Tennessee governor signs law to outlaw certain types of rioting, vandalism, and violence


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
They did a good thing. Now lock the bastards up and throw the key away. Put their asses to work supporting themselves.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
It's long past time for people to remember what the right to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE actually means. It doesnt include RIOTING, LOOTING, ARSON, MURDER or even INTENTIONALLY BLOCKING TRAFFIC
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
It's long past time for people to remember what the right to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE actually means. It doesnt include RIOTING, LOOTING, ARSON, MURDER or even INTENTIONALLY BLOCKING TRAFFIC

It means the president calls you a SOB and makes demands for you to get fired.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.

Now that's thinking!
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
Tennesee sounds like the place successful people can escape all that riotous hate created by Hillbillary and her minions. May the State prosper.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
They did a good thing. Now lock the bastards up and throw the key away. Put their asses to work supporting themselves.
Smellies failure to act has wiped-out close to 50% of small employers in the US.

If only he had listened to Quid Pro Joe and let more WUHAN virus carriers in, eh?

Good thing he ignored Joe WalkingGaffeMachine Biden's "WHAAA TRAVEL BANS ARE XENOPHOBIC AND OVERREACTING". rIGHT?????
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly passed the measure last week during a three-day special legislative session and was signed without an announcement earlier this week.

Among other things, the new law stipulates that people who illegally camp on state property will face a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison. People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.

The new law also slaps a mandatory 45-day sentence for aggravated rioting, boosts the fine for blocking highway access to emergency vehicles and enhances the punishment for aggravated assault against a first responder to a Class C felony.
Lee and state Republicans have defended the legislation, pointing to fires that were set inside and outside a courthouse in May, though Lee has acknowledged there were portions of the bill he “would have done differently.”


“This bill increases the punishment for illegal camping on state property from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days imprisonment and an order of restitution for any property damage or loss incurred as a result of the offense,” the summary of HB 8005 reads.

“This bill generally prohibits the release of a person arrested for any of the following offenses for 12 hours from the time of the arrest: camping on state property, vandalism of government property, rioting, aggravated rioting, inciting a riot, or obstructing a highway.”

The measure comes after demonstrations have been carried out for months in front of the state capital building. The demonstrations are a part of nationwide unrest that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police in May.

In addition, the new law mandates a 45-day jail sentence to those guilty of aggravated riot, higher fines for blocking emergency vehicles on highways and Class C felony for assaults on first responders.

The Democrats, Media, and the ACLU are all up in arms about this, but the premise is peaceful protest is fine but rioting is not. I don't know all the details, but this sounds like a good idea to me.
Works for me, and I live here in Tennessee. :clap2::th_thgoodpost::saythat:
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?
Just quietly going about taking care of business without a lot of fanfare, in a businesslike manor. Bill is a good governor and state leader, without being a showy "in your face" kind of guy. Like a normal conservative, instead of a trump conservative.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?

Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Nope. Brown Trout is right. They are just destructive thieving scum.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
They hide behind black masks and shirts, just like blackshirter Socialists did for Left Wing Socialist Newspaper Editor Benito Mussolini.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

Except President Thomas Jefferson as one of his first acts as President put down a bunch of nutjobs who were LOOTING, ROBBING and DESTROYING stuff that wasn't theirs. So you must agree that Trump needs to act like President Jefferson did when he sent troops to the Barbary Coast?

Good to know! LOL

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