Teen Suicides Are Increasing At An Alarming Pace


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I blame Trump.


It obviously has something to do with global climate change...

On a serious note, this is an issue which has touched on my life more than once.

Teen suicides are increasing at an alarming pace, outstripping all other age groups, a new report says

Suicide death rates among teenagers and young adults have increased at an alarming pace in the past decade, according to a new government report. While suicide has steadily become more common across the population, the increase among youths has outpaced all other age groups.

For many years, suicide among youths was relatively rare and its frequency relatively stable. But from 2007 to 2017, the number of suicides among people ages 10 to 24 suddenly increased 56 percent — from 6.8 deaths per 100,000 people to 10.6, the new report shows.

Suicide has become the second-most common cause of death among teenagers and young adults, overtaking homicides and outpaced only by accidents.


“The truth is anyone who says they definitively know what is causing it doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” said Ursula Whiteside, a researcher with the University of Washington. “It’s a complex problem with no easy answers so far.”

Pay attention to the kids in your life, and love on them as much as you can.
Get them out of public schools and away from progressive indoctrination.
I blame Trump.


It obviously has something to do with global climate change...

On a serious note, this is an issue which has touched on my life more than once.

Teen suicides are increasing at an alarming pace, outstripping all other age groups, a new report says

Suicide death rates among teenagers and young adults have increased at an alarming pace in the past decade, according to a new government report. While suicide has steadily become more common across the population, the increase among youths has outpaced all other age groups.

For many years, suicide among youths was relatively rare and its frequency relatively stable. But from 2007 to 2017, the number of suicides among people ages 10 to 24 suddenly increased 56 percent — from 6.8 deaths per 100,000 people to 10.6, the new report shows.

Suicide has become the second-most common cause of death among teenagers and young adults, overtaking homicides and outpaced only by accidents.


“The truth is anyone who says they definitively know what is causing it doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” said Ursula Whiteside, a researcher with the University of Washington. “It’s a complex problem with no easy answers so far.”

Pay attention to the kids in your life, and love on them as much as you can.

Actually, Climate Change Hysteria has a lot to do with it. Kids feel the situation is hopeless, the world will end in a dozen years and even respected congresspeople like AOC are crying on TV about it.

Further, young people are expected to make important decisions, like what gender to identify with, whether to be normative or homosexual, decisions that were made for us, back in the day.
I would be curious to know if there is a correlation between the teen suicide rate and the use of drugs among teens. Has drug use also skyrocketed?
It is far better to commit your suicide whilst you are still a teenager. If you postpone it and you are way into your adulthood when you commit your suicide, then you cause a lot of collateral and even allow the chance of evil people to double on you too. So by any measure, best is if you commit your suicide whilst you are still a teenager.
Illegal drugs are more prevalent and stronger than ever. That’s my theory as to why
Social Media
Read the article. It addresses that theory.

My brother and I had this discussion a few months ago. When we were in high school (I graduated in 2000 and he was in 2002) we didn't have social media or cell phones with cameras on them. If something really embarrassing happened to someone it was basically forgotten about after a couple of weeks. Now, it follows kids. We were talking about something that happened to a girl my son went to school with. She had gotten into a fight with another girl and of course, all the kids whipped out their phones to record. In the middle of the fight, she shit herself. Kids were posting it all over YouTube and they tried to get them all taken down, but they kept popping back up, so the incident kept looming over her. Eventually, her parents worked with the district to get her transferred to a different school. Well, it only took someone at the new school about a month or so to Google her name or whatever and find one of those videos and then it went all around the new school. After that, her parents pulled her out and are home schooling her now.

It's a good example of what I was saying. Had this happened when I was in high school it largely would have passed over time, but in the digital age that incident is always going to stick with her. With that kind of constant humiliation at such a young age where kids tend to be hyper emotional as it is, it's not surprising there are so many suicides now compared to when I was in school. In fact, I can't even remember anyone killing themselves when I was in high school and plenty of kids experienced bullying back then.

So, like I said, social media
Social Media
Read the article. It addresses that theory.

My brother and I had this discussion a few months ago. When we were in high school (I graduated in 2000 and he was in 2002) we didn't have social media or cell phones with cameras on them. If something really embarrassing happened to someone it was basically forgotten about after a couple of weeks. Now, it follows kids. We were talking about something that happened to a girl my son went to school with. She had gotten into a fight with another girl and of course, all the kids whipped out their phones to record. In the middle of the fight, she shit herself. Kids were posting it all over YouTube and they tried to get them all taken down, but they kept popping back up, so the incident kept looming over her. Eventually, her parents worked with the district to get her transferred to a different school. Well, it only took someone at the new school about a month or so to Google her name or whatever and find one of those videos and then it went all around the new school. After that, her parents pulled her out and are home schooling her now.

It's a good example of what I was saying. Had this happened when I was in high school it largely would have passed over time, but in the digital age that incident is always going to stick with her. With that kind of constant humiliation at such a young age where kids tend to be hyper emotional as it is, it's not surprising there are so many suicides now compared to when I was in school. In fact, I can't even remember anyone killing themselves when I was in high school and plenty of kids experienced bullying back then.

So, like I said, social media
I keep telling my kids that after they enter the real world, nothing that happened in high school will mean anything.

Kids are really vicious towards each other.
The OP article addresses the social media theory. It has its advantages as well as its disadvantages.

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