Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.”

“By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

According to the Sublettes, 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860 there were 4 million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860 the number of slaves increased by at least 1,000 percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

No matter how much you racists lie about this, the fact remains that whites are responsible for slavery in the US. Using some white supremacist research agency doesn't change this. Now I will suggest you stop while you're behind here because you don't want to be shown the extent whites went to in order to get slaves. nor do you want to learn that slavery was a punishment for crimes, or used to punish prisoners of war in Africa and was not exactly the same thing as was done here since a slaves family were also not slaves, nor where generations of his descendants held as slaves, that a slave could work their way to freedom and there were cases that slaves actually ended up being kings.
That's an aspect of slavery that never really crossed my mind. It makes sense that those that were able did that. While it is an important, and frankly heartbreaking fact that it would take a bill of sale to reunite a family, it's doubtful that a large percentage of the total slave trade was conducted for that purpose. It was mostly just cash for livestock in the minds of most slave traders. Smaller numbers make it easier for the racists to just ignore those instances as inconsequential in the overall scheme of things. Just another sad example of what happens when people are considered property.
For the majority of blacks it was. When you look at the number of slaves blacks owned it was not very much. 3,776 blacks owned 12,000 slaves out of more than 2 million slaves in America in 1830. That's basically 3 each. So you can see that what these guys are calling black slaveowning isn't the same as was practiced by white slaveowners.
For the majority of blacks it was. When you look at the number of slaves blacks owned it was not very much. 3,776 blacks owned 12,000 slaves out of more than 2 million slaves in America in 1830. That's basically 3 each. So you can see that what these guys are calling black slaveowning isn't the same as was practiced by white slaveowners.
Makes sense, but doesn't matter. Of course we can exclude family members whose freedom was bought, but I doubt there wasn't at least a few black slave owners, somewhere in our country who treated their slaves as the white owners did, Those are the black slave owners the racists are hanging their hat on. You have to first acknowledge those black slave owners as evil. Of course, it was probably a miniscule amount, and their mention seems a waste of time, but that's how a racist mind works. You work with what you got.
Makes sense, but doesn't matter. Of course we can exclude family members whose freedom was bought, but I doubt there wasn't at least a few black slave owners, somewhere in our country who treated their slaves as the white owners did, Those are the black slave owners the racists are hanging their hat on. You have to first acknowledge those black slave owners as evil. Of course, it was probably a miniscule amount, and their mention seems a waste of time, but that's how a racist mind works. You work with what you got.

In reality it was cheaper to buy a family member as a slave than it was to free them.
It didn't matter if the purchaser was white or black ... To free a slave required the owner post (purchase) a bond for their release or freedom.


In reality it was cheaper to buy a family member as a slave than it was to free them.
It didn't matter if the purchaser was white or black ... To free a slave required the owner post (purchase) a bond for their release or freedom.

I didn't know that either. The family would have another expense to make sure their family members couldn't somehow be dragged back into slavery. Perhaps we didn't learn as much about slavery in school as some seem to think we did.
Or so says people like you who hate whites
I'm so white till you could pull out that old projector and show home movies on my back. No, I don't hate white people. I'm so white till when my brother and my cousin both married red headed white girls, there was talk at the reunion about how they had introduced a different color into the family.
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Makes sense, but doesn't matter. Of course we can exclude family members whose freedom was bought, but I doubt there wasn't at least a few black slave owners, somewhere in our country who treated their slaves as the white owners did, Those are the black slave owners the racists are hanging their hat on. You have to first acknowledge those black slave owners as evil. Of course, it was probably a miniscule amount, and their mention seems a waste of time, but that's how a racist mind works. You work with what you got.
Actually it does matter because this is used by whites to excuse themselves from what they did. A man bought his wife and children to keep the family together and get them off the plantation. Those blacks were not held to service and had freedom of movement. They were only slaves on paper. That is different than what whites were doing and this MUST be made clear. I don't have to acknowledge anything when people are using that to deny the larger problem. There were over 2 million slaves owned according to the 1830 survey, 12,000 were owned by blacks 1.988 million were owned by whites. There is no equality in those numbers, and furthermore blacks did not make slavery legal in this country. I'm not here to cater to or consider the racist mind. Less than 1 percent of all slaves owned were owned by blacks and I'm supposed to say that blacks were equally responsible for slavery. No, I won't do that.
I'm so white till you could pull out that old projector and show home movies on my back. No, I don't hate white people. I'm so white till when my brother and my cousin both married red headed white girls, there was talk at the reunion about how they had introduced a different color into the family.
Thats a nice stoy

