Teacher reinstated

If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
He is safe until he gets a tranny in his class that dictates pronouns to him. When he is actually put in the position to have to violate school policy by not using the preferred pronouns he will be fired again.
No one receives legal directions from a 3rd party about how they Must reference another party.
Schools can fire teachers for violating school policy. I'm sure it would be challenged in court again; however, the school will stand on much stronger legal ground when the teacher has actually violated the policy rather than simply voicing his opinion about the policy.
The “policy” of forced fantasy and removal of discretion
I doubt it
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
Time to run him for GOP office.
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
I watched the teacher being interviewed on TV today. He said that he would call everyone by their preferred name. In other words, he will call a boy Sue, but he will not use female pronouns to refer to a boy.
Even if he has that right he is still being cruel and the reason for that cruelty is???
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
He is safe until he gets a tranny in his class that dictates pronouns to him. When he is actually put in the position to have to violate school policy by not using the preferred pronouns he will be fired again.
No one receives legal directions from a 3rd party about how they Must reference another party.
Schools can fire teachers for violating school policy. I'm sure it would be challenged in court again; however, the school will stand on much stronger legal ground when the teacher has actually violated the policy rather than simply voicing his opinion about the policy.
The “policy” of forced fantasy and removal of discretion
I doubt it
I am on the teacher's side. But you underestimate how much power the loony left already has with our school districts, universities, and our courts. Some states are already letting biological males that identify as females compete in female sports.

I would not be surprised if the school puts a tranny in his class just to test him.
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
Time to run him for GOP office.
Is he a Republican? Aren't you kind of automatically associating belief and respect for biology over politics with the GOP? Well, come to think of it....
What if people just used gender neutral pronouns like "it" and "that" to refer to psycho dudes wearing a dress?
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
I watched the teacher being interviewed on TV today. He said that he would call everyone by their preferred name. In other words, he will call a boy Sue, but he will not use female pronouns to refer to a boy.
Even if he has that right he is still being cruel and the reason for that cruelty is???
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
And yet he would have by highlighting the fact that the trans student is different. School kids are notorious for insisting everyone has to conform or be ostracized. They go after students who wear the wrong shoes or the wrong jeans. How much bigger a target would a student be who refused to be referred to as "he" or "she", or insisted on being referred to by a pronoun that obviously didn't fit? Teenage suicide from bullying, especially on social media, is a problem and this would only add to it.
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
Yes, if the transfreak legally had a name change from Joe to Sally.
Then the teacher should call it Sally.
But is under no obligation to refer to the student as she or her. ... :cool:
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
So if a student demanded to be called R2D2 and the teacher refused, and he went home and killed himself.
The kid had way more deep seated emotional problems than not being addressed as R2D2. ... :cuckoo:
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
I watched the teacher being interviewed on TV today. He said that he would call everyone by their preferred name. In other words, he will call a boy Sue, but he will not use female pronouns to refer to a boy.
Even if he has that right he is still being cruel and the reason for that cruelty is???
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
And yet he would have by highlighting the fact that the trans student is different. School kids are notorious for insisting everyone has to conform or be ostracized. They go after students who wear the wrong shoes or the wrong jeans. How much bigger a target would a student be who refused to be referred to as "he" or "she", or insisted on being referred to by a pronoun that obviously didn't fit? Teenage suicide from bullying, especially on social media, is a problem and this would only add to it.
Kids can be cruel but teachers should know better.
Last edited:
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it go to SCOTUS?
Leftists will be triggered by this thread
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
From now on, I want you, and only you, to refer to me as YOUR lord grand emperor and magnificent hope for intellectual salvation.

. . . if you refer to me by anything else? You, by your own admission, are a dick.
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
I watched the teacher being interviewed on TV today. He said that he would call everyone by their preferred name. In other words, he will call a boy Sue, but he will not use female pronouns to refer to a boy.
Even if he has that right he is still being cruel and the reason for that cruelty is???
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
"He was suspended after saying at a school board meeting in late May that he would never “affirm that a biological boy can be a girl, and vice versa," citing his Christian faith."

There are definitely freedom of speech and religion issues involved here. . . I don't see how the SCOTUS will uphold schools firing someone over this. . .

. . . if they do? The individual, along with the nation, is lost.
What if people just used gender neutral pronouns like "it" and "that" to refer to psycho dudes wearing a dress?

Dude(?) needs someone to design him a new dress, if he is that fragile.

maybe like this one?


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