Teacher Lock-Step Broken!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Newark teachers strike historic deal including bonuses for top educators

2. NEWARK — The Newark Teachers Union has reached a historic deal with the state that will make the district the first in New Jersey to offer bonuses based on how teachers perform in the classroom, union officials said today.

3. ...a three-year contract today that includes annual bonuses that range from $2,000 to $12,500 for teachers rated "effective" or "highly effective" under a new evaluation system,...

4. Teachers unions have traditionally resisted merit pay or any system that would link compensation to student performance. Del Grosso said the key to the Newark deal was a provision in the contract that will allow teachers to serve on the committees evaluating colleagues’ performance in the classroom.

5. Each school will have a three-person evaluation committee that includes a school administrator, a principal and a teacher with equal power,...

6. "We will have a say in our own destiny," Del Grosso said. "We’re militant in that we want to control our own profession."

7. ...the union and the district discussed merit pay — or "performance enhancers" — for months.

8. The Newark Teachers Union represents nearly 3,300 teachers, who oversee 37,000 students in the state-run district. The teachers have been working under the terms of a contract that expired more than two years ago while the two sides tried to reach a new deal.

9. Newark’s merit pay program will be based on a four-tier rating system included in new teacher tenure rules Gov. Chris Christie signed into law over the summer. The new law includes annual evaluations for teachers that will rate them "highly effective," "effective," "partially effective" or "ineffective."

10. ...teachers rated "highly effective" or "effective" would get extra pay. Teachers who work in less desirable schools or subject areas would also be eligible for bonuses, union officials said."
Newark teachers strike historic deal including bonuses for top educators | NJ.com

This is the face of the future.....and, really, isn't this moving in the direction we'd hope for?
Getting paid for excellence and results? WTF! That's almost like free enterprise!


.....how many free market jobs have guaranteed lifetime positions, tenure?
Progressives are responsible for the idea.....

1. In the 19th century, university professors largely served at the pleasure of the board of trustees of the university. Sometimes, major donors could successfully remove professors or prohibit the hiring of certain individuals;… In one debate of the Cornell Board of Trustees, in the 1870s, a businessman trustee argued against the prevailing system of de facto tenure, but lost the argument. Tenure (academic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. The modern institution of academic tenure was hastened by progressive academia’s solidarity with E.A.Ross, progressive sociologist and social engineer and eugenicist. His thesis was that immigration would lead to “race suicide.”

3. He studied at Johns Hopkins under Woodrow Wilson and Richard Ely, and was influenced, as were most progressives, by German national socialists. He shared with Wilson and Ely the belief that social progress had to realize innate differences between races: Africans and South Americans were close to being savages, and Asians might be more advanced but were degenerating.

a. He served as a tutor to Teddy Roosevelt on immigration, and Roosevelt wrote the introduction to Ross’s “Sin and Society.”

4. Ross believed that America was headed for destruction due to immigration, intermarriage, and the refusal of the state to impose eugenic reforms.

a. He wrote: “Observe immigrants…in their gatherings, washed and combed, and in their Sunday best…[They] are hirsute, low-browed, big-faced persons of obviously low mentality…[C]learly they belong in skins, in wattled huts at the close of the Great Ice Age. These ox-like men are descendants of those who always stayed behind.”
David M. Kennedy, “Can We Still Afford To Be A Nation Of Immigrants?” Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 1996, p.52-68

5. Ross got a position at Stanford, but Stanford’s conservative grande dame and benefactor, Jane Lathrop Stanford disliked his loud and crude denunciation of Chinese ‘coolies,’ as this position was at odds with the university's founding family, the Stanfords, who had made their fortune in Western rail construction - a major employer of Chinese laborers. Ibid.

a. Numerous professors at Stanford resigned after protests of his dismissal, sparking "a national debate.”

b. Progressive organizations led by Richard Ely’s American Economic Association, rallied to his cause.

c. The NYTimes and other newspapers editorialized on his behalf.

d. But, Ross moved on to the University of Nebraska, where he worked with Roscoe Pound, on ‘sociological jurisprudence,’ and modern liberalism’s “living Constitution.”

6. In 1915, this was followed by the American Association of University Professors' (AAUP) declaration of principles—the traditional justification for academic freedom and tenure. In 1940, the AAUP recommended that the academic tenure probationary period be seven years -- still the current norm.

So....I wouldn't call education the free market just yet.
Complicated issue. Many learning problems are due to the home environment of the student. Totally out of control of the school. The compensation system should account for that somehow.
Complicated issue. Many learning problems are due to the home environment of the student. Totally out of control of the school. The compensation system should account for that somehow.
Not every schools failure is the parents fault.....I hate that bullshit cop out.

It is not a bullshit cop out, it is a statement of fact. It only becomes a cop out if it is used as an excuse to protect incompetence. Like I said, the compensation system should account for it.
Complicated issue. Many learning problems are due to the home environment of the student. Totally out of control of the school. The compensation system should account for that somehow.
Not every schools failure is the parents fault.....I hate that bullshit cop out.

It is not a bullshit cop out, it is a statement of fact. It only becomes a cop out if it is used as an excuse to protect incompetence. Like I said, the compensation system should account for it.

If you cant do you job there are no excuses.
I'll be interested to see how well this system works.

I'd be very interested in seeing how they determine who is and who is not a superior teacher, too.

What is their criteria for deciding?

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