Taliban Terrorists Execute Pregnant Female Police Officer In Her Home in Front of Her Family – Use Screwdrivers to Pick Her Brains


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
The news from Afghanistan just keeps getting worse.....America must repenrt for the grievious sin of wanting to run away from Afghanistan.

Easy tosay i give zero fucks about the afgfhani people but the terrorism that engulfs them as we speak will soon be sent over here again....you think 9/11 was bad?

Wait till you see what they have in store for us next time around.

Can anyone say Bio Terrorism? Tony Blair can.

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Taliban Terrorists Execute Pregnant Female Police Officer In Her Home in Front of Her Family – Use Screwdrivers to Pick Her Brains​

Where do you get that from? Not your linked article. Some of those female cops and cop-calling whores are extremely "passive aggressive" if you will, in any case quite the professionals at making guys angry. Not much different from what we experience in the U.S.

Wake up, sheeples! It's coming to you...
Bio warfare has been called the atomic bomb of the poor man, or something like that. Bio and engineered diseases can and probably will kill hundreds of millions of people.

If the Taliban or ISIS can carry them and release them in places like Berlin or London, they will spread like wildfire. Very effective and very terrifying.
Where do you get that from? Not your linked article. Some of those female cops and cop-calling whores are extremely "passive aggressive" if you will, in any case quite the professionals at making guys angry. Not much different from what we experience in the U.S.

Wake up, sheeples! It's coming to you...
Yeah, the OP needs to change his headline, it is wrong.
The news from Afghanistan just keeps getting worse.....America must repenrt for the grievious sin of wanting to run away from Afghanistan.

Easy tosay i give zero fucks about the afgfhani people but the terrorism that engulfs them as we speak will soon be sent over here again....you think 9/11 was bad?

Wait till you see what they have in store for us next time around.

Can anyone say Bio Terrorism? Tony Blair can.

You keep invading other countries and that's what happens. Get used to it.
Oh that justifies it. In that case it worked well. Let's do it again.
The mistake we made was not going there but engaging in nation bldg.

We took the country with minimal casualties and we maintained the status quo there for 20 yrs. with minimal casualties.....there had been no combat deaths in 2yrs. before our pull-out.

The trillions of wasted dollars was due to trying to build a democracy there.

I see no good evidence the taliban have changed....if not they or their guests will strike us again.

Thus as Senator Graham said....we will have to go back.

Unfortunately even President Trump got caught up in the media mantra of never ending wars.

Getting out of Afghanistan has not ended our longest war.....the war against terrorism continues....only with more difficulty now as we have given al quada a nation state to work from with all the advantages that goes with that.
The mistake we made was not going there but engaging in nation bldg.

We too the country with minimal casualties and we maintained the status quo there for 20 yrs. with minimal casualties.....there had been no combat deaths in 2yrs. before our pull-out.

The trillions of wasted dollars was due to trying to build a democracy there.

I see no good evidence the taliban have changed....if not they or their guests will strike us again.

Thus as Senator Graham said....we will have to go back.

I remind you it was the GOP Who decided to invade, no one else.

2500 Soldiers wete lost there for no reason.
As far as I'm concerned, every one there can rot in the desert. And you never cared until Biden pulled out but now scream about what a failure it was. There will be no more killing soldiers.
Trump made a disgusting deal with the Taliban. He gifted them the military equipment if they promised not to be naughty. That worked well. All he wanted was to win the election. That worked well also.

Honestly, other than you republicans scoring cheap points, no one cares what happens to them. They are vermin.
I remind you it was the GOP Who decided to invade, no one else.

2500 Soldiers wete lost there for no reason.
As far as I'm concerned, every one there can rot in the desert. And you never cared until Biden pulled out but now scream about what a failure it was. There will be no more killing soldiers.
Trump made a disgusting deal with the Taliban. He gifted them the military equipment if they promised not to be naughty. That worked well. All he wanted was to win the election. That worked well also.

Honestly, other than you republicans scoring cheap points, no one cares what happens to them. They are vermin.
What you do not get is that it really was not about them.....we went there because the taliban who were in control at the time refused to kick out Al-Quaeda....replying to bush's warnings that the al-quada were their guests.