I’m sure the Apache scouts who helped the cavalry solders capture or kill their brother Apache’s had a good cover story too
Actually it does matter because this is used by whites to excuse themselves from what they did. A man bought his wife and children to keep the family together and get them off the plantation. Those blacks were not held to service and had freedom of movement. They were only slaves on paper. That is different than what whites were doing and this MUST be made clear. I don't have to acknowledge anything when people are using that to deny the larger problem. There were over 2 million slaves owned according to the 1830 survey, 12,000 were owned by blacks 1.988 million were owned by whites. There is no equality in those numbers, and furthermore blacks did not make slavery legal in this country. I'm not here to cater to or consider the racist mind. Less than 1 percent of all slaves owned were owned by blacks and I'm supposed to say that blacks were equally responsible for slavery. No, I won't do that.
You should only consider the racist mind if you want to effectively counter their crap.
You should only consider the racist mind if you want to effectively counter their crap.
I have considered it and fuck them. I counter them all the time and I am not going to try pretending that 3-4 blacks who owned slaves like whites is equal to the thousands of white slave owners or that somehow blacks made slavery legal in America. Blacks owned less than 1 percent of all slaves and the majority purchased family members. Those are the facts.
Thats a nice stoy

I’m sure the Apache scouts who helped the cavalry solders capture or kill their brother Apache’s had a good cover story too
Yeah we know, everybody is guilty but the white man.
I didn't know that either. The family would have another expense to make sure their family members couldn't somehow be dragged back into slavery. Perhaps we didn't learn as much about slavery in school as some seem to think we did.

The additional expenses ... Bond (owner was required to pay the state or local authorities) and Freedom Dues (owner was required to give the former slave)
Could be 3-4 times what the slave cost ... It helped keep people from running around buying slaves and setting them free.


The additional expenses ... Bond (owner was required to pay the state or local authorities) and Freedom Dues (owner was required to give the former slave)
Could be 3-4 times what the slave cost ... It helped keep people from running around buying slaves and setting them free.

I have considered it and fuck them. I counter them all the time and I am not going to try pretending that 3-4 blacks who owned slaves like whites is equal to the thousands of white slave owners or that somehow blacks made slavery legal in America. Blacks owned less than 1 percent of all slaves and the majority purchased family members. Those are the facts.
12 million blacks were SOLD by other blacks into slavery. No white man captured a single black in Africa they bought them from other blacks. As for your claim that black slave owners in the US owned their family that is NOT actually a fact your source even admits that it is just a theory. You keep excusing blacks for slavery because you are racist.
12 million blacks were SOLD by other blacks into slavery. No white man captured a single black in Africa they bought them from other blacks. As for your claim that black slave owners in the US owned their family that is NOT actually a fact your source even admits that it is just a theory. You keep excusing blacks for slavery because you are racist.
Can you explain the way blacks captured black slaves in Africa, to IM2? Maybe he will learn something today
Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans

While the nation is celebrating Black History Month this February, more than three dozen states have introduced legislation or taken other steps since January 2021 to limit the discussion of race in public schools. Meanwhile, school boards controlled by reactionary "parents' rights" advocates are banning books about racism. Those who are trying to mute public discussions of race and racism have often justified their actions by casting these conversations as uncomfortable or divisive.

Since the murder of George Floyd sparked mass protests across the country, many conservatives have responded by appealing to White Americans' fear and suggesting that collective efforts to address systemic injustice are anti-White.

But this is the big lie White supremacy has always told to sustain itself, and history shows the fight for equality is not a zero-sum game. Americans must learn Black history if for no other reason than to understand that Black political power has been good news for many White Americans.

It's time republicans stopped the race baiting.
There's no such thing as Black History.
Your commentary ignores the fact that those blacks were separate tribes and nations.
Yes...they were, correct, and the the losers became slaves.

Thus my original statement.

Your commentary also dismisses the arming of warring tribes by whites then buying the captives.
They were doing all of this a very long time before the whites or Arabs showed up.

How do you know they didn't purchase the weapons with the profit from the slave trade?

Either way...it's just a tool.

The rich get richer...and more powerful

Furthermore only 389,000 Africans reached America but more than 4 million were here at the end of the civil war. The additional 3.6 million slaves were not sold by Africans but bread like animals by whites.
I don't understand the point of this statement.

Because white people were so evil to the slaves, beat them and malnourished them...that is how they were able to multiple their numbers ten fold?

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