decide if something is crappy or substandard on my own thank you very fucking much.

How about we take down all the speed limit signs and trust that everyone is more capable of deciding what's a safe speed than is the government?

Ever hear of the Autobahn?

Of course not.
What people like you don't understand and don't want to understand is that there are provisions in the ACA that require the insurance companies to sell policies that aren't crap,

or pay the price for doing so:

Beyond Rebates: How Much Are Consumers Saving from the ACA?s Medical Loss Ratio Provision? | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Sorry, not falling for your bunk tonight. The entire law itself is crap. It doesn't matter what provisions say what. If only 6 people managed to sign up for the damned thing, what good will these provisions do? At the 24 hour rate of enrollment we saw on Oct 1, it would take 3,196 years for 7 million people to sign up for Obamacare.

Stop defending it. This is the end of the line foe the ACA. Those 2.1 million people aren't saving money by being kicked off their plans and forced into more expensive ones. You can take that nonsense elsewhere.

You're a perfect example of why conservatism always loses to progress.

How is this progress? How is lying about people having a choice under this law progress? How is kicking millions of people off their plans progress? Are you freaking serious? This is what conservatism needed to revitalize it.

Progress? No. This is tyranny. You can take this "progress" and shove it up your ass.
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How about my right to decide for myself what type of insurance I need or want? How about letting me decide if the insurance I have or want is crappy or not? Despite what the President and other's in the government might think I'm more than capable of making my own decisions in matters like this I can decide if something is crappy or substandard on my own thank you very fucking much.

How about we take down all the speed limit signs and trust that everyone is more capable of deciding what's a safe speed than is the government?

Jesus could have come up with a weaker comparison? Yeah a national speed limit and choosing your medical insurance that's the same good grief.
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How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

Corporations are the only folks that aren't going to suffer.

Like always, if the government screws them, guess what......they pass on the ass-reaming to us. If they didn't they'd be out of business.

Obamanation leaders know this only too well. That is the whole purpose of Democrat legislation. To force businesses to pass on their shit to the consumer.

Really? You don't qualify for any subsidies?


I'd sow myself up before I sign up for Obamacare.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

Why is it detrimental to taxpayers for her to choose?

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What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?

And how much is that per year?

How much tax money is going toward paying the medical bills of the voluntarily uninsured?

Hmm? I bet you have NO idea and are just parroting someone's bullet point you heard.
Corporations are the only folks that aren't going to suffer.

Like always, if the government screws them, guess what......they pass on the ass-reaming to us. If they didn't they'd be out of business.

Obamanation leaders know this only too well. That is the whole purpose of Democrat legislation. To force businesses to pass on their shit to the consumer.

Really? You don't qualify for any subsidies?


I'd sow myself up before I sign up for Obamacare.

And mud here is so badass that he could probably do it too.
Frightful poll sends Dems screaming | Fox News

Frightful poll sends Dems screaming

Buzz cut:
• Frightful poll sends Dems screaming
• Deadline day for ObamaCare exemptions
• Holy See (and hear?)
• Cruz vows no tricks for fellow Senate GOPers
• All the eggs and toilet paper in Fargo…

CRASHES, CANCELLED POLICIES FRACTURE DEMS -As millions of Americans receive notices that their insurance policies are being cancelled because of new ObamaCare regulations, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., will offer her own bill that will allow Americans to keep their existing plans. When news broke this week that the president for years led voters to believe they could keep their coverage under his insurance overhaul despite knowing otherwise, Republicans pounced offering legislation to block the Obama rules banning low-post, bare-bones coverage. Landrieu, facing a tough re-election fight in a Republican state, is jumping the line with a bill of her own. “The promise was made and it should be kept,” Landrieu told the New Orleans Times-Picayune. “And it was our understanding when we voted for that, that people when they have insurance, could keep what they had. So, I’m going to be working on that fix.” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is also preparing his own legislation that would delay by a full year the imposition of ObamaCare fines for those who don’t buy insurance.

Crash drives Obama to new low - President Obama went to Boston to rally his supporters on behalf of his embattled law, but a new WSJ/NBC News poll shows that the failed launch of his signature law is proving a major drag with the public at large. His job approval rating skidded to 42 percent, the lowest-ever rating in the poll. That’s an 11-point drop from his job approval rating following his re-election and 5 points since last month.Disapproval for the health law shot up to 47 percent, 10 points ahead of approval, double the gap from earlier this month.

