Teacher Defends Showing Her Class Gay Disney Film

If a movie with a single gay character is "indoctrinating kids", does that mean a movie with a single black character is also "indoctrinating kids"? or what if there is a single religious character, would that be "indoctrinating kids"?
If it were so easy to "indoctrinate kids", why aren't schools insisting teachers show movies where the kids are studious and polite?
I knew it. You DO want "Song of the South" shown in classes. :heehee:

Your fellow DemoKKKrats LOVE that movie!

You may have forgotten the audio but the lib teachers know how damning that could be

Camera’s would be a serious impediment to the lib woke agenda
What army would you have monitoring this? Do you know how many public school teachers there are?
There are 75 to 100 parents with children in every classroom

that old dodge wont work

No dodge, LA Rain Man. Probably more than 100 pages of threads here have been devoted to educating your dumb ass about why such a stupid idea will never happen. Let it go.
No dodge, LA Rain Man. Probably more than 100 pages of threads here have been devoted to educating your dumb ass about why such a stupid idea will never happen. Let it go.
You spout your bs

But thats all it is is teachers union talking points
-teaching don’t screw up or you’ll spend your Saturday in detention

-jocks, brains, princesses and weirdos all have problems and aren’t so different deep down

-1980’s appreciation

My students know all about detention. They got a kick out of the movie.
There are a variety of laws that do not permit you to record children in class and have it for public viewing. :no_text11:
1st, Point out one

2nd, we are recording the teacher - both audio and video - not the students
And even if it did happen, and all these cameras recorded all these teachers all day, when it shows the teachers have been saying nothing particularly worrisome after all, they still wouldn’t be vindicated cause these people would claim they “solved” it by putting the cameras there.
Woke lib teachers may be crazy but they arent stupid

They are going to try not saying anything incriminating

At least at first

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