Teacher Suspended for Telling Student "[then] go back to Mexico"


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico." Where does this kid, or any kid, get off treating a teacher with such disrespect? It's bull that this teacher might lose her job for echoing a sentiment many have.

This is America. If the kid was born here, he should know some English. Of course, illegals often can't teach their kids English before making them a problem for the teachers. I know we offer welfare forms and every other form in other languages, which is ridiculous because legal immigrants usually learn our language.

The kid should have been sent to the principal's office for being so mouthy, instead the teacher is in trouble because she was politically incorrect.

Texas Teacher Suspended for Telling Student: ‘Go Back to Mexico’ | Stand With Arizona
Texas? The kid probably thought he was in Mexico...


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
There are currently borders and immigration laws. Until they change, they need to be respected. Also, why should we cater to those who refuse to show respect for America? They are all too happy to sneak in and take advantage of us with billions in welfare and other expenses, then they make more demands. No matter how rude or obnoxious, political correctness shields them from the slightest criticism for their behavior. Fuck 'em if they refuse to assimilate.
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The English Department has no business sending an illiterate to math class. If anyone should be suspended, it should be the English department.
I totally side with the teacher in this case.

Then you’re as wrong as the teacher.

ARLINGTON, Texas – A two-time “Teacher of the Year” in Arlington is now fighting to keep her job after allegedly telling a Hispanic student to “Go back to Mexico.” Barnett Junior High School math teacher Shirley Bunn has 24 years of teaching experience. But her career could end with what she called a moment of frustration. Bunn admitted she lost her temper on Sept. 30 while distributing Title 1 forms to her eighth grade students.

Teachers have department heads, vice principals, deans of students, etc; she should have simply referred the disruptive student accordingly if she was unable to accommodate his request.

As a professional it’s her responsibility to keep her cool and act in an appropriate manner.
This is too funny....
You get your wetback ass outta my face.
You don't like it here go back where you came from....

OOOOoooops did I say that out loud.
I'm gonna get put in the corner with Patrick J.Buchannan
Texas? The kid probably thought he was in Mexico...


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

You really should go back to school and learn the HISTORY of Texas and the Mexican-American War. That land that your image claims was stolen was purchased at the cost of $15,000,000 as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the end of that war. Mexico didn't even really care about that land at that time because the Indians were kicking the shit out of the Mexican Army every time they came north.

Here's what you REALLY need to know, Lakhota...

He's used to dumb White Liberals kissing his wormy little ass all the time. So i'm sure he was shocked. They should ship him off to Mexico. He's a 'Mexican' after all. The school should just blow this stupid shit off and bring the Teacher back immediately. The spoiled little bastard should then be expelled. This is what happens when you let dumb White Liberals take over the Public School System. What a mess.
"I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico.""

I totally side with the teacher's frustration with the coddled bully, but rather than the teacher saying, "go back to Mexico" she should have instead told him to "go to the principles office NOW!!!

She would have saved herself much grief. We do have to deal with the cards we have dealt ourselves.....
"I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico.""

I totally side with the teacher's frustration with the coddled bully, but rather than the teacher saying, "go back to Mexico" she should have instead told him to "go to the principles office NOW!!!

She would have saved herself much grief. We do have to deal with the cards we have dealt ourselves.....

Probably so, but i enjoyed her honesty. This little bastard is just so used to dumb White Liberals kissing his ass. Bring the Teacher back and expel the little shit.
Another side to this story is that if the kid is in US, less the far northeast section of same, he's already in what once was "Mexico". We took it from them.......oh well......

Another side to this story is that if the kid is in US, less the far northeast section of same, he's already in what once was "Mexico". We took it from them.......oh well......


Yep, and we took the rest of it from the Indians, the British, the French, the Spaniards, etc...

Do you have a point?
Another side to this story is that if the kid is in US, less the far northeast section of same, he's already in what once was "Mexico". We took it from them.......oh well......


Yep, and we took the rest of it from the Indians, the British, the French, the Spaniards, etc...

Do you have a point?

No, not really, but living down in Majahual, Quintana Roo State, Yucatan, MX, with all the local political stories that hum away, when these sort of stories come to the fore, I ponder the alternatives. Pointless really, since the bottom line is within the borders that is now our nation, we speak English, and so should that kid.

Up in Tulum, about 20k north of me there in Majahual, we had a kid from Germany attend school there and he felt they should all learn, or provide a German speaking teacher just for him. Same type of nonsense.

So, no point really.

Another side to this story is that if the kid is in US, less the far northeast section of same, he's already in what once was "Mexico". We took it from them.......oh well......


Yep, and we took the rest of it from the Indians, the British, the French, the Spaniards, etc...

Do you have a point?

No, not really, but living down in Majahual, Quintana Roo State, Yucatan, MX, with all the local political stories that hum away, when these sort of stories come to the fore, I ponder the alternatives. Pointless really, since the bottom line is within the borders that is now our nation, we speak English, and so should that kid.

Up in Tulum, about 20k north of me there in Majahual, we had a kid from Germany attend school there and he felt they should all learn, or provide a German speaking teacher just for him. Same type of nonsense.

So, no point really.

Good. the principal should mete out discipline; I would not defend a Native American teacher who said "Go back to Europe" either.
It's pretty unprofessional to let a kid get under your skin like that, but I don't think she needs to be terminated for this. However, in Texas, that sort of thing just isn't going to fly.

I wonder where her teachers union is at? Probably cowering under a desk somewhere ...
Someone needs to tell some of those morons it is the 21st century.
Sorry your ancestors got their asses kicked.

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