Scary stuff - It was a dire WSJ/NBC News poll that drove Republicans to the exits on the partial federal shutdown three weeks ago. Now it’s the Democrats turn for a fright. The president’s tanking poll numbers and the surge in concern over the beleaguered ObamaCare rollout will push more moderate Democrats to conclude that their best path is away from the president and his law. Shutdowns are temporary. ObamaCare is forever.
How about my right to decide for myself what type of insurance I need or want? How about letting me decide if the insurance I have or want is crappy or not? Despite what the President and other's in the government might think I'm more than capable of making my own decisions in matters like this I can decide if something is crappy or substandard on my own thank you very fucking much.

How about we take down all the speed limit signs and trust that everyone is more capable of deciding what's a safe speed than is the government?

Better then that!
Why don't we at pre-school TEACH the concept of practical Golden Rule.. i.e. do unto others as you would have others do unto you?
Or do you like most ignorant people think that is a "religious" concept??

For example... rather then OBEYING A Speed limit out of FEAR of getting caught... why not explain why the speed limit was what it was i.e. the laws
of physics being you can't stop a car going 40 mph in a 20mph zone fast enough if a kid darts out from behind a car!

"GOLDEN RULE" Don't drive at a limit that would put someone else in danger if you wouldn't want them to put you in danger.

Or another for you people that still don't grasp this.
In pre-school it is entirely reasonable to show how pedaling a car at a higher speed puts another kid in danger!
You see what I mean? Kids as well as adults today have NO concept of the laws of physics in a common sense situation.

Teaching more people to think how it affects others i.e. "do unto others as you would..." would REDUCE the amount of rules and regulations, i.e.
ACA is creating 20,000 pages of new rules and regulations! 1.4 billion hours a year are spent JUST in compliance!

There IS NO logical reason for example to have MORE gun laws.. when there has been a 40% reduction in gun prosecution cases under Obama!
What good are MORE laws, regulations if the ones we have now aren't enforced?

Another common sense illustration... if someone kills another person that's a crime. The person is dead! So why is there additional laws applied
if the killer did so as a "hate" crime? I.e. person killed was gay. Why is there "hate" crimes added? The person was killed!

But we've been so brainwashed to think EVERY EXCEPTION MUST BECOME the rule!

Using the "Golden Rule" in conjunction with common sense laws of physics with pre-schoolers will not only build more responsible adults but reduce the
need for law abiding people to have to spend more time and money and energy in compliance with billions of rules and regulations!
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?

And how much is that per year?

How much tax money is going toward paying the medical bills of the voluntarily uninsured?

Hmm? I bet you have NO idea and are just parroting someone's bullet point you heard.

Instead of guessing how about some simple research and following these links???

Here is what a hospital CEO said how he recoups "uncompensated expenses"
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document: http://www.ncmedicaljournal.com/wp-content/uploads/NCMJ/mar-apr-05/Yarbrough.pdf

FACT ... there is a database I've access to of the 6,000 hospitals and what they billed Medicare... here is one for example:
Florida Hospital Tampa 3100 East Fletcher Avenue Tampa, FL 33613
In 2011 Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 1,362 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged $3,463, i.e. what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $57 a mark up 5,975.44%

Now NOT all hospitals markup by 6,000% BUT most markup easily 400% or more when billing Medicare!
And Medicare accepts that because of EMTALA!

Other studies have estimated that the bills for all types of health care that the uninsured cannot pay – the uncompensated cost of care – is up to $73 billion a year, a significant portion of which is shifted into higher costs for Americans with insurance and their employers
Most uninsured unable to pay hospital bills according to new HHS report
Tax lawyers 10% as ACA taxes tanning salons as tanning causes cancer.. lawyers cause the $850 billion doctors attest they send to insurance companies
ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
Take the $27 billion in tax revenue and pay the premiums for the 4 million uninsured that go to the hospital registering them with the Uninsured Health Ins. Co.©
The hospitals WOULD THEN NOT be allowed to do as the CEO said pass on to paying customers.. and send the claims to UHIC©!
Then watch how quickly tort reform reduces the $850 billion defensive medicine AND reduces hospitals "padding and passing" on sometimes at 6,000%!
How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?

The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

there is a guy out here who had a pretty decent policy....it was canceled because it did not have a few provisions that the ACA said it was supposed to have......he did not want or need those provisions.....he has had his policy for years and he and his Ins Company were quite happy till this shit came along....now he said to get a new Policy with the shit he doesnt want is going to cost him a lot more.....

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