Ted Cruz cited Patrick Henry: "give me liberty or give me death,"

What liberties have you lost? Are they specific to Obama or are they liberties you have lost over time. Please be specific.

I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
How many pages were written in the ten years before that?

And were the reg necessary or not.

You gotta step up, BL, not just talk.

I don't step up to liberals I step on them, then twist my shoe tip back and forth.
You commit assault? How often?


Are you a liberal? I ask because I have observed they have no sense of humor. They seem to go out of their way to take something literally just so they can foam at the mouth about it. Science really should study the source of their rage.
I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
As opposed to how many pages wrtten 10 years before that?

So specifically, what freedoms have you lost. Can you be specific?

I recently lost the liberty of keeping my doctor and my health insurance plan. Some asshole in the White House decided he knows better than me how to spend my money.
Liberty of keeping your doctor and health insurance?

Its commerce

Commerce was never completely free.

Plus, you coulda kept your doctor if you could have afforded him out of your own pocket. Bootstraps lad.

Don't troll me bro.
Your melodrama with partisan politics kinda deserves it.

The world is burning the world is burning

Well who even knows what you are babbling about now.
What liberties have you lost? Are they specific to Obama or are they liberties you have lost over time. Please be specific.

I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
How many pages were written in the ten years before that?

And were the reg necessary or not.

You gotta step up, BL, not just talk.

I don't step up to liberals I step on them, then twist my shoe tip back and forth.
You commit assault? How often?


Are you a liberal? I ask because I have observed they have no sense of humor. They seem to go out of their way to take something literally just so they can foam at the mouth about it. Science really should study the source of their rage.
Its not funny to have such a blindsided hatred of opposing political peoples.

Its sad, and kinda despicable.
Well as long as you say I'm correct on 2 out of 4 I guess I showed you some of the rights he's curtailed. Is that not so?
IRS...an impeachable offense...but I don't believe you or anyone you know have been effected by this scandal. ACA...a law that was passed by Congress. Bitch all you want, it is law and not an attack on your freedoms in any way.

Forcing me, and all citizens to give up our former healthcare and forcing us to buy NEW, MORE EXPENSIVE healthcare.... certainly seems to be curtailing MY FREEDOM to buy what I want!....And DONE Unconstitutionally by reconciliation where ONLY the DemocRATS voted it through Congress.
It is called the political process. If the teapers weren't so fucking stupid, they could avoided a lot of this mess. Instead, they decided to play hate politics and were too busy threatening sedition, race wars and spewing hyperbole instead of leading and providing alternatives.

The Republicans had presented options to ObumaCare but since they had no power, it was rejected! Read and learn...

The Impressive New Obamacare Replace Plan From Republicans Burr Hatch And Upton - Forbes
:lol: But they didn't present their alternatives...your ilk were too busy demonstrating and protesting, calling for race wars, calling Obama a racist and all of that nonsense. You acted CONTRARY to the political process and fucked America in the process.

That's a lie, link it up to Republican's calling for a race war. Seems the Hildebeasty said it best about debate and disagree with any administration!

I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
How many pages were written in the ten years before that?

And were the reg necessary or not.

You gotta step up, BL, not just talk.

I don't step up to liberals I step on them, then twist my shoe tip back and forth.
You commit assault? How often?


Are you a liberal? I ask because I have observed they have no sense of humor. They seem to go out of their way to take something literally just so they can foam at the mouth about it. Science really should study the source of their rage.
Its not funny to have such a blindsided hatred of opposing political peoples.

Its sad, and kinda despicable.

lol I openly and proudly hate liberals. They hate me and I hate them right the hell back 10x.
you cannot name one "right" or "freedom" you have lost.

too stupid Revolution was about freedom from taxation when taxation was very very low; in fact much lower than in England. Today we pay 70% thanks to the liberal opposition to freedom.

I've never paid 70%

who's talking about just you??????

You said "we" meaning your statement was inclusive of us all. Perhaps English is not your first language?

too stupid by 100% as always. All as a group does not mean all or everyone in the group is identical. Want to bet?? Or must you run away again with your liberal tail between your legs?

You said "all".

Is there another meaning for that world that I'm not aware of?

@SpecialEdDear ...

Hint: please learn to write in American English, including the correct use of the comma.

After all, someday, you may want to write a book. :wink_2:
What liberties have you lost? Are they specific to Obama or are they liberties you have lost over time. Please be specific.

I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
How many pages were written in the ten years before that?

And were the reg necessary or not.

You gotta step up, BL, not just talk.

I don't step up to liberals I step on them, then twist my shoe tip back and forth.

