Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

The people switched parties in retaliation against Civil Rights laws
Oh, I see, so there IS no long list of legislators who switched parties then? People just decided on their own they had enough of democrat racism and authoritarianism and wanted freedom instead?
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.

Who is still alive from then?
Oh, I see, so there IS no long list of legislators who switched parties then? People just decided on their own they had enough of democrat racism and authoritarianism and wanted freedom instead?
Can you read?

After Civil Rights……The voters stopped voting for Democrats and switched to Republicans.

Southern voters still do
/-----/ "The KKK was started by conservatives."
An investigation published by the Illinois General Assembly in 1976 explains that after the Klan “transformed into a political organization,” violence became more widespread under Democrat leadership. The men that guided the Klan’s reorganization and subsequent growth included:
Slow reader you must be.
I clearly stated that the (D) party started the KKK.
That is a fact, and I stated that in post #3.
Read it again.
Yup, technically the KKK was in FACT started by (D)
Those (D) had conservative values.
Southern Racists of the Confederacy, DINOS.
Democrats in Name Only.
Those (D) a hundred + years ago had Conservative Values.
Spin it all you want, I know and have stated that the old (D) party started the KKK.
That doesn't change the FACT that those (D) are todays (R).
Slow reader you must be.
I clearly stated that the (D) party started the KKK.
That is a fact, and I stated that in post #3.
Read it again.

Those (D) had conservative values.
Southern Racists of the Confederacy, DINOS.
Democrats in Name Only.
Those (D) a hundred + years ago had Conservative Values.
Spin it all you want, I know and have stated that the old (D) party started the KKK.
That doesn't change the FACT that those (D) are todays (R).
The "big switch" is a FAT LIE!!!! :eusa_hand:
Damn those pesky facts. Apparently history wasn't AOC's best subject.

AOC is a clown show. I mean has this woman done anything productive or is she just a radical extremist mouthpiece that goes off every hour about something. Good job to Cruz for schooling her.

AOC rocks my nads! She is a hottie! And we all know, hotties can do whatever the fuck they please.

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