Ted Cruz lays out democrats regarding SCOTUS nominee

Harry Reid totally fucked up with the Nuclear Option. The end result was great, Giving Trump 3, read it-three, SCOTUS picks.

All's well that ends well! :)
McConnell forced his hand by blocking all nominations

The McConnell rules are now permanent
You may have won now, but will have to live with them in the future
IOW, you encourage unethical behavior when it benefits your chosen party. We knew that. Naturally, you would shriek bloody murder when the Republicans stacked it again to eliminate your advantage. You don't think beyond today and your immediate partisan satisfaction, do you?
Is it more unethical than McConnell forcing the court to function with eight judges until he got a favorable President?

Dems need to raise the number to 13 ……because they can
Is it more unethical than McConnell forcing the court to function with eight judges until he got a favorable President?

Dems need to raise the number to 13 ……because they can
I've never defended McConnel for what he did, and still don't. I actually have principles about the matter, and you don't. You only care about your internal score card and making sure there are enough points on your side of the score board. The heck with the health of the country and the credibility of the Supreme Court. Packing it like you want would immediately destroy the Court's credibility and its rulings would rapidly be ignored by the various states. It would be a fast way to completely neuter Roe.
McConnell forced his hand by blocking all nominations

The McConnell rules are now permanent
You may have won now, but will have to live with them in the future
No, because democrats will change them again. Reid set the standard. If you don't like the rules just change them.
I've never defended McConnel for what he did, and still don't. I actually have principles about the matter, and you don't. You only care about your internal score card and making sure there are enough points on your side of the score board. The heck with the health of the country and the credibility of the Supreme Court. Packing it like you want would immediately destroy the Court's credibility and its rulings would rapidly be ignored by the various states. It would be a fast way to completely neuter Roe.
The credibility of the court is gone
It is now a partisan body
If Cruz was aware of any sexual assault allegations against Jackson, I am sure he would bring them up
Jackson has been protecting PEDOPHILES in all of her cases----keeping them all out of prison for the minimum federal mandates. She is indeed therefore responsible for the victims of these predators. She is enabling the sexual assault of children.
Read it and weep Skippy

Bullshit propaganda based on made-up lies.
IOW, you encourage unethical behavior when it benefits your chosen party. We knew that. Naturally, you would shriek bloody murder when the Republicans stacked it again to eliminate your advantage. You don't think beyond today and your immediate partisan satisfaction, do you?
Ethics no longer matter

All that matters is that you win

Todays Democracy

In a fiery opening statement at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) raked Democrats over the coals for their "explicitly racial" treatment of Republican judicial nominees.

Like several of his colleagues, Cruz pledged that Republicans would not turn the process into a "political circus," making pointed comments about how, "this will not be the kind of character smear that sadly our Democratic colleagues have gotten very good at."

Cruz then went on the describe the horrible treatment Justice Thomas endured as a black man seeking the office, as Thomas described it as a high tech lynching. Then he went into how Kavanaugh was treated.

Cruz told the nominee, "Judge Jackson, I can assure you that your hearing will feature none of that disgraceful behavior," Cruz said. "No one is going to inquire into your teenage dating habits. No one is going to ask you with mock severity, 'Do you like beer?'"

Cruz went on to say the Judiciary Committee has a "responsibility to focus on issues, to focus on your record, to focus on substance."

"It's not about race," Cruz added. "We will see Democrats and the media suggest that any senator that is skeptical of your nomination, that questions you vigorously, or that dares to vote against you must somehow harbor racial animus."

Interestingly, Cruz brought up the fact that Senator Kennedy once declined a nominee based on the fact they were a conservative Hispanic.

"The senior Democrats on this committee also filibustered Miguel Estrada, as the staff for [then-]Sen. Ted Kennedy [(D-Mass.)] said in writing at the time ... 'because he is Hispanic,'" Cruz said.

