Tax the Rich!

Remember when that lying asshole Obama told Americans that he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K but he did? There were like 20 tax increases that affected either directly or indirectly almost every American.

Now we have that lying sonofabitch China Joe saying he won't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K a year.

Only an Useful Idiot would believe him.

We have many Useful Idiots in this country, don't we?

I agree and once his idiotic EO's kick in we tax payers will get screwed. His climate change and green shit sure won't help. In fact I'd bet his green shit bankrupts the country.

On day one he kicked every tax paying American right in the teeth and you can bet those that voted for his stupid ass will be regretting it.

New Mexico already does. They went for Biden and the first thing he did was land 11,000 in the unemployment line. No more drilling on Fed lands and an end to fracking will put even more out of work.

Get ready folks. We are in for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.

I bet that most of his stupid Green Initiatives will be used to pay off the filthy Moon Bat special interest groups. Like earmarking money for research to Black Colleges. It will be tied to Unions in Democrat districts.

Like during the Obama Administration money went go to Democrat donors. Like the owners of Solyndra that were Democrat Campaign Bundlers. The company went bankrupt but the owners walked away with a ton of cash.

God only knows how much will go to China and other foreign countries.
Like the Democrats giving Billions to Schools while the Unions refuse to let their teachers reenter the schools. Who do you think those billions will go to? I won't even mention that there are billions out there that haven't even been spent yet.

China Joe and the filthy Democrats controlling Covid money is a great windfall to the unions that supported China Joe. Especially the teacher's unions. We taxpayer's get fucked but the union bosses will live high on the hog.

Democrats always fuck the American people in order to cater to the greedy special interest groups that fund them, don't they?

Democrats are the masters of dirty politics.

By the way, these stupid union boys and girls that working on the Keystone pipeline found out that their union contributions to the Democrats were nothing compared to Soros, didn't they? Soros owns the rail cars that will ship that Canadian oil for $20 a barrel more than what it would have cost with the Keystone pipeline.

Talk about blatant corruption but the China Joe administration is full of it.
Let's not forget that the Democrats are already driving up the cost of healthcare.

Another racist tax increase--if what we are led to believe is true, black people have a higher incidence of diabetes so without a doubt, this translates to systemic racism created by China Joe----and a TAX INCREASE on the middle class.
We are $28 trillion in debt. Best way to stop that is to make people actually pay for it.

The entitlements part of the budget such as SS and Medicare are already paid from Taxes taken from the paychecks, but the whole shebang was never economically solvent in the first place. Currently Entitlements part of the federal budget is about 73% and GROWING.

Taxes will never be enough because the spending outlay is incredibly high, the Military eats up around 900 BILLION a year, more than the next 20 nations combined, that is freaking absurd!

The National Government never should have been involved in the Entitlement boondoggle in the first place, that isn't what they were created for. The rot began with FDR and their National Socialism programs, it was the Democrats who created the main problem.

Extreme partisanship like you show here is the problem.

Your inability to learn from history is YOUR problem, it was the Democrats who created SS, Medicare/Medicaid, disability, health care and more, ALL of them is part of the overblown entitlement budget that is slowly swallowing up the incoming $$$.

I am an Independent, which you keep ignoring over and over, also YOUR problem.
Here's a bit that doesn't fit with your point. Social Security was designed to be a self supporting trust that worked too well. The democrats discovered it was a cash cow in the early 60's and robbed it with the promise to pay back. Now you seem to think it is an entitlement program. Is your wage an entitlement program? No, didn't think so, but that is where SS comes from. Social Security is NOT an entitlement program. Neither are Medicare or disability as they are paid into by the beneficiaries just like any other insurance. Medicaid, OTOH is an entitlement. So, your post isn't completely wrong.
How did such a “right wing initiative” like gender studies in Pakistan make it into the budget? How come Liberals are not condemning such an egregious spending item when Americans are struggling? Because it is shit like this that Democrats expect the US taxpayer to fund.

The Democrats know if the government shuts down, the MSM will be blaming the Republicans like they've always done. It's never the Democrats fault. The Republicans fought as hard as they could, but in light of the Georgia Senate elections, they had no choice but to capitulate and passed the bill.

Agreed. I was being sarcastic about Gender Studies for Pakistan being a right wing agenda item. Democrats don't even have the balls to stand up and justify this item. Worse, the media will not hold them accountable. That said, I can't take Democrats seriously when they complain about the debt. They love to attack Republicans on this but it is only for the sake of attacking; they have no interest in solving the problem.
Here's a bit that doesn't fit with your point. Social Security was designed to be a self supporting trust that worked too well. The democrats discovered it was a cash cow in the early 60's and robbed it with the promise to pay back. Now you seem to think it is an entitlement program. Is your wage an entitlement program? No, didn't think so, but that is where SS comes from. Social Security is NOT an entitlement program. Neither are Medicare or disability as they are paid into by the beneficiaries just like any other insurance. Medicaid, OTOH is an entitlement. So, your post isn't completely wrong.

