Tell me this BIASED reporting DOES NOT affect political opinion???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
During his nightly "Talking Points" commentary, O'Reilly meticulously detailed the amount of time given the Christie story when it first broke. According to O'Reilly, "network news went wild with (the bridge-gate story), devoting 112 minutes to the situation in the first week."
He then compared that to the three minutes and 14 seconds of coverage on the missing IRS email story presented by network newscast.

O'Reilly Hammers 'Corrupt' American Media | Truth Revolt

Tell me all you objective honest people...
Why would network news spend 37 times the amount of time on a LOCAL New Jersey issue then an issue affecting all of America's 300 million people?

Why spend nearly 2 hours of network news for an issue affecting less then 10 million and less then 3 minutes on an issue affecting 300 million?

Is it possible the same " 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller
that donated to Democrats don't WANT to present fair and balanced news???
Why would network news spend 37 times the amount of time on a LOCAL New Jersey issue then an issue affecting all of America's 300 million people?

Why spend nearly 2 hours of network news for an issue affecting less then 10 million and less then 3 minutes on an issue affecting 300 million?

It called protecting your own interests
The media (including Hollywood) is a vast bed of seething hypocrisy. On the one hand, they piously proclaim that portraying sex, violence, foul language, etc, has absolutely no effect on behavior. On the other hand, untold billions of dollars are spent on advertising and product placement precisely because they DO have an effect on behavior. TV talking heads know this to be true, and ARE shaping the news to fit their built-in biases.
But I thought the news and money doesnt effect public opinions? Or is that only when talking about Citizens United?
But I thought the news and money doesnt effect public opinions? Or is that only when talking about Citizens United?

Who says that? I've always maintained that what is portrayed in popular media and on the news effects opinions and behavior. I thought that was obvious.
But I thought the news and money doesnt effect public opinions? Or is that only when talking about Citizens United?

Who says that? I've always maintained that what is portrayed in popular media and on the news effects opinions and behavior. I thought that was obvious.

Well the right tells everyone that it doesnt but ONLY when discussing Citizens United. They say that money, the media etc doesnt change or effect anyones opinion

Unless they want to bitch about a NBC or something...then it does. Somehow, thats different
Because the Bridge scandal is real and was new at the time, the IRS scandal is old as dirt and is a hoax anyway
During his nightly "Talking Points" commentary, O'Reilly meticulously detailed the amount of time given the Christie story when it first broke. According to O'Reilly, "network news went wild with (the bridge-gate story), devoting 112 minutes to the situation in the first week."
He then compared that to the three minutes and 14 seconds of coverage on the missing IRS email story presented by network newscast.

O'Reilly Hammers 'Corrupt' American Media | Truth Revolt

Tell me all you objective honest people...
Why would network news spend 37 times the amount of time on a LOCAL New Jersey issue then an issue affecting all of America's 300 million people?

Why spend nearly 2 hours of network news for an issue affecting less then 10 million and less then 3 minutes on an issue affecting 300 million?

Is it possible the same " 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller
that donated to Democrats don't WANT to present fair and balanced news???
I will bet you a zillion dollars that the media has spent more than four minutes on the IRS "scandal".
Here's two and a half minutes on the IRS scandal on ABC:

Here's an additional two and three quarter minutes on ABC:

O'Reilly is a pinhead.
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Christie fired people who were responsible for what was truly a disgusting offense, and in spite of all the efforts of the New York Times, and every other liberal outlet, still has not been tied to personal knowledged of it...and he didn't have to destroy evidence. His real offense was that he is a Republican who had just shown a lead over Bill Clinton's bogus wife, in a poll.

Lois Lerner is a criminal--all who are not willingly blind can see that--but she contributed money to Democrats over the years, and was using her Federal office to go after Republicans.

The Media has completely abandoned its duty of serving as the watchdog of government...just at the time government has run completely off the rails...down into Banana Republic status.

I acknowledge that there is no stomach for impeaching the first Black President. It would tear the country apart. But, if he wasn't Black, I believe impeachment proceedings would already be under way.

And, if he wasn't a Democrat, this criminal behavior by the IRS, and Eric Holder in failing to prosecute ANYTHING, would be on the front page of the New York Times every day until the whole Chicago Mob, which is running this country just now, was hounded out of office.

If the Media doesn't wake up, and do its job, it is only a matter of time before this government turns Totalitarian---and then the Media won't have a choice what it reports or ignores---it will be told what it reports or ignores---like the old Pravda in the collapsed Soviet Union.
O'Reilly was using a really retarded tactic. He was comparing how many minutes were aired when the Christie story broke, and did not compare that to how many minutes were aired about the IRS scandal when it broke. He compared breaking news about the bridge scandal to a much later development well into the IRS story.

Apples and oranges. He's a pinhead.

Only the most credulous of rubes would fall for that shit and actually forget how much coverage has been given to the IRS scandal. That's the willful amnesia of a piss drinking retard right there.
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O'Reilly was using a really retarded tactic. He was comparing how many minutes were aired when the Christie story broke, and did not compare that to how many minutes were aired about the IRS scandal when it broke. He compared breaking news about the bridge scandal to a much later development well into the IRS story.

Apples and oranges. He's a pinhead.

Only the most credulous of rubes would fall for that shit and actually forget how much coverage has been given to the IRS scandal. That's the willful amnesia of a piss drinking retard right there.

Yes he did and you yourself just put up the proof of it. 3 to 5 min. on the IRS scandal when it broke, 112 min on Christie.
This board proves that political bias exists.

That's why you have to read everything, even if it doesn't match what you want to read.

Google alone puts pro-democrat stories in the first page of the search.

We know that world net daily leans right.

Forbes used to lean right but I've noticed they are trying to be more middle.

Huffington post was more left but it's been linking to more right wing articles lately.
Mainstream media is biased.
Especially the three networks.
You can't help but be somewhat biased when the majority of the people that work there vote for Dem's.

[Update: September 25] Censored! IRS Scandal Being Buried by Big Three Networks | NewsBusters

Why do you guys think the employees run the show and not the owners?

Where did I say that employees run the show?
I said the majority of people who work for the mainstream news vote for Dems.
The owners are included in that.
This board proves that political bias exists.

That's why you have to read everything, even if it doesn't match what you want to read.

Google alone puts pro-democrat stories in the first page of the search.

We know that world net daily leans right.

Forbes used to lean right but I've noticed they are trying to be more middle.

Huffington post was more left but it's been linking to more right wing articles lately.

If there is an objective news source out there, I have not found it.

Some are less biased than others. But Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Washington Times, Huffington Post, MSNBC, CNN are all piss outlets. Pure unadulterated piss.

I've left out a few.

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