Tea Party Members: In Their Own Words. LOL

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
and somebody with a Scott Brown Tee Shirt Explains how they do not know what they are against in the bill, but they heard on FOX News that they should be against it...wherever it is in the bill, if it's in the bill at all.



:eusa_wall: :booze: :tomato: :funnyface: :tomato: :booze: :eusa_wall:



One guy says Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution. When confronted with the fact that Obama taught Constitutional Law in a University, the man replies...'so they say':cuckoo:

One woman, when confronted with the fact that there are 30 millions people without health insurance, and asked what she would do about that replies, she does not believe there are 30 million Americans without health insurance.

gawd, almighty...you can't make this shit up.
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I'm against the bill exactly because I don't know what's in it. Didn't the final version just get released on the internet 2 days ago?
and somebody with a Scott Brown Tee Shirt Explains how they do not know what they are against in the bill, but they heard on FOX News that they should be against it...wherever it is in the bill, if it's in the bill at all.



:eusa_wall: :booze: :tomato: :funnyface: :tomato: :booze: :eusa_wall:



One guy says Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution. When confronted with the fact that Obama taught Constitutional Law in a University, the man replies...'so they say':cuckoo:

One woman, when confronted with the fact that there are 30 millions people without health insurance, and asked what she would do about that replies, she does not believe there are 30 million Americans without health insurance.

gawd, almighty...you can't make this shit up.

the comments on the youtube pages are out of this world. the Tea Party agenda pulls out the best in everyone, or the worst, depending on how you view your fellow Americans.:eusa_whistle:

I'm against the bill exactly because I don't know what's in it. Didn't the final version just get released on the internet 2 days ago?

yeah, but when you watch the video, you see and hearTea Party members in their own words say what they are against and then struggle to fit what they say they know is in the bill, with what they think may be in the bill, with what they heard is in the bill...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

these people vote? Time to revisit standards of who has the vote.

watch the video and then try....just try to defend teh Tea Party people.

I dare you.


"I am sure there are a lot of things that can be done." "I don't have all the answers, I just know government is not the answer." "Give it to some private company and let them make a profit off doing it" - Tea Party solution.

"you're supposed to cover like FOX, fair and balanced."


gawd, it is the circus isn't it?

One lady shows off a shirt with Glenn Beck's Nine Principles printed on it. I wonder who made money selling those shirts.

now is the time to jump in and make a buck!

1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.

2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.

3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.

7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.

maybe some day they will succeed in being a better person and they will wake up to the fact that equal rights are guaranteed under the US Constitution.
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and somebody with a Scott Brown Tee Shirt Explains how they do not know what they are against in the bill, but they heard on FOX News that they should be against it...wherever it is in the bill, if it's in the bill at all.



:eusa_wall: :booze: :tomato: :funnyface: :tomato: :booze: :eusa_wall:



One guy says Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution. When confronted with the fact that Obama taught Constitutional Law in a University, the man replies...'so they say':cuckoo:

One woman, when confronted with the fact that there are 30 millions people without health insurance, and asked what she would do about that replies, she does not believe there are 30 million Americans without health insurance.

gawd, almighty...you can't make this shit up.

True...you just got punked by a YouTube bullshit video.....
and somebody with a Scott Brown Tee Shirt Explains how they do not know what they are against in the bill, but they heard on FOX News that they should be against it...wherever it is in the bill, if it's in the bill at all.



:eusa_wall: :booze: :tomato: :funnyface: :tomato: :booze: :eusa_wall:



One guy says Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution. When confronted with the fact that Obama taught Constitutional Law in a University, the man replies...'so they say':cuckoo:

One woman, when confronted with the fact that there are 30 millions people without health insurance, and asked what she would do about that replies, she does not believe there are 30 million Americans without health insurance.

gawd, almighty...you can't make this shit up.
Great post OP.

These foolish country bumkins don't even know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, much less what's in the bill...strictly what FOXNews tells them.

What a bunch of ignorant MORANS!

The Tea Party Spokesperson says "We believe the Constitution of the United Sates has relevance. We believe its the foundation on which America greatness was built, and we feel this country is moving in a direction that absolutely contradicts the vision of the greatest American founders of our country."

I guess this guy is ignoring the fact that the US Constitution was hammered out behind closed doors, with secret deals...a compromise made in an environment that even some participants thought might skirt being illegal?
OMG a couple of Idiot Hacks don't know what's going on!


Point is.. Both Parties have their Retards. If you don't admit that, sadly you're one of them.

Sounds like these Uniformed folks..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NhOEt4bvdA]YouTube - How Obama got Elected[/ame]
and somebody with a Scott Brown Tee Shirt Explains how they do not know what they are against in the bill, but they heard on FOX News that they should be against it...wherever it is in the bill, if it's in the bill at all.



