Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.

the guy did jail time

we have different definitions of a leader.

if i'm confronted with some bullshit 3rd party nonsense, I'm going to call some bullshit 3rd party nonsense in return. I'm not going to suck your dick and coddle you.

the guy diud Jail time...but it was not our country...he broke his own country laws...

But Bush did not get iun front of the camera and say a word about it other than it was a step in the right direction....

You want to call out a third party....but do you ever....EVER .....call out when democrats err?

For example....

Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley with an oversized gavel after the healthcare law was signed.....that was appropriate?

Exactly when do reps "parade" when legislation is passed strictly along partry lines and with as much controversy as the healthcare law?

Did you say "that was inappropairtae...our reps should always be sure not to "get in the face" of those that oppose ANY partisan legislation....."

I mean....show me when and where a speaker...or any leader...paraded through the protestors "gloating".....

You lost me here, dude. Seriously. You're arguing with shit I didn't even say, and it's annoying.

By 3rd party, I meant 3rd party away from Obama, meaning the guy who said "terrorist"......................I didn't mean "tea party"....or "3rd political party"


then I guess I lost you...and then you lost me.

Whatever...yours is certainly a fun debate...as always....

Sallow, on the other hand.....I mean....really? He needs me to find links on when Bush was chastised by the left? Palin? Cheney? Bahmann? Rush?

WHere has he been?
I think you leftoids should really run with this angle for 2012...

Tea Party Terrorists....

Yes, make national ads with really dark and sinister music and everything...

It will certainly win the independents to your side....
you need to post links....so few and far between.

The Palin, Bachmann, Rush, Hannity, Bush, Cheney crap is all over the freaking place.

You are an embarrassment.

Shouldn't be a problem then.

Find a link. Where a Democratic Politician attacks a Republican Politician on a personal level.

I actually know of a couple of times..but there were apologies. Something a Republican would never do for shit they say about Democrats.

But I am not going to do your work.

Find something.

I really thought you were smarter then this. MY BAD.

House Democrat Leaders: Tea Partiers Are Racist, Nazi, Gun Nuts | The Weekly Standard


Representative "Senior Aide" is circulating a "document". Which district does Representative "Senior Aide" represent? Who voted for this guy and/or gal?

You got a picture of Representative "Senior Aide"?
So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


hmmm....so you are comparing Americans speaking out peacefully to deliberate and calculated attacks.

Wow.......talk about wanting an environment where it is wrong for Americans to speak out.

You are pathetic NYCarbineer....and desperate.

You must feel insecure about your position.

The opposition to raising the debt ceiling was a deliberate and calculated attack.

So when Bachmann and the tea partiers say they did not want the debt ceiling raised under any circumstances, an action that would have brought about financial calamity,

they were just bullshitting? Lying?
the guy diud Jail time...but it was not our country...he broke his own country laws...

But Bush did not get iun front of the camera and say a word about it other than it was a step in the right direction....

You want to call out a third party....but do you ever....EVER .....call out when democrats err?

For example....

Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley with an oversized gavel after the healthcare law was signed.....that was appropriate?

Exactly when do reps "parade" when legislation is passed strictly along partry lines and with as much controversy as the healthcare law?

Did you say "that was inappropairtae...our reps should always be sure not to "get in the face" of those that oppose ANY partisan legislation....."

I mean....show me when and where a speaker...or any leader...paraded through the protestors "gloating".....

You lost me here, dude. Seriously. You're arguing with shit I didn't even say, and it's annoying.

By 3rd party, I meant 3rd party away from Obama, meaning the guy who said "terrorist"......................I didn't mean "tea party"....or "3rd political party"


then I guess I lost you...and then you lost me.

Whatever...yours is certainly a fun debate...as always....

Sallow, on the other hand.....I mean....really? He needs me to find links on when Bush was chastised by the left? Palin? Cheney? Bahmann? Rush?

WHere has he been?

Not only haven't you found any personal attacks on Bush by Democratic Politicians..

I found one where Bush was actually defended by a Democratic politician.

Says something.
the guy diud Jail time...but it was not our country...he broke his own country laws...

But Bush did not get iun front of the camera and say a word about it other than it was a step in the right direction....

You want to call out a third party....but do you ever....EVER .....call out when democrats err?

For example....

Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley with an oversized gavel after the healthcare law was signed.....that was appropriate?

Exactly when do reps "parade" when legislation is passed strictly along partry lines and with as much controversy as the healthcare law?

Did you say "that was inappropairtae...our reps should always be sure not to "get in the face" of those that oppose ANY partisan legislation....."

I mean....show me when and where a speaker...or any leader...paraded through the protestors "gloating".....

You lost me here, dude. Seriously. You're arguing with shit I didn't even say, and it's annoying.

By 3rd party, I meant 3rd party away from Obama, meaning the guy who said "terrorist"......................I didn't mean "tea party"....or "3rd political party"


then I guess I lost you...and then you lost me.

Whatever...yours is certainly a fun debate...as always....

