Ted Lieu Lies ...Again!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing of Antony Blinken's lies, Sen Ted Lieu LIED AGAIN when he said that no Americans were killed after Trump's conditional agreement was signed by the State Department.

In fact the killing of an American soldier was what caused Trump to abandon the agreement and a scheduled meeting with them at Camp David.

Ted Lieu is just another inveterate Democratic Party LIAR.

Another Democrat Party Senator (I don't recall his name) said that the Trump administration deliberately excluded the then existing Afghan government from the planned negotiations in Doha. In the above linked article, it is stated that it was the Taliban that insisted the existing Afghan government be excluded from the talks.

The Democrat Party would be hard out to find anything to say if LIES WERE OFF THE TABLE!
In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing of Antony Blinken's lies, Sen Ted Lieu LIED AGAIN when he said that no Americans were killed after Trump's conditional agreement was signed by the State Department.

In fact the killing of an American soldier was what caused Trump to abandon the agreement and a scheduled meeting with them at Camp David.

Ted Lieu is just another inveterate Democratic Party LIAR.

Another Democrat Party Senator (I don't recall his name) said that the Trump administration deliberately excluded the then existing Afghan government from the planned negotiations in Doha. In the above linked article, it is stated that it was the Taliban that insisted the existing Afghan government be excluded from the talks.

The Democrat Party would be hard out to find anything to say if LIES WERE OFF THE TABLE!
Same POS that impeached Trump twice over bold-faced lies.
In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing of Antony Blinken's lies, Sen Ted Lieu LIED AGAIN when he said that no Americans were killed after Trump's conditional agreement was signed by the State Department.

In fact the killing of an American soldier was what caused Trump to abandon the agreement and a scheduled meeting with them at Camp David.

Ted Lieu is just another inveterate Democratic Party LIAR.

Another Democrat Party Senator (I don't recall his name) said that the Trump administration deliberately excluded the then existing Afghan government from the planned negotiations in Doha. In the above linked article, it is stated that it was the Taliban that insisted the existing Afghan government be excluded from the talks.

The Democrat Party would be hard out to find anything to say if LIES WERE OFF THE TABLE!
Revisionist history is awesome.

Do some more.
Let's just be real here...

If a leftist political whore, the sociopaths that fund their campaigns, the media apparatchiks who promote them, or the weapons grade stupid fucking parasites who vote for them are communicating with anyone then lies are being told. Over the course of the years I've spent on this forum reading thread after thread and post after post the bed wetting liberals are as delighted to exist in a world of lies, agitprop, and utter bullshit as a sow in her own shit. They roll in it, birth babies they don't abort in it, eat in it, sleep in it and if you try to clean up their pens they're likely to try and bite you.

To say "a democrook lied again" is like saying a pile of fresh dogshit drew flies again. It's the natural order of things.
In closing down today's hearing, Chairman and Asshole Gregory Meeks repeats Ted Lieu's lie. It must now be a Democrat Party talking point.

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