Ted Cruz Holds Rally In Philly--Only 22 Show Up In City Of 1.6 Million-Goes Nuts, Screams At Hannity

Steve I didn't hear the whole exchange today because my dog had to whizz so bad her teeth were singing "anchors away" But Hannity only asked him this one question about the wins in Georgia and Cruz started dumping on Trump supporters and Hannity started to lose it with him. Shoot. Wish I'd heard the whole thing.
Steve I didn't hear the whole exchange today because my dog had to whizz so bad her teeth were singing "anchors away" But Hannity only asked him this one question about the wins in Georgia and Cruz started dumping on Trump supporters and Hannity started to lose it with him. Shoot. Wish I'd heard the whole thing.

I heard the entire interview and nearly turned it off because Hannity pissed me off so badly! Cruz didn't want to answer his ridiculous question because if Hannity gets asked those questions, he personally needs to go find the answers for his listeners and not browbeat Cruz into discussing something that is completely irrelevant to his message. Why should Cruz have to defend what he is doing to beat Trump?
I heard the entire interview and nearly turned it off because Hannity pissed me off so badly! Cruz didn't want to answer his ridiculous question because if Hannity gets asked those questions, he personally needs to go find the answers for his listeners and not browbeat Cruz into discussing something that is completely irrelevant to his message. Why should Cruz have to defend what he is doing to beat Trump?
Uh... probably because that's the number one obstacle blocking him from advancing right now, and probably a total dealbreaker with the people who overwhelmingly oppose Cruz and his establishment buddies.
He knows the writing is on the wall. Hannity pushed him out of his comfort zone causing him to become unstable. Watch!

Only 22 People Show Up For Senator Cruz Philadelphia Rally – Unhinged Ted Starts Screaming on Radio Show (audio)…

What a crock of shit, the article didn't come close to representing reality. Good God, you folks are leading and all you do is bitch and moan. donnie dump just did it again in his NY speech, what a pathetic winner. I'm going to laugh my ass off when he loses and strokes out at the convention.

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