Correct about Medicaid, but Medicare is also paid out of the general fund. Those few bucks they take out of our paycheck could never possibly support a program like that. Think of what you and your employers paid into it under your name, and one major surgery that costs 250K or more. Since it's inception, we've grown older and older as time went on. There are very few who paid more into the program than they got out in a lifetime.
Well the OP was that raising taxes on "the rich" would depress the economy. That didn't prove true in the 90's, but be that as it may.

The thread has morphed into something along the lines of Biden's covid/stimulus is somehow "wrong." You may or may not disagree with that thought. But there's no disputing that the reason for the bill is to make sure there is money circulating in the economy to keep things at least where they are now until sometime in Fall when, God willing, we'll have enough immunized to open up service industries …. even if people still need the annoying masks. And as the dems argue, there is NO showing that 2 trillion is "too much." The gop spent 3 trillion on useless tax cuts for the 1%. Both parties have spent somewhere around 2-3 trillion on the virus already NOT counting what Trump spent on paying corporations to create the vaccines.
I call bullshit on that. When Clinton in 1993 raised taxes also on Social Security , for the first time in 40 years the Congress and Senate swung to the republicans, putting Newt Gingrich at the gavel of spending. Newt had a contract with America, and Clinton signed 7 of the 10 items, the major one was welfare reform, that if you received welfare, in 2 years you either had to have a job or be in education. Other wise it was cut off. When Obammy took over he killed that bill, thus enabling welfare pukes to stay on it forever.....And it shows with teh prog slaves on this board...
Lol. Obama pulled the same crap and like Trump changed nothing.

DumBama presided with mostly a Republican House with the same problem. That's what led us to lose our three star credit rating for the first time in history. It led to a government shutdown. It led to the sequester. It's really the same game over and over again. Does that mean Republicans don't spend too much? No it doesn't. But they spend less than the Democrats, and for things this country needs like s strong military.
I call bullshit on that. When Clinton in 1993 raised taxes also on Social Security , for the first time in 40 years the Congress and Senate swung to the republicans, putting Newt Gingrich at the gavel of spending. Newt had a contract with America, and Clinton signed 7 of the 10 items, the major one was welfare reform, that if you received welfare, in 2 years you either had to have a job or be in education. Other wise it was cut off. When Obammy took over he killed that bill, thus enabling welfare pukes to stay on it forever.....And it shows with teh prog slaves on this board...

People also forget the fact that Clinton took Gingrich's advice and lowered capital gains taxes which of course encouraged investing. That was paramount because it was also the birth of the tech bubble. People were becoming millionaires overnight.
Here's a bit that doesn't fit with your point. Social Security was designed to be a self supporting trust that worked too well. The democrats discovered it was a cash cow in the early 60's and robbed it with the promise to pay back. Now you seem to think it is an entitlement program. Is your wage an entitlement program? No, didn't think so, but that is where SS comes from. Social Security is NOT an entitlement program. Neither are Medicare or disability as they are paid into by the beneficiaries just like any other insurance. Medicaid, OTOH is an entitlement. So, your post isn't completely wrong.

Correct about Medicaid, but Medicare is also paid out of the general fund. Those few bucks they take out of our paycheck could never possibly support a program like that. Think of what you and your employers paid into it under your name, and one major surgery that costs 250K or more. Since it's inception, we've grown older and older as time went on. There are very few who paid more into the program than they got out in a lifetime.
Granted, but such is the nature of insurance--especially group insurance. My father, grandfather, mother and grandmother paid more in to SS and Medicare than they ever received and that makes up for some of the shortfall that premiums don't cover.
Lol. Obama pulled the same crap and like Trump changed nothing.

DumBama presided with mostly a Republican House with the same problem. That's what led us to lose our three star credit rating for the first time in history. It led to a government shutdown. It led to the sequester. It's really the same game over and over again. Does that mean Republicans don't spend too much? No it doesn't. But they spend less than the Democrats, and for things this country needs like s strong military.

A strong military is not one spread thin all around the world.
A strong military is not one spread thin all around the world.

It's been that way my entire life, and Trump brought a lot of troops home as well as end our endless wars. Military equipment is what needs to be replaced and of course the latest technologies. I'm sure under Biden the next bill will have a huge reduction of military spending to use for social programs.
If you took every dime the 'rich' earn, raise the tax bracket to 100% it wouldn't even cover the deficit let alone pay off any of the debt.

Yea, but it makes these greedy little worthless Socialists feel good to steal money from "the rich". They think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills. You know, because they are alive.
If you took every dime the 'rich' earn, raise the tax bracket to 100% it wouldn't even cover the deficit let alone pay off any of the debt.

Yea, but it makes these greedy little worthless Socialists feel good to steal money from "the rich". They think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills. You know, because they are alive.
The only thing Public schools teach about Home Economics is the welfare check comes every month.
People actually think water, gas and electric come from magic.
If you took every dime the 'rich' earn, raise the tax bracket to 100% it wouldn't even cover the deficit let alone pay off any of the debt.

Yea, but it makes these greedy little worthless Socialists feel good to steal money from "the rich". They think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills. You know, because they are alive.

Fed to pump in more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention amid coronavirus meltdown

What’s the Fed doing in response to the COVID-19 crisis? What more could it do?

Nobody "earned" this.

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