Ted Cruz lays out democrats regarding SCOTUS nominee

Maybe if Republicans stopped appointing sleaze balls, and Dark Money picks, there would be fewer problems with the character of Republican nominees.
That wouldn't matter, they'd still be smeared by the left. That's fine, all I'm saying is that the right needs to adopt those same tactics.
They crammed through a woman in a bizarre cult as their last nominee.

Democrats should have asked her if she would be writing her own opinions, or if her husband would be writing them for her.

What to me is most galling is that they replaced Thurgood Marshall, one of the greatest SC Justices of all time, with Clarence Thomas - a man who loved porn, sexually harassed staffers and who is currently involved in a conflict of interest scandal involving his wife.

And they replaced RBG, one of the greatest proponents of women's rights in American history, with a Stepford Wife, who would strip every one of those rights away from us, given the opportunity.
What to me is most galling is that they replaced Thurgood Marshall, one of the greatest SC Justices of all time, with Clarence Thomas - a man who loved porn, sexually harassed staffers and who is currently involved in a conflict of interest scandal involving his wife.

And they replaced RBG, one of the greatest proponents of women's rights in American history, with a Stepford Wife, who would strip every one of those rights away from us, given the opportunity.
Yes, because of course they did.
At least she has a case history. The ink was barely dry on ACB's Court of Appeals nomination when Trump appointed her to the SC. She's never been a judge at any level before being appointed to the Court of Appeal, and she wasn't there long enough to has written more than a handful of decisions.

And? ACB was a known entity without her case history.

Jackson is also a known entity, and most of what we know is she has a soft spot for kid touchers.
Name me one decent appointment who was "smeared by the left". Go ahead.
Gorsuch? Acb? The deal here is, you are going to say every conservative appointment was a bad one, and therein lies the problem. It's with that mindset that the left will smear the right. It's like this every time. The people on the right just can no longer afford to be the ones who take the high road. Every time they do, the left keeps on with their attacks and the right is always on the defensive, and having to ward off accusations and attacks.

It's about time the right start using those same tactics to put the left on the defensive.
Watch, Republicans will go after her actual judicial philosophy (based on her case history) and will be called racist, sexist, and a few other "ists" just for good measure.
You missed the point. The Democrat Party is holding back her history of decisions that puts self-enriching criminals of every vice back to living in the public domain that guarantees recidivism and not reformation into honest and thoughtful ways.
And? ACB was a known entity without her case history.

Jackson is also a known entity, and most of what we know is she has a soft spot for kid touchers.
Her attitude toward freeing the fanatics incarcerated in Guantanamo is more than a soft touch, it's chaos on this earth that enables criminal socialism complete with disappearing enemies of the Democrat Party whose current whim is to turn this free nation into communist slavery for the masses, and prizes for the oligarchs. :rolleyes-41:

In a fiery opening statement at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) raked Democrats over the coals for their "explicitly racial" treatment of Republican judicial nominees.

Like several of his colleagues, Cruz pledged that Republicans would not turn the process into a "political circus," making pointed comments about how, "this will not be the kind of character smear that sadly our Democratic colleagues have gotten very good at."

Cruz then went on the describe the horrible treatment Justice Thomas endured as a black man seeking the office, as Thomas described it as a high tech lynching. Then he went into how Kavanaugh was treated.

Cruz told the nominee, "Judge Jackson, I can assure you that your hearing will feature none of that disgraceful behavior," Cruz said. "No one is going to inquire into your teenage dating habits. No one is going to ask you with mock severity, 'Do you like beer?'"

Cruz went on to say the Judiciary Committee has a "responsibility to focus on issues, to focus on your record, to focus on substance."

"It's not about race," Cruz added. "We will see Democrats and the media suggest that any senator that is skeptical of your nomination, that questions you vigorously, or that dares to vote against you must somehow harbor racial animus."

Interestingly, Cruz brought up the fact that Senator Kennedy once declined a nominee based on the fact they were a conservative Hispanic.

"The senior Democrats on this committee also filibustered Miguel Estrada, as the staff for [then-]Sen. Ted Kennedy [(D-Mass.)] said in writing at the time ... 'because he is Hispanic,'" Cruz said.

But all of this is lost on democrats because they are the scum of the earth and see no problem on how Republican nominees were treated or the hypocrisy of their past In fact, they probably want them treated worse or maybe even killed.
Has been! :blahblah:
Her attitude toward freeing the fanatics incarcerated in Guantanamo is more than a soft touch, it's chaos on this earth that enables criminal socialism complete with disappearing enemies of the Democrat Party whose current whim is to turn this free nation into communist slavery for the masses, and prizes for the oligarchs. :rolleyes-41:

We have something in this country called “Justice”

It says that the accused has a right to an attorney, fair trial, a right to see the evidence against them and a right to face their accuser

Jackson represented detainees who have received none of these. She represented men who were tortured but are not allowed to present that evidence because it is a national secret
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We have something in this country called “Justice”

It says that the accused has a right to a fair trial, a right to see the evidence against them and a right to face their accuser

Jackson represented detainees who have received none of these. She represented men who were tortured but are not allowed to present that evidence because it is a national secret
Why in the hell did the Democrats withhold her records and give her a narrative no one understands. I was on her side till she opened her mouth with obfucations that have become America's rude awakening to the tattered world of socialism and all it stands for, which is ultimately death to all their adversaries as in Stalin's purge, Mao's purge, and now, Putin's purge.
Watch, Republicans will go after her actual judicial philosophy (based on her case history) and will be called racist, sexist, and a few other "ists" just for good measure.

We saw some of that during the Obama Administration. Obama put forth some policies that were obviously and blatantly bad policies, and those who dared to criticize those policies were called “racist” for doing so.
Why in the hell did the Democrats withhold her records and give her a narrative no one understands. I was on her side till she opened her mouth with obfucations that have become America's rude awakening to the tattered world of socialism and all it stands for, which is ultimately death to all their adversaries as in Stalin's purge, Mao's purge, and now, Putin's purge.
WTF are you babbling about?

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