Tea Party Conservatives, Taxes & Delusion: Red State Rip Off

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
We hear so much from the red states and the Tea Party about taxes.

There is this to consider when listening to the Tea Party Leaders and Dolts from Red States and their Right Wing Rhetoric vs Reality:

The red state ripoff


and this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/113634-taxes-at-lowest-levels-in-60-years.html
We hear so much from the red states and the Tea Party about taxes.

There is this to consider when listening to the Tea Party Leaders and Dolts from Red States and their Right Wing Rhetoric vs Reality:

The red state ripoff


and this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/113634-taxes-at-lowest-levels-in-60-years.html

From your link:

There is a very strong correlation, then, between a state voting for Republicans and receiving more in federal spending than its residents pay to the federal government in taxes (the rust belt and Texas being notable exceptions). In essence, those in blue states are subsidizing those in red states. Both red and blue states appear to be acting politically in opposition to their economic interests. Blue states are voting for candidates who are likely to continue the policies of red state subsidization while red states are voting for candidates who profess a desire to reduce federal spending (and presumably red state subsidization).

BTW: Did anyone else notice what color Alaska was.....just sayin'
Might be interesting to see just how the money is being spent. Likely much of it goes to purposes worse than useless.
So there are two possibilities here:
1) People really are stupid. Not just individuals but collectively, on both sides of the issue.
2) The figures are flawed and don't explain the entire picture.

I'd go with #2.
The taxes are the lowest they've been in a LONG time...including the fact that 47% of individuals aren't even required to PAY taxes.

Conservatives don't mind helping businesses with corporate welfare...or farmers with farm subsidies...yet they fear the urban minority welfare cheat

Most conservatives who say they hate taxes probably couldnt muster a valid argument as to how the tax code should be reformed if you asked them...

but somehow they're still all up in arms...

I will be even-handed and say this: if we are forced to pay a VAT AND an income tax...I'll be pissed and revolt. Abolish the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax (that's the fair tax plan)!
We hear so much from the red states and the Tea Party about taxes.

There is this to consider when listening to the Tea Party Leaders and Dolts from Red States and their Right Wing Rhetoric vs Reality:

The red state ripoff


and this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/113634-taxes-at-lowest-levels-in-60-years.html

From your link:

There is a very strong correlation, then, between a state voting for Republicans and receiving more in federal spending than its residents pay to the federal government in taxes (the rust belt and Texas being notable exceptions). In essence, those in blue states are subsidizing those in red states. Both red and blue states appear to be acting politically in opposition to their economic interests. Blue states are voting for candidates who are likely to continue the policies of red state subsidization while red states are voting for candidates who profess a desire to reduce federal spending (and presumably red state subsidization).

BTW: Did anyone else notice what color Alaska was.....just sayin'

The taxes are the lowest they've been in a LONG time...including the fact that 47% of individuals aren't even required to PAY taxes.

Conservatives don't mind helping businesses with corporate welfare...or farmers with farm subsidies...yet they fear the urban minority welfare cheat

Most conservatives who say they hate taxes probably couldnt muster a valid argument as to how the tax code should be reformed if you asked them...

but somehow they're still all up in arms...

I will be even-handed and say this: if we are forced to pay a VAT AND an income tax...I'll be pissed and revolt. Abolish the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax (that's the fair tax plan)!

a sales tax is a scheme for the wealthy to pay less. poor people and middle income people pay all their money on things they need. the percentage of their income going to taxes will be higher than it will be for wealthier people.

sales taxes are regressive whereas income taxes can be progressive. are you wealthy? If not, a sales tax is NOT in your self interest
The wealthy buy more things than the poor, since they have the money. Yes, it's regressive as it's applied similarly despite different income, but those who buy more, pay more.

I do think that the wealthy have a moral imperative to help those less fortunate.
The wealthy buy more things than the poor, since they have the money. Yes, it's regressive as it's applied similarly despite different income, but those who buy more, pay more.

I do think that the wealthy have a moral imperative to help those less fortunate.

I didn't say they do or don't. I say as a society, we get to say who pays what.
The taxes are the lowest they've been in a LONG time...including the fact that 47% of individuals aren't even required to PAY taxes.

Conservatives don't mind helping businesses with corporate welfare...or farmers with farm subsidies...yet they fear the urban minority welfare cheat

Most conservatives who say they hate taxes probably couldnt muster a valid argument as to how the tax code should be reformed if you asked them...

but somehow they're still all up in arms...

I will be even-handed and say this: if we are forced to pay a VAT AND an income tax...I'll be pissed and revolt. Abolish the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax (that's the fair tax plan)!

a sales tax is a scheme for the wealthy to pay less. poor people and middle income people pay all their money on things they need. the percentage of their income going to taxes will be higher than it will be for wealthier people.

sales taxes are regressive whereas income taxes can be progressive. are you wealthy? If not, a sales tax is NOT in your self interest

What poor people pay income taxes?
The taxes are the lowest they've been in a LONG time...including the fact that 47% of individuals aren't even required to PAY taxes.

