Tasers didn't work 30 years ago on Rodney King and they didn't work on Tyre Nichols yesterday.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Can we all agree that after 30 years of well documented TASER FAILURES beginning with Rodney King in 1991 we replace that kids toy with something that works?

Can we all agree that after 30 years of well documented TASER FAILURES beginning with Rodney King in 1991 we replace that kids toy with something that works?

Tasers can be dangerous to some people and sometimes do not stop some people. I would rather not be tased. Of course, I would rather not be beaten to death by 5 cops, black, white or in combination.
Tweets are less lethal. Maybe beanbag replacements? Peppersprsy? Who I knows. A dead man for reckless driving though...It's tough to digest.
Tweets are less lethal. Maybe beanbag replacements? Peppersprsy? Who I knows. A dead man for reckless driving though...It's tough to digest.
Tell me about it. I am 86 miles away and having to there this weekend.
Can we all agree that after 30 years of well documented TASER FAILURES beginning with Rodney King in 1991 we replace that kids toy with something that works?

They don't work? Hah. Have you been tazed? Man up and let us all know how it went.
Tasers can be dangerous to some people and sometimes do not stop some people. I would rather not be tased. Of course, I would rather not be beaten to death by 5 cops, black, white or in combination.
The point I'm making that as usual nobody is getting is this. Tasers have a 30 year history of failure. Rodney king, Tyre, George Floyd, that guy in Georgia who took the taser from the cop, AND MANY OTHERS were tazed and not brought down. That agitates the person and then leaves the cops with no other non-lethal option. Do you have an idea for an alternative? I suggest tranquilizer darts.
Tasers work great on 99% of the criminals cop's are trying to arrest.
It's usually the 1% of drugged up out of their minds violent criminals that don't feel the tasers electric shock and keep resisting arrest.
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The point I'm making that as usual nobody is getting is this. Tasers have a 30 year history of failure. Rodney king, Tyre, George Floyd, that guy in Georgia who took the taser from the cop, AND MANY OTHERS were tazed and not brought down. That agitates the person and then leaves the cops with no other non-lethal option. Do you have an idea for an alternative? I suggest tranquilizer darts.
The question is case specific. In this case at 6 ft and around 145 lbs, as they are saying on local news (Memphis stations being local on cable) 5 guys should have been able to handle the situation, without the many excesses that occurred.
The question is case specific. In this case at 6 ft and around 145 lbs, as they are saying on local news (Memphis stations being local on cable) 5 guys should have been able to handle the situation, without the many excesses that occurred.
I just watched the video. They tazed him and it obviously didn't work. They kept screaming at him to "gimme your hands" so they could cuff him. So if a little guy like that, probably high as a kite, is resistant to the Taser Toy we can see why they fail on big guys. They are also often TAKEN from the officer and turned on the officer.

I TOTALLY AGREE these 5 cops were acting like thugs beating this poor guy to death. That is beside the point I am trying to make. We have to give cops a better non-lethal option than the Taser Toy. But apparently that's just my opinion.
I just watched the video. They tazed him and it obviously didn't work. They kept screaming at him to "gimme your hands" so they could cuff him. So if a little guy like that, probably high as a kite, is resistant to the Taser Toy we can see why they fail on big guys. They are also often TAKEN from the officer and turned on the officer.

I TOTALLY AGREE these 5 cops were acting like thugs beating this poor guy to death. That is beside the point I am trying to make. We have to give cops a better non-lethal option than the Taser Toy. But apparently that's just my opinion.
Apparently not high as a kite. Local news watching the protest, made the point, they didn't even ask him to get out of the car, simply reaching in and dragging out by the collar. The cops were wrong from the word go, at least by their own body cams.

I don't know what that other tool might be. What we need is better training and discipline in the ranks of blue. Memphis is 500 cops short. Of these 5, none over 3 years on the force, and I heard, average age 24. 24 not being the most self controlled age of young men, and they are hired younger than that. Thorough comprehensive training is a must and part of that must include emphasis on not only self-discipline by procedure, but also the absolute duty to step in and stop fellow officers when out of hand, and of course continued close supervision with more senior people on the street, taking a tough view, not only of crime and criminals (and in this case how minor traffic violation stops are handled) but a tough view on the operations, discipline and adherence to Standard Operational Procedures and department policy. The lack of restraint and the brutality was simply horrendous.
Apparently not high as a kite. Local news watching the protest, made the point, they didn't even ask him to get out of the car, simply reaching in and dragging out by the collar. The cops were wrong from the word go, at least by their own body cams.

I don't know what that other tool might be. What we need is better training and discipline in the ranks of blue. Memphis is 500 cops short. Of these 5, none over 3 years on the force, and I heard, average age 24. 24 not being the most self controlled age of young men, and they are hired younger than that. Thorough comprehensive training is a must and part of that must include emphasis on not only self-discipline by procedure, but also the absolute duty to step in and stop fellow officers when out of hand, and of course continued close supervision with more senior people on the street, taking a tough view, not only of crime and criminals (and in this case how minor traffic violation stops are handled) but a tough view on the operations, discipline and adherence to Standard Operational Procedures and department policy. The lack of restraint and the brutality was simply horrendous.
As I said, I saw the video and totally agree, it was brutal and inexcusable. Training is won't stop it, we will always have cops that "snap" and shoot guys 50 times or beat someone to death. I don't know why, it's clearly not just RACISM since the 5 cops were Black.

And Now our media is making the problem a thousand times worse by running the bodycam video and inflaming urban Black people which is ongoing as I write this. Highways are being blocked and the mayhem is beginning all over again.
As I said, I saw the video and totally agree, it was brutal and inexcusable. Training is won't stop it, we will always have cops that "snap" and shoot guys 50 times or beat someone to death. I don't know why, it's clearly not just RACISM since the 5 cops were Black.

And Now our media is making the problem a thousand times worse by running the bodycam video and inflaming urban Black people which is ongoing as I write this. Highways are being blocked and the mayhem is beginning all over again.
I don't know about the rest of the country, but I doubt there will be much violence in Memphis, where this occurred. Yes, people will lose control and do horrible things. It is not a bad thing, the body cam and blue light cam videos were release. Even the lawyer for the family is commenting favorably about the way Memphis has handled this, immediately suspending, then firing, keeping the family in the loop, being open with them about the investigations and then putting criminal charges quickly on the offending former officers, the overall transparency. There is talk this could be a model for how these things should be handled. As for the Memphis protest closing down I55 between Memphis and Arkansas, it is a peaceful protest at this time of night (I am watching live local Memphis live coverage), OK, I guess for the moment, travelers going north and south will have to use the I-40 bridge from Memphis to Arkansas that is close buy and use the I440 loop, not that big a deal.

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