Temporal Perspective


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
Just fer fun.

We use Presidential terms as time markers. For instance I like to note I've been driving "since the Johnson Administration", which is impressive because that's 150 years, so beat that. :eusa_shifty:

Who was POTUS when your parents/grandparents were born? That's aspecific enough to not be too personal.

When my Dad and Mom were born the Presidents were Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge, respectively. We skipped right over Harding.

Both my maternal grandparents were born under Benjamin Harrison. We told him "HEY!! GET OFF THOSE BABIES!"


My Mom's father and mother were born during Rutherford B. Hayes and Grover Cleveland (first term).
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Just fer fun.

We use Presidential terms as time markers. For instance I like to note I've been driving "since the Johnson Administration", which is impressive because that's 150 years, so beat that. :eusa_shifty:

Who was POTUS when your parents/grandparents were born? That's aspecific enough to not be too personal.

When my Dad and Mom were born the Presidents were Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge, respectively. We skipped right over Harding.

Both my maternal grandparents were born under Benjamin Harrison. We told him "GET OFF THOSE BABIES!"


My Mom's father and mother were born during Rutherford B. Hayes and Grover Cleveland (first term).

This means all four of my grandparents were born under Presidents who didn't win the popular vote.....
Just fer fun.

We use Presidential terms as time markers. For instance I like to note I've been driving "since the Johnson Administration", which is impressive because that's 150 years, so beat that. :eusa_shifty:

Who was POTUS when your parents/grandparents were born? That's aspecific enough to not be too personal.

When my Dad and Mom were born the Presidents were Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge, respectively. We skipped right over Harding.

Both my maternal grandparents were born under Benjamin Harrison. We told him "GET OFF THOSE BABIES!"


My Mom's father and mother were born during Rutherford B. Hayes and Grover Cleveland (first term).

This means all four of my grandparents were born under Presidents who didn't win the popular vote.....
No president has been elected by the popular vote. Electoral votes elect them, and you and the rest of the lying liberal scum will never change that.
My parents were both born under the Warren Harding administration.

A classic read. Best one since the one-two punch of:


Donald Trump's inspiring new book, An Open Heart lovingly teaches the art of using compassion and kindness in everyday life and business. The Donald will explain how a self-centered attitude can be destructive not only towards society, but to the individual as well. You'll learn how accepting responsibility and maintaining respect, compassion and kindness toward others brings peace and happiness. You'll also learn:
  • Why the prime purpose in life is to help others.
  • How the roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation.
  • Why love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
  • How materialism and consumerism lead to suffering.
  • Rosie O'Donnell is a human being whom I love and respect.
And I‘ll bet nary a cry “get rid of the electoral college!” was uttered, as they received a proper education as to the importance of why it was enacted and distinguished us from democracies, making us a Republic..
Just fer fun.

We use Presidential terms as time markers. For instance I like to note I've been driving "since the Johnson Administration", which is impressive because that's 150 years, so beat that. :eusa_shifty:

Who was POTUS when your parents/grandparents were born? That's aspecific enough to not be too personal.

When my Dad and Mom were born the Presidents were Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge, respectively. We skipped right over Harding.

Both my maternal grandparents were born under Benjamin Harrison. We told him "GET OFF THOSE BABIES!"


My Mom's father and mother were born during Rutherford B. Hayes and Grover Cleveland (first term).
And I‘ll bet nary a cry “get rid of the electoral college!” was uttered, as they received a proper education as to the importance of why it was enacted and distinguished us from democracies, making us a Republic..

You partisan dichotomist echobubblers seem unable to navigate the question, even posting upside down like you to. Do y'all just not know the Presidents?

So far OldLady has figured it out.
My parents were both born under the Warren Harding administration.

We're all happy they crawled out.
Guess I should have said "during," huh?

Take me out to the ballgame time, Pogo?
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back

I can't believe I got away with that joke TWICE :eek:

Would be delighted to take you to a ballgame, milady. :) I decided to switch to a more seasonal (hee hee) theme for the beginning of the baseball season. This one is a depiction of a game in Hoboken circa 1853.

My musical one that I had up for two days (and will be back) has a whole story here if you're interested.
People see through your silly ruse.
And I‘ll bet nary a cry “get rid of the electoral college!” was uttered, as they received a proper education as to the importance of why it was enacted and distinguished us from democracies, making us a Republic..

You partisan dichotomist echobubblers seem unable to navigate the question, even posting upside down like you to. Do y'all just not know the Presidents?

So far OldLady has figured it out.
People see through your silly ruse.
And I‘ll bet nary a cry “get rid of the electoral college!” was uttered, as they received a proper education as to the importance of why it was enacted and distinguished us from democracies, making us a Republic..

You partisan dichotomist echobubblers seem unable to navigate the question, even posting upside down like you to. Do y'all just not know the Presidents?

So far OldLady has figured it out.

You mean the way I use the quote button like normal people?

Wait --- you're actually sitting there, inserting posts upside down deliberately creating more work for everybody else, trying to tell me *I* have a ruse?

Is it some kind of ruseian collusion? Because I don't see it myself. :dunno:

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