Here's the comma homeschooling didn't teach you to use correctly ... courtesy of a liberal you wish you could step on.


What liberties have you lost? Are they specific to Obama or are they liberties you have lost over time. Please be specific.

well the revolution was fought over taxes that were very very low and now taxes are about 70% of our income. So we are far worse off, almost slaves to the govt in a sense. Do you understand?
What liberties have you lost?
well the revolution was fought over taxes that were very very low and now taxes are about 70% of our income. So we are far worse off, almost slaves to the govt in a sense. Do you understand that we have lost the liberty not to be slaves?
What liberties have you lost...please be specific.

Lost the freedom to speak freely and without worrying to be called racist.
Lost the freedom to celebrate Christian holidays without being harassed.
Lost the freedom of expression at colleges if you are a conservative.
Lost the freedom to call a woman on her sixth abortion a slut. Especially if she if black.

That is for starters.
Are you better off than "give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry's slaves?
well the revolution was fought over taxes that were very very low and now taxes are about 70% of our income. So we are far worse off, almost slaves to the govt in a sense. Do you understand?
What liberties have you lost?
well the revolution was fought over taxes that were very very low and now taxes are about 70% of our income. So we are far worse off, almost slaves to the govt in a sense. Do you understand that we have lost the liberty not to be slaves?
What liberties have you lost...please be specific.

Lost the freedom to speak freely and without worrying to be called racist.
Lost the freedom to celebrate Christian holidays without being harassed.
Lost the freedom of expression at colleges if you are a conservative.
Lost the freedom to call a woman on her sixth abortion a slut. Especially if she if black.

That is for starters.
Are you better off than "give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry's slaves?

dear, can you ask your mom to help you make your point in sensible English??
What liberties have you lost? Are they specific to Obama or are they liberties you have lost over time. Please be specific.

I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
How many pages were written in the ten years before that?

And were the reg necessary or not.

You gotta step up, BL, not just talk.

I don't step up to liberals I step on them, then twist my shoe tip back and forth.

Here's the comma homeschooling didn't teach you to use correctly ... courtesy of a liberal you wish you could step on.



Ahahaha quick run back to the democratic underground and brag how you corrected something on the internet. Some of you libs don't have much a life lol.
Real liberty means nothing to Ted Cruz. If he had his way everything even a little bit naughty would be banned and fuck the constitution if it says different. It is the hallmark of a social conservative to continually test the constitutional limits of what "sins" can be outlawed and criminalized.
What liberties have you lost? Are they specific to Obama or are they liberties you have lost over time. Please be specific.

I have lost the liberty to live free from the 800,000 pages of government regulations written in just the last 10 years.
How many pages were written in the ten years before that?

And were the reg necessary or not.

You gotta step up, BL, not just talk.

I don't step up to liberals I step on them, then twist my shoe tip back and forth.

Here's the comma homeschooling didn't teach you to use correctly ... courtesy of a liberal you wish you could step on.


BL can't even walk in a straight line when drinking, much less step on anyone.

Pipe dream, nothing more.
What liberties have you lost?
well the revolution was fought over taxes that were very very low and now taxes are about 70% of our income. So we are far worse off, almost slaves to the govt in a sense. Do you understand that we have lost the liberty not to be slaves?
What liberties have you lost...please be specific.
  • The health care mandate

  • The Shrub
  • The Shrub
  • The Shrub


Would you feel offended if, following your example, somebody with similar disrespect would refer to President Obama as

The Halfbreed
The Halfbreed
The Halfbreed.



Difference is, those were indeed started by the shrub.

Or did you think your deflection would hide that FACT?
Real liberty means nothing to Ted Cruz. If he had his way everything even a little bit naughty would be banned and fuck the constitution if it says different. It is the hallmark of a social conservative to continually test the constitutional limits of what "sins" can be outlawed and criminalized.

This is actually true.

Luckily, he's just the Flavor Of The Month and he has no chance of reaching the finish line.

We have a many more "candidates" to wade through before this is over.
If the teapers weren't so fucking stupid, they could avoided a lot of this mess. .

how do you avoid it with so many anti-freedom anti Americans around?
You still haven't been able to communicate what freedoms you have lost. You seem to be a lemming who lost his talking points.

dear, if someone steals 70% of your money you are suffering a loss of liberty.
Is that simple enough for you?
If the teapers weren't so fucking stupid, they could avoided a lot of this mess. .

how do you avoid it with so many anti-freedom anti Americans around?
You still haven't been able to communicate what freedoms you have lost. You seem to be a lemming who lost his talking points.

dear, if someone steals 70% of your money you are suffering a loss of liberty.
Is that simple enough for you?
Are all taxes unfair?