:eusa_wall: :booze: :tomato: :funnyface: :tomato: :booze: :eusa_wall:



One guy says Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution. When confronted with the fact that Obama taught Constitutional Law in a University, the man replies...'so they say':cuckoo:

One woman, when confronted with the fact that there are 30 millions people without health insurance, and asked what she would do about that replies, she does not believe there are 30 million Americans without health insurance.

gawd, almighty...you can't make this shit up.
Great post OP.

These foolish country bumkins don't even know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, much less what's in the bill...strictly what FOXNews tells them.

What a bunch of ignorant MORANS!

that is exactly what some of them replied with as a defense for opposing the bill.

and somebody with a Scott Brown Tee Shirt Explains how they do not know what they are against in the bill, but they heard on FOX News that they should be against it...wherever it is in the bill, if it's in the bill at all.



:eusa_wall: :booze: :tomato: :funnyface: :tomato: :booze: :eusa_wall:



One guy says Obama doesn't believe in the Constitution. When confronted with the fact that Obama taught Constitutional Law in a University, the man replies...'so they say':cuckoo:

One woman, when confronted with the fact that there are 30 millions people without health insurance, and asked what she would do about that replies, she does not believe there are 30 million Americans without health insurance.

gawd, almighty...you can't make this shit up.
Great post OP.

These foolish country bumkins don't even know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, much less what's in the bill...strictly what FOXNews tells them.

What a bunch of ignorant MORANS!

Obviously this was doctored...or they are acorn plants....or I agree with him...can we PROVE obama taught constitutional law and we can see this guy knows more about the constitution than Obama...or this is just an isolated incident, most tea baggers aren't like this.

Blah blah...
Why are we not listening to these people? They admit they don't know anything.
OMG a couple of Idiot Hacks don't know what's going on!


Point is.. Both Parties have their Retards. If you don't admit that, sadly you're one of them.

Sounds like these Uniformed folks..

youtube video...
Both parties? We are talking about the Tea Party? So you agree the Tea Party is nothing but an extension of the GOP? Or maybe you are saying the Tea Party members are Democrats who oppose Obama and the ...Democrats?

Which of the two major parties do you put the Tea Party into...you did say the two parties have their 'tards and you posted an pro Obama(?) video?

I did post a video of the Tea Party spokesperson talkin' shit"

Aw, how clever, some liberals searched long and hard to find some less educated people to portray as the symbol of all conservatives.

HEY! I have an idea! Lets take a camera into the ghetto! And lets ask questions about the Constitution, about free markets and health care, about legislative process, about supply and demand!! Lets hear all the enlightened, intellectual statements from the people who will benefit most from Obama: Illegals, and people living in ghettos. I'm sure in their own words we'll all be enlightened.

Or should I say "I don't have to worry about paying my gas bill, or my mortgage, as long as I support him he'll take care of me!!!" as one proud Obama voter said.

Or maybe "I'm gonna get me some money." Q: What money? "Some Obama money." Q: Where does Obama get that money? "I don't know from his stash" as yet another proud Obama voter stated.
OMG a couple of Idiot Hacks don't know what's going on!


Point is.. Both Parties have their Retards. If you don't admit that, sadly you're one of them.

Sounds like these Uniformed folks..

youtube video...
Both parties? We are talking about the Tea Party? So you agree the Tea Party is nothing but an extension of the GOP? Or maybe you are saying the Tea Party members are Democrats who oppose Obama and the ...Democrats?

Which of the two major parties do you put the Tea Party into...you did say the two parties have their 'tards and you posted an pro Obama(?) video?

I did post a video of the Tea Party spokesperson talkin' shit"


Both sides doesn't mean Repubs or Dems.

Just means both sides of the Political Spectrum, both Left and Right.
Obviously this was doctored...or they are acorn plants....or I agree with him...can we PROVE obama taught constitutional law and we can see this guy knows more about the constitution than Obama...or this is just an isolated incident, most tea baggers aren't like this.

Blah blah...




OMG a couple of Idiot Hacks don't know what's going on!


Point is.. Both Parties have their Retards. If you don't admit that, sadly you're one of them.

Sounds like these Uniformed folks..

youtube video...
Both parties? We are talking about the Tea Party? So you agree the Tea Party is nothing but an extension of the GOP? Or maybe you are saying the Tea Party members are Democrats who oppose Obama and the ...Democrats?

Which of the two major parties do you put the Tea Party into...you did say the two parties have their 'tards and you posted an pro Obama(?) video?

I did post a video of the Tea Party spokesperson talkin' shit"


Both sides doesn't mean Repubs or Dems.

Just means both sides of the Political Spectrum, both Left and Right.

but I read the post and the post sad both parties, not both parties of a dispute. :lol:

Left and right? So you admit Tea Party is a right wing movement? That would hardly be representative of the general public, unless of course that general public all watched FOX News and disliked MSNBC. That is what a few of the Tea Party members said on camera.

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