Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.

In spite of these allegations, Liberal Leaders like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Chuck U. Schumer have no problem keeping the donations that Mr. Trump made to them, and have not to date returned the money.

Do they not believe these accusations against Trump? Or , in your view, are they hypocrites?
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.

That would certainly play well with his base ... might even flip a few liberals to his side ... the center is still set the way they were in 2016, perhaps leaning more towards The Donald ... the man brags about groping women ... still got elected ... this story only helps his re-election ...

Does G'pa Joe get a pass on this because he's stupid? ...
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.

He comes across as being under attack by scummy pedophile liberals. And thats all. Ive been watching the various articles here which all seem to end with the disclaimer "at the very least this appears...could imply...seem to suggest...."

Well yes..since that is the purpose of the attack which lacks proof.

Slander. By the way how does it feel to live in a country that rejected your foreign allegiance and freed itself? Of course you still have a choice. You can move to the EU.
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.

Prince Andrew apologized for not being able to attend, as he had a previous engagement at Eptein's Pedo Island.

Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
One of the reasons that trumpanzees love him. "He's just like us." ORLY? :eusa_eh:
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
One of the reasons that trumpanzees love him. "He's just like us." ORLY? :eusa_eh:

That does nothing to explain why Demtards loves them some Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. The only possible reason I can surmise, is that they're pedophiles and sex offenders too.
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
One of the reasons that trumpanzees love him. "He's just like us." ORLY? :eusa_eh:

That does nothing to explain why Demtards loves them some Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. The only possible reason I can surmise, is that they're pedophiles and sex offenders too.

I'm surprised that Mr. Weinstein didn't call B. Hussein O as a character witness during his trial. After all, Mr. Obama volunteered his teenaged daughters for Intern Duty with the movie mogul. The President must have thought the gentleman was harmless. Further, aren't secret service guys around those girls all the time? Couldn't they have testified if they didn't see anything?
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
One of the reasons that trumpanzees love him. "He's just like us." ORLY? :eusa_eh:

That does nothing to explain why Demtards loves them some Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. The only possible reason I can surmise, is that they're pedophiles and sex offenders too.

I'm surprised that Mr. Weinstein didn't call B. Hussein O as a character witness during his trial. After all, Mr. Obama volunteered his teenaged daughters for Intern Duty with the movie mogul. The President must have thought the gentleman was harmless. Further, aren't secret service guys around those girls all the time? Couldn't they have testified if they didn't see anything?

I guess he just threw his buddy Harvey under the bus. Just like he did his VP Joe B. and the rest of America.
Serious lack of Trump defenders on here. Just the usual deflectors. I guess Donny knows his base wont be bothered by this. Decent Americans will not be impressed though.
Serious lack of Trump defenders on here. Just the usual deflectors. I guess Donny knows his base wont be bothered by this. Decent Americans will not be impressed though.

As if you know anything about Americans, or about decent people, much less decent Americans.

For what it's worth, as much as I admire Mr. Trump's performance as President, I admit that there are things about his moral character, I am bothered by them, and I will not defend or make excuses for them. But really, nothing about our president has anything to do with you.

Once again, you should worry about the filthy shithole of a country in which you live, and the treasonous actions of your own corrupt government, and stop presuming to preach to a far superior nation than yours could ever hope to be, about which you know just about nothing that is actually true. You represent the absolute worst of the degenerate ideology against which the great men who founded America were rebelling when they did so, and there is no reason at all why any American should care about your opinions about how we should run our country, and who we should elect to represent us. We fought two wars, specifically for the right to not be a filthy, degenerate shithole like the UK. and to not have filthy subhuman pieces of British shit telling us how to run out country. If it became necessary to fight a third war for this purpose, we now could completely wipe your country off the face of the Earth, ending any further such nonsense once and for all.
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.
One of the reasons that trumpanzees love him. "He's just like us." ORLY? :eusa_eh:

That does nothing to explain why Demtards loves them some Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. The only possible reason I can surmise, is that they're pedophiles and sex offenders too.
Shitstain obama has never explained why he rented his daughter to Harvey Weinstein for a whole summer.
Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year

Another contestant, who was 15 at the time, also remembers being asked to walk for Trump, Casablancas and other men on the boat in September 1992. She says an organiser told her that if she refused, she would be excluded from the competition. “I knew in my gut it wasn’t right,” she recalls. “This wasn’t being judged or part of the competition – it was for their entertainment.”

It seems that every old bloke involved in these events has been convicted of some level of perving. Apart from Trump who is being sued by some of these little girls. No doubt there are a few NDAs floating around in a Stormy sort of style.

At the very least Donny comes across as a sleazy, creepy sort of character and this article perhaps explains his willingness to support creepy Roy Moore. They seem to share an interest in 14-year-old girls.

There are currently 25 cases against him and his historical sexual behaviour. It would surely be in his best interests to have these cases heard before the elections.

Uh boy
Serious lack of Trump defenders on here. Just the usual deflectors. I guess Donny knows his base wont be bothered by this. Decent Americans will not be impressed though.

haha..."Decent Americans"...WTF....pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, wetbacks, criminals, drug addicts, degenerates...you know, the Democrat base...Those decent Americans?
Serious lack of Trump defenders on here. Just the usual deflectors. I guess Donny knows his base wont be bothered by this. Decent Americans will not be impressed though.

haha..."Decent Americans"...WTF....pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, wetbacks, criminals, drug addicts, degenerates...you know, the Democrat base...Those decent Americans?
I mean people who have evolved more than you and your acolytes. Granted that is a big number.

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