Teenager suffers vaccine reaction, now wheelchair bound after mandate


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
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"Jasmine Comeau is a 17-year-old Grade 12 student from Miramichi, New Brunswick.

She was eager to get back to normal so she could enjoy her final year of high school, and wanted to do her part to ensure that would happen. Her medical officer of health, Dr. Jennifer Russell, even went so far as claiming “There is a road back to somewhat of a normal life and it runs through a vaccination clinic…

Jasmine’s mother, Diane Siemens, and her have been left to try to advocate for themselves and navigate unchartered territory with little to no support from the very government that coerced this statistically at zero-risk teenager into this injection."



I love how news articles now have the words "baselessly" and "falsely" sprinkled to describe anything that doesn't fit the official narrative. The op-ed section and the news section have become one and the same.
It is very sad hospitals have adopted the Fauci/CDC unscientific tyranny and require folks smart enough to have avoided the jewish jabs to get tested within 3-5 days of a procedure. This means colonoscopies for example are impossible for folks smart enough to have avoided the jewish jabs. It takes sometimes 3 days to get the results of a "PCR" covid test. Colonoscopies require 2 days of laxatives. So let's say you have a procedure scheduled for a Tuesday. The hospital has to know before noon on Monday you are covid negative. If you take a test on Friday, the results don't come back, generally, until Monday afternoon. So unless you don't mind fasting and taking laxatives for no reason, there is no chance you will be allowed to get a life saving procedure performed because of an idiotic, unscientific policy.

Folks, if the vaccines worked, there would be no need for any masks and other idiocy that is policy to this day at Urgent Care, Hospitals, Physician offices, etc. Very troubling that Fauci and his demons are trying to kill those who outsmarted him with discriminatory policies that the ZOG state judges deem nondiscriminatory.
anything that doesn't fit the official narrative

which is why i keep repeating it's not a vaccine.....
Folks, if the vaccines worked, there would be no need for any masks and other idiocy that is policy to this day at Urgent Care, Hospitals, Physician offices, etc.
methinks this fits here>>>

Speech by Jasmine Comeau.

Brave kid Munk, and if one thinks about it, they knew her results would not be uncommon.

This is why one signs off on liability before the jab

A shame the biggest class action suit in history should be hobbled via our own government adjunct pharma boot lickin' org's

Speech by Jasmine Comeau.

She at her age group was VERY VERY VERY low risk of dying from covid...........0 to 20 age group was only about 16000 world wide. deaths and almost all of these deaths had medical issues from hell already.
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