But all of this is lost on democrats because they are the scum of the earth and see no problem on how Republican nominees were treated or the hypocrisy of their past In fact, they probably want them treated worse or maybe even killed.
this will not be the kind of character smear that sadly our Democratic colleagues have gotten very good at

This is why they lose so fucking always. They want to "take the high road". While dems are smearing and dragging people through the mud, the right are trying to play nice.

Sadly, if they are expecting the left to realize this, and start playing nice too, they are naive. Unless the repubs are willing to use the same tactics, they should just turn in their party card and go home, because they've already lost.
This is why they lose so fucking always. They want to "take the high road". While dems are smearing and dragging people through the mud, the right are trying to play nice.

Sadly, if they are expecting the left to realize this, and start playing nice too, they are naive. Unless the repubs are willing to use the same tactics, they should just turn in their party card and go home, because they've already lost.
Watch, Republicans will go after her actual judicial philosophy (based on her case history) and will be called racist, sexist, and a few other "ists" just for good measure.

At least she has a case history. The ink was barely dry on ACB's Court of Appeals nomination when Trump appointed her to the SC. She's never been a judge at any level before being appointed to the Court of Appeal, and she wasn't there long enough to has written more than a handful of decisions.
This is why they lose so fucking always. They want to "take the high road". While dems are smearing and dragging people through the mud, the right are trying to play nice.

Sadly, if they are expecting the left to realize this, and start playing nice too, they are naive. Unless the repubs are willing to use the same tactics, they should just turn in their party card and go home, because they've already lost.

Maybe if Republicans stopped appointing sleaze balls, and Dark Money picks, there would be fewer problems with the character of Republican nominees.
At least she has a case history. The ink was barely dry on ACB's Court of Appeals nomination when Trump appointed her to the SC. She's never been a judge at any level before being appointed to the Court of Appeal, and she wasn't there long enough to has written more than a handful of decisions.

Maybe if Republicans stopped appointing sleaze balls, and Dark Money picks, there would be fewer problems with the character of Republican nominees.
They crammed through a woman in a bizarre cult as their last nominee.

Democrats should have asked her if she would be writing her own opinions, or if her husband would be writing them for her.

In a fiery opening statement at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) raked Democrats over the coals for their "explicitly racial" treatment of Republican judicial nominees.

Like several of his colleagues, Cruz pledged that Republicans would not turn the process into a "political circus," making pointed comments about how, "this will not be the kind of character smear that sadly our Democratic colleagues have gotten very good at."

Cruz then went on the describe the horrible treatment Justice Thomas endured as a black man seeking the office, as Thomas described it as a high tech lynching. Then he went into how Kavanaugh was treated.

Cruz told the nominee, "Judge Jackson, I can assure you that your hearing will feature none of that disgraceful behavior," Cruz said. "No one is going to inquire into your teenage dating habits. No one is going to ask you with mock severity, 'Do you like beer?'"

Cruz went on to say the Judiciary Committee has a "responsibility to focus on issues, to focus on your record, to focus on substance."

"It's not about race," Cruz added. "We will see Democrats and the media suggest that any senator that is skeptical of your nomination, that questions you vigorously, or that dares to vote against you must somehow harbor racial animus."

Interestingly, Cruz brought up the fact that Senator Kennedy once declined a nominee based on the fact they were a conservative Hispanic.

"The senior Democrats on this committee also filibustered Miguel Estrada, as the staff for [then-]Sen. Ted Kennedy [(D-Mass.)] said in writing at the time ... 'because he is Hispanic,'" Cruz said.

But all of this is lost on democrats because they are the scum of the earth and see no problem on how Republican nominees were treated or the hypocrisy of their past In fact, they probably want them treated worse or maybe even killed.
Ted Cruz sucked up to Donald Trump after Trump mortally insulted his father.

Ted Cruz sucked up to Donald Trump after Trump mortally insulted his wife.

Those are not the actions of a Man.

Who gives two $hits what Cruz says anymore?

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