If they had kicked out al-quada as bush demanded we would not have gone there...since they refused we went in and drove out alquada.

Unfortunately after we accomplished that bush got sidetracked into trying to build a democracy there....not understanding Islamists have no desire for democracy.
I remind you it was the GOP Who decided to invade, no one else.

2500 Soldiers wete lost there for no reason.
As far as I'm concerned, every one there can rot in the desert. And you never cared until Biden pulled out but now scream about what a failure it was. There will be no more killing soldiers.
Trump made a disgusting deal with the Taliban. He gifted them the military equipment if they promised not to be naughty. That worked well. All he wanted was to win the election. That worked well also.

Honestly, other than you republicans scoring cheap points, no one cares what happens to them. They are vermin.
Nonsense.......Congress passed the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Afghanistan....there was only 1 vote against it.

We had the lowest casualty rate in Afghanistan in any war that we ever fought.

It would have been even lower had we not forced the military to get involved in nation bldg instead of focusing on killing terrorists.

They had to put themselves into dangerous situations to encourage nation bldg.

With the continuing advancement of technology drones etc. We could have very easily maintained the status quo for the forseeable future with minimal casualties.

But the media kept pounding the idea into peoples heads that we must get out and unfortunately even Trump got convinced of that.

Even if he had not biden would still have ordered it though.

It was the popular thing to do and biden thought he would be a hero for doing it.....not realizing what a mess he was making of it through sheer stupidity.
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Nonsense.......Congress passed the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Afghanistan....there was only 1 vote against it.

We had the lowest casualty rate in Afghanistan in any war that we ever fought.

Who was the president at the time?
Remember when he said " kill them all and let God sort themm out".
It wasn't a Democrat.
Don't be embarrassed about admitting it. You'll still get to heaven.
Who was the president at the time?
Remember when he said " kill them all and let God sort themm out".
It wasn't a Democrat.
Don't be embarrassed about admitting it. You'll still get to heaven.
Why did the democrats go along with it? They voted to authorize it along with the republicans.

If it was such a terrible thing to do why did the democrats not oppose it?
Why did the democrats go along with it? They voted to authorize it along with the republicans.

If it was such a terrible thing to do why did the democrats not oppose it?

You appear terribly simple minded and stooopid.
The mistake we made was the idea of winning hearts and minds. We should have gone in and anyone that says one word about taliban, isis, al quaeda gets dragged out in the street and shot in the head. The body left to rot.

When the British colonized India they hunted down every last member of the thugees and executed them publicly. When the British condemned the barbaric practice of suttee the tribal leaders ordering the practice were hanged in the village center. That's how it is done. With finality.
The mistake we made was the idea of winning hearts and minds. We should have gone in and anyone that says one word about taliban, isis, al quaeda gets dragged out in the street and shot in the head. The body left to rot.

When the British colonized India they hunted down every last member of the thugees and executed them publicly. When the British condemned the barbaric practice of suttee the tribal leaders ordering the practice were hanged in the village center. That's how it is done. With finality.
we made the same mistake in vietnam
Why did the democrats go along with it? They voted to authorize it along with the republicans.

If it was such a terrible thing to do why did the democrats not oppose it?

National security? The same when they voted for the trillion dollars to bail out wall street in 2008.
As it turned out, it was a terrible thong.
2500 kolled soldiers. Hardly a peaceful protest for no gain whatsoever.

It's time America stopped invading other countries with its tough guy image. One thing they do not learn from history is that they never learn from history.
Strange how the right wing losers suddenly care about muslims...

A good muslim, is a dead muslim

IMO, Fuck them Muslim motherfuckers. Fuck that! Eat bacon or die, bitch!

Eh, another dead Muslim. Whatcha gonna do? They all need to go extinct.

a good Muslim is a dead Muslim

Well, I’ve said the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. Does that count?
Why did the democrats go along with it? They voted to authorize it along with the republicans.

If it was such a terrible thing to do why did the democrats not oppose it?
It was made by a joint resolution and all the Senators voted for it, Lee was the only one that didn't in the House.
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