Ted Cruz owns Mark Cuban

If I knew how to spell pompous, that's exactly what I'd call Cuban. He's a real egotistical asshole.

He’s the absolute worst. He sold his joke of a company for billions of dollars in what turned out to be one of the worst investments of all time and since then he’s been telling everyone how smart he is.
Cuban is stupid enough to say Cruz has no balls when he and the rest of the NBA showed what cowards they were with China.

Well let's see, after Trump accused Cruz's father of being behind the Kennedy assassination and insulted his wife calling her ugly, what did Ted do? Sucked up to Trump like the good little cuck he is. So yeah, Ted Cruz has no balls. He's not much of a man either. So anything coming from his mouth means next to nothing. And in the end, it's just right wing whining because they don't like those dark people kneeling for social justice. If I were Cuban and the NBA, I'd tell Cruz and Hawley to stay in their lane and mind your own fucking business. :)
Cuban is stupid enough to say Cruz has no balls when he and the rest of the NBA showed what cowards they were with China.

Well let's see, after Trump accused Cruz's father of being behind the Kennedy assassination and insulted his wife calling her ugly, what did Ted do? Sucked up to Trump like the good little cuck he is. So yeah, Ted Cruz has no balls. He's not much of a man either. So anything coming from his mouth means next to nothing. And in the end, it's just right wing whining because they don't like those dark people kneeling for social justice. If I were Cuban and the NBA, I'd tell Cruz and Hawley to stay in their lane and mind your own fucking business. :)
Glad to know you approve of China's crackdown on political opposition in Hong Kong.
Cuban is stupid enough to say Cruz has no balls when he and the rest of the NBA showed what cowards they were with China.

Well let's see, after Trump accused Cruz's father of being behind the Kennedy assassination and insulted his wife calling her ugly, what did Ted do? Sucked up to Trump like the good little cuck he is. So yeah, Ted Cruz has no balls. He's not much of a man either. So anything coming from his mouth means next to nothing. And in the end, it's just right wing whining because they don't like those dark people kneeling for social justice. If I were Cuban and the NBA, I'd tell Cruz and Hawley to stay in their lane and mind your own fucking business. :)
Glad to know you approve of China's crackdown on political opposition in Hong Kong.
that's what your ah trump is trying to do here
Cuban is stupid enough to say Cruz has no balls when he and the rest of the NBA showed what cowards they were with China.

Well let's see, after Trump accused Cruz's father of being behind the Kennedy assassination and insulted his wife calling her ugly, what did Ted do? Sucked up to Trump like the good little cuck he is. So yeah, Ted Cruz has no balls. He's not much of a man either. So anything coming from his mouth means next to nothing. And in the end, it's just right wing whining because they don't like those dark people kneeling for social justice. If I were Cuban and the NBA, I'd tell Cruz and Hawley to stay in their lane and mind your own fucking business. :)
Glad to know you approve of China's crackdown on political opposition in Hong Kong.

What do you propose to do about it? We've got no leverage because your boy has started an ill advised trade war and like it or not, you have a limp noodle in the form of Mike Pompeo issuing meaningless statements with nothing to back it up.
I have faith that the students will continue to raise hell and China better be careful about shooting the goose that lays their golden economic eggs.
Cuban is stupid enough to say Cruz has no balls when he and the rest of the NBA showed what cowards they were with China.

Well let's see, after Trump accused Cruz's father of being behind the Kennedy assassination and insulted his wife calling her ugly, what did Ted do? Sucked up to Trump like the good little cuck he is. So yeah, Ted Cruz has no balls. He's not much of a man either. So anything coming from his mouth means next to nothing. And in the end, it's just right wing whining because they don't like those dark people kneeling for social justice. If I were Cuban and the NBA, I'd tell Cruz and Hawley to stay in their lane and mind your own fucking business. :)
You’re no better than Cuban. All that word salad and no mention of a free Hong Kong. A lot of sucking Chinese dick though.

Also, how about a definition of social justice and how that differs from actual regular justice.
They're both Globalist assholes.
Trump whipped Cruz during the campaign.
Cruz does have globalist tendencies, but not nearly that of others, including Trump.

Still, I felt the need to remind Cruz that he serves the people of Texas, so I voted for Neal Dikeman (L).
I have followed Cruz's career and he sucks Wall Street Dick like a whore.

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