Sallow, on the other hand.....I mean....really? He needs me to find links on when Bush was chastised by the left? Palin? Cheney? Bahmann? Rush?

WHere has he been?

I think that 1 of you is talking by Politicians, and one is talking by the public in General.

But everyone was chastized, and both sides do it, and it's our Country's fucking problem. So, despite him being guilty himself of it, I have no problem when the President expresses his discontent with the rhetoric going on. Politicians are two faced scrubs, but when they say something correct I'm not gunna be on some high horse shit like "yea but he's a leader and shouldn't care if people talk shit about him."

I don't buy into that. If someone talks shit, I'm calling them on it if I see them. That's in any walk in life.

And much like it wasn't Obama who said "terrorist," it wasn't the tea guy specifically who said Socialist, etc. and so they're both just circle jerking. But the funneh part is, I'd put my next paycheck, if I had to bet, that Mr. Tea sir called Obama all kinds of stuff over time.
It's an awesome theme for you guys to run with...

A real winner that will resonate with the middle class...

Get some big name hollywood director to do the ads...
As for me...and many on the right on here....

Never called ANY democratic politician names based on "who they are and what they believe".....except for Grayson...that guy was a bit out there.

I see nearly every politician of both sides as intelligent, motivated and focused...I simply disagree with many of them.

But whereas I am an intelligent individual, I am not at all quialified to question the intelligence of someone with a law degree, a business degree...or any degree...who has acheived the status of an elected rep.

But I do see a lot on the left refer to the right policiains as

and I can go on and on...

And for me?

It is getting old.
So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


Actually we would.

Which is exactly why the tea partiers' desire, and the tea party legislators' actions - to cripple the US financially by preventing an increase in the debt ceiling -

was terrorism. By your own measure.
Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.

And? We can start with Bidens recent comments. Did you really need a link?

And..it's heresay.

From an "Unnamed source".

So if you are going to put that up as rock solid evidence.

Then never question unnamed sources again.

K? :lol:

Yep all heresay perpetrated by left wing media. Lets go from terrorist to racist. OH MY!!!

cute straw front if nothing else.
So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


hmmm....so you are comparing Americans speaking out peacefully to deliberate and calculated attacks.

Wow.......talk about wanting an environment where it is wrong for Americans to speak out.

You are pathetic NYCarbineer....and desperate.

You must feel insecure about your position.

"foreign and domestic", bitch.

Your kind have been waving around the hint of violence since 2008. Bring on your revolution, dude, and you'll discover what Randy Weaver learned.
You lost me here, dude. Seriously. You're arguing with shit I didn't even say, and it's annoying.

By 3rd party, I meant 3rd party away from Obama, meaning the guy who said "terrorist"......................I didn't mean "tea party"....or "3rd political party"


then I guess I lost you...and then you lost me.

Whatever...yours is certainly a fun debate...as always....

Sallow, on the other hand.....I mean....really? He needs me to find links on when Bush was chastised by the left? Palin? Cheney? Bahmann? Rush?

WHere has he been?

I think that 1 of you is talking by Politicians, and one is talking by the public in General.

But everyone was chastized, and both sides do it, and it's our Country's fucking problem. So, despite him being guilty himself of it, I have no problem when the President expresses his discontent with the rhetoric going on. Politicians are two faced scrubs, but when they say something correct I'm not gunna be on some high horse shit like "yea but he's a leader and shouldn't care if people talk shit about him."

I don't buy into that. If someone talks shit, I'm calling them on it if I see them. That's in any walk in life.

And much like it wasn't Obama who said "terrorist," it wasn't the tea guy specifically who said Socialist, etc. and so they're both just circle jerking. But the funneh part is, I'd put my next paycheck, if I had to bet, that Mr. Tea sir called Obama all kinds of stuff over time.

I openly ON HERE and elsewhere expressed disatisfaction with Boehner as speaker as he is one that uses spoin and heightens the political rhetoric...just as Pelosi did.

I expect our leaders to reprmimand their party for the spin and rhetoric....not add to it.

So we had pelosi do it, now she is gone...now boehner does it...and now the president does it.

And how is that doing for us?
So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


hmmm....so you are comparing Americans speaking out peacefully to deliberate and calculated attacks.

Wow.......talk about wanting an environment where it is wrong for Americans to speak out.

You are pathetic NYCarbineer....and desperate.

You must feel insecure about your position.

"foreign and domestic", bitch.

Your kind have been waving around the hint of violence since 2008. Bring on your revolution, dude, and you'll discover what Randy Weaver learned.

you are one paranoid individual.

It must be tough being you.

lol.....Americans speaking out peacefully is hinting violence...

I mean...wow.......you must lie awake at night worried about what tomorrow will bring.
As for me...and many on the right on here....

Never called ANY democratic politician names based on "who they are and what they believe".....except for Grayson...that guy was a bit out there.

I see nearly every politician of both sides as intelligent, motivated and focused...I simply disagree with many of them.

