Tech support jobs

i did own 2 UPS stores for 17 years

That was the only career in my life and now I am Middle Aged

Well at least you made it 17 years. Those stores had a short shelf-life in this area. I only used them when I wanted to illegally ship alcohol that I listed as "Bubble bath" because they didn't care to inspect the contents like the real UPS place did.

Get on disability...well unless you made the mistake I have seen too many businessmen make--shielding themselves from FICA and then being screwed when they needed the benefits.
Well at least you made it 17 years. Those stores had a short shelf-life in this area. I only used them when I wanted to illegally ship alcohol that I listed as "Bubble bath" because they didn't care to inspect the contents like the real UPS place did.

Get on disability...well unless you made the mistake I have seen too many businessmen make--shielding themselves from FICA and then being screwed when they needed the benefits.

YES, it seemed like more than half of the UPS store owners sold their business within 2-3 years
I had them in 2 different states

When Amazon took over , i had to literally provide FREE PACKAGING AND FREE storage to several hundred packages a week
I also EXCELLED in firing people at my UPS store

I would fire them all the time and I WAS GOOD AT IT and really loved doing it.

I think I fired 50 people

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