Conservatives don't mind helping businesses with corporate welfare...or farmers with farm subsidies...yet they fear the urban minority welfare cheat

Most conservatives who say they hate taxes probably couldnt muster a valid argument as to how the tax code should be reformed if you asked them...

but somehow they're still all up in arms...

I will be even-handed and say this: if we are forced to pay a VAT AND an income tax...I'll be pissed and revolt. Abolish the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax (that's the fair tax plan)!

a sales tax is a scheme for the wealthy to pay less. poor people and middle income people pay all their money on things they need. the percentage of their income going to taxes will be higher than it will be for wealthier people.

sales taxes are regressive whereas income taxes can be progressive. are you wealthy? If not, a sales tax is NOT in your self interest

What poor people pay income taxes?

don't bore me. they pay income taxes and instead of a getting a tax break, they get a refund. there are wealthy individuals and corporations who pay little to no tax you would assume they pay from looking at a tax chart.

wake the fuck up. Unless you are a very wealthy individual or a corporation, a progressive tax and not a regressive tax is the best way to go.

do you deny the sales tax idea is regressive?

what is your point?
a sales tax is a scheme for the wealthy to pay less. poor people and middle income people pay all their money on things they need. the percentage of their income going to taxes will be higher than it will be for wealthier people.

sales taxes are regressive whereas income taxes can be progressive. are you wealthy? If not, a sales tax is NOT in your self interest

What poor people pay income taxes?

don't bore me. they pay income taxes and instead of a getting a tax break, they get a refund. there are wealthy individuals and corporations who pay little to no tax you would assume they pay from looking at a tax chart.

wake the fuck up. Unless you are a very wealthy individual or a corporation, a progressive tax and not a regressive tax is the best way to go.

do you deny the sales tax idea is regressive?

what is your point?
Their refund is typically bigger than the taxes they have paid.
Really poor people get their food and housing and who knows what else paid for by the gov't so they dont pay tax on that.
Progressive taxes punish the productive and reward the lazy and unproductive. That's no way to improve the economy.
What poor people pay income taxes?

don't bore me. they pay income taxes and instead of a getting a tax break, they get a refund. there are wealthy individuals and corporations who pay little to no tax you would assume they pay from looking at a tax chart.

wake the fuck up. Unless you are a very wealthy individual or a corporation, a progressive tax and not a regressive tax is the best way to go.

do you deny the sales tax idea is regressive?

what is your point?
Their refund is typically bigger than the taxes they have paid.
Really poor people get their food and housing and who knows what else paid for by the gov't so they dont pay tax on that.
Progressive taxes punish the productive and reward the lazy and unproductive. That's no way to improve the economy.
Their refund is typically bigger than the taxes they have paid: true today. Not always the case. Raise the standard of living while leaving the poor and middle class behind and this si what you get. Viva the Reagan Revolution! The poor of today---many were yestreday's middle class

Really poor people get their food and housing and who knows what else paid for by the gov't so they dont pay tax on that.: Really poor people all get food and housing? I guess that explains all the homeless shelters, and soup kitchens and food banks and food pantries. Great life the really poor have. Where do I sign up?

Progressive taxes punish the productive and reward the lazy and unproductive. That's no way to improve the economy: Really? That explains the growth of America since the inception of the income tax. Americans had a wonderful life pre-income tax era. :cuckoo:

The whole ownership society bullshit went down the drain with the economy and the last bubble. The productive are not always productive out of greed. It is a nature of the beast. The lazy and unproductive have such wonderful lives? Most live in misery---a misery of their own making in many cases, I agree, but...

where the fuck do you live?
Actually most of today's middle class were yesterday's poor. And almost all of today's rich were yesterday's middle class and poor.
Sorry to disturb your class envy fantasies. I live in America, land of opportunity, where millions of dirt poor immigrants still are literally dying to get here to get a chance at a much better life.
Maybe you should try North Korea sometime. No corporations there.
a sales tax is a scheme for the wealthy to pay less. poor people and middle income people pay all their money on things they need. the percentage of their income going to taxes will be higher than it will be for wealthier people.

sales taxes are regressive whereas income taxes can be progressive. are you wealthy? If not, a sales tax is NOT in your self interest

What poor people pay income taxes?

don't bore me. they pay income taxes and instead of a getting a tax break, they get a refund. there are wealthy individuals and corporations who pay little to no tax you would assume they pay from looking at a tax chart.

wake the fuck up. Unless you are a very wealthy individual or a corporation, a progressive tax and not a regressive tax is the best way to go.

do you deny the sales tax idea is regressive?

what is your point?

My point is that poor people do not pay federal income taxes to begin with, so your rant is moot.

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