But whereas I am an intelligent individual, I am not at all quialified to question the intelligence of someone with a law degree, a business degree...or any degree...who has acheived the status of an elected rep.

But I do see a lot on the left refer to the right policiains as

and I can go on and on...

And for me?

It is getting old.

I remember that!

He was still respectful.

And in Governor Jan Brewer's case. He was absolutely correct.

Arizona GOP Death Panel Denies Lung Transplant To Catholic High School Coach | Crooks and Liars

Her death panel killed 2 people.

True story.
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So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


Actually we would.

Which is exactly why the tea partiers' desire, and the tea party legislators' actions - to cripple the US financially by preventing an increase in the debt ceiling -

was terrorism. By your own measure.

Oh.,.....I see....debate to reach a compromise (which is what happened) is BAD BAD BAD.

Me thinks you got spoiled by a majority in both houses with a democratic president.

You enjoyed so much legislation without genuine comproimise that you cant stomach the idea of compromise.

And you call people on the right selfish?

then I guess I lost you...and then you lost me.

Whatever...yours is certainly a fun debate...as always....

Sallow, on the other hand.....I mean....really? He needs me to find links on when Bush was chastised by the left? Palin? Cheney? Bahmann? Rush?

WHere has he been?

I think that 1 of you is talking by Politicians, and one is talking by the public in General.

But everyone was chastized, and both sides do it, and it's our Country's fucking problem. So, despite him being guilty himself of it, I have no problem when the President expresses his discontent with the rhetoric going on. Politicians are two faced scrubs, but when they say something correct I'm not gunna be on some high horse shit like "yea but he's a leader and shouldn't care if people talk shit about him."

I don't buy into that. If someone talks shit, I'm calling them on it if I see them. That's in any walk in life.

And much like it wasn't Obama who said "terrorist," it wasn't the tea guy specifically who said Socialist, etc. and so they're both just circle jerking. But the funneh part is, I'd put my next paycheck, if I had to bet, that Mr. Tea sir called Obama all kinds of stuff over time.

I openly ON HERE and elsewhere expressed disatisfaction with Boehner as speaker as he is one that uses spoin and heightens the political rhetoric...just as Pelosi did.

I expect our leaders to reprmimand their party for the spin and rhetoric....not add to it.

So we had pelosi do it, now she is gone...now boehner does it...and now the president does it.

And how is that doing for us?

I don't think that the Pres. and Boehner feed the national debate of incited over-blown rhetoric. They merely take part in it.

It is the people who get airtime and great ratings on a daily basis that incite it. It is conspiracy theories based on flimsy bullshit that incited it. It is the spreading of false propoganda, that incites it. It is message boards and blogs where people can spread as much hatred and disinformation as suits them, and other retards can take it and believe it as gospel as it suits them, and tell all their brothers and cousins.

Most "men on the street" have never heard of John Boehner, and most men on the street don't see Obama but RARELY, as opposed to the 24/7 media and internets of spin and propoganda.
And? We can start with Bidens recent comments. Did you really need a link?

And..it's heresay.

From an "Unnamed source".

So if you are going to put that up as rock solid evidence.

Then never question unnamed sources again.

K? :lol:

Yep all heresay perpetrated by left wing media. Lets go from terrorist to racist. OH MY!!!

cute straw front if nothing else.

Politico is "left wing media"? :lol:

In any case..are you now saying it's reliable?

I generally question second party stories. I don't care where it comes from.
hmmm....so you are comparing Americans speaking out peacefully to deliberate and calculated attacks.

Wow.......talk about wanting an environment where it is wrong for Americans to speak out.

You are pathetic NYCarbineer....and desperate.

You must feel insecure about your position.

"foreign and domestic", bitch.

Your kind have been waving around the hint of violence since 2008. Bring on your revolution, dude, and you'll discover what Randy Weaver learned.

you are one paranoid individual.

It must be tough being you.

lol.....Americans speaking out peacefully is hinting violence...

I mean...wow.......you must lie awake at night worried about what tomorrow will bring.

Go tell it to the ghosts of Randy Weaver's family.


Your kind are no more peaceful than the half-veiled threat inherent in your tea party imagery. Just remember, when you don't get your way in '12 than no amount of crying over gun control will validate the product of your trigger finger.
"foreign and domestic", bitch.

Your kind have been waving around the hint of violence since 2008. Bring on your revolution, dude, and you'll discover what Randy Weaver learned.

you are one paranoid individual.

It must be tough being you.

lol.....Americans speaking out peacefully is hinting violence...

I mean...wow.......you must lie awake at night worried about what tomorrow will bring.

Go tell it to the ghosts of Randy Weaver's family.


Your kind are no more peaceful than the half-veiled threat inherent in your tea party imagery. Just remember, when you don't get your way in '12 than no amount of crying over gun control will validate the product of your trigger finger.

Idiot reborn
Maybe you can get all the D Senators to stand on the Capitol steps and shout "Tea Party Terrorists" in unison...

That would make a good ad...

Come on, get cracking on this - it's a fucking gold mine...

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