Targeting likely spreaders.

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Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Based on the severity of the pandemic some drastic steps need to be taken. All tobacco, alcohol and vaping products should be removed from store shelves and stockpiled at FEMA distribution centers. This will create a toll or turnstile chute through which the most biologically dangerous citizens are required to pass where Covid-19 testing is required.

No legislation is necessary for this needed step. Under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, the president has the power to enact measures protecting innocent citizens from threats to their health and wellbeing. This is a good thing because it provides an end run around tobacco, alcohol and vaping lobbies that could exert undue influence on the decision-making process.

As the plague propagates and multiplies it is absolutely essential to identify the super-spreaders, the people who attack their own lungs and livers making them targets of the virus like fish in a barrel. In an emergency situation constitutional issues can be suspended, and this is not prohibition. It is, however, necessary profiling to identify risky individuals likely to thumb their noses at prudent health practices placing the rest of the population at risk.

If our science is able to curb the rise of the deadly pathogen then of course, this step will not be needed. But if it continues to expand into the population and begins to mutate into something worse, the smokers, the jokers and the midnight tokers should be prepared to be herded through gates like cattle.

This is a violation of no one’s rights because choice is involved and the habitually vulnerable can always choose to cease what places them at risk which they may have been considering anyway. Now they have valid reason to find the strength to kick deadly habits.

By the way, vaping is no answer to dropping tobacco. It is a fraud operated by the pharmaceutical industry to addict more people to sucking unnatural substances into their lungs. The vaping industry has its own lobby and it will probably kill as many people as tobacco eventually by peddling addicts a pig in a poke that is more dangerous than the habit they are trying to escape.

Depending on the trajectory of the virus, life is going to change in the US in ways that are unpredictable. Some of our freedoms could be temporarily affected, some may disappear completely.
Where is your evidence that people who smoke are more likely to spread the virus?
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Where is your evidence that people who smoke are more likely to spread the virus?
If you read the op you will see that tobacco and alcohol are not essential grocery items like milk, bread, vitamins etc. So taking them off store shelves will deny no one access to life sustaining necessities.

However, risky behavior is a trait endemic to smokers. drinkers and recreational drug users. Those who ignore warnings on the side of cigarette packages are by definition risky people.

They should be identified and segregated for testing just as a matter of prudent investigative science. Same with drinkers. Ten percent of drinkers consume ninety percent of the alcohol making their immune systems bullseyes for viruses.
I do not drink alcohol not do I smoke or vape, so how or what do you do with those like me?
Where is your evidence that people who smoke are more likely to spread the virus?
If you read the op you will see that tobacco and alcohol are not essential grocery items like milk, bread, vitamins etc. So taking them off store shelves will deny no one access to life sustaining necessities.

However, risky behavior is a trait endemic to smokers. drinkers and recreational drug users. Those who ignore warnings on the side of cigarette packages are by definition risky people.

They should be identified and segregated for testing just as a matter of prudent investigative science. Same with drinkers. Ten percent of drinkers consume ninety percent of the alcohol making their immune systems bullseyes for viruses.

I call bullshit.
Would a smoker be more likely to swim across a river infested with saltwater crocs?
Of course not.
I do not drink alcohol not do I smoke or vape, so how or what do you do with those like me?
Nothing. You are among the multitudes that must wait and hope as "expert" talking heads that have no clue about how to deal with this tell you one thing and then another that contradicts it.
I do not drink alcohol not do I smoke or vape, so how or what do you do with those like me?
Take you out and get you laid....
Awww, and yet I probably can get laid before I get to the end of the road here but if you are paying for the brothel trip I am in and even will let you test me for Covid-19...

At least it is 19 and not 17 because the legal issue of jail baiting with something so young...

( Roll up my paper and slaps you for that response! )
I do not drink alcohol not do I smoke or vape, so how or what do you do with those like me?
Nothing. You are among the multitudes that must wait and hope as "expert" talking heads that have no clue about how to deal with this tell you one thing and then another that contradicts it.

So you are saying I should just wait for my marching orders from MSNBC and hope today information is not three days late?

Nah, also if needed I can be tested if I show signs but then again if I get to that point the likelyhood of me surviving is zilch!
Where is your evidence that people who smoke are more likely to spread the virus?
If you read the op you will see that tobacco and alcohol are not essential grocery items like milk, bread, vitamins etc. So taking them off store shelves will deny no one access to life sustaining necessities.

However, risky behavior is a trait endemic to smokers. drinkers and recreational drug users. Those who ignore warnings on the side of cigarette packages are by definition risky people.

They should be identified and segregated for testing just as a matter of prudent investigative science. Same with drinkers. Ten percent of drinkers consume ninety percent of the alcohol making their immune systems bullseyes for viruses.


Gee I like to use a little weed or hash and enjoy a few glasses of a nice bourbon on occasion so let me guess what your assumptions about me would be.

One since I'm a "risky" person I must routinely speed and disobey traffic laws. right? Wrong. I haven't had a traffic ticket for any infraction in over 20 years and currently have the best rating an auto insurance company gives.

Or maybe I'm just inconsiderate and like to cough and sneeze all over people. Wrong again. In fact when I'm out in public I will completely block a sneeze
I happen to already be a compulsive hand washer so I'll bet your hands are spreading viruses more than mine.

So why don't you enlighten us as to what else do "risky" people do to endanger all you non risky people?

and it would be nice if you actually had any evidence to support your claims
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