Taliban Still Denies 9/11 Involvement, Says Was “Excuse” for War on 20th Anniversary


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
They have actually been very consistent.

Rolling his eyes when MSNBC’s Richard Engels asserted that “this war started when Osama bin Laden, the guest of the Taliban, organized the 9/11 attacks,” Zabihullah Mujahid answered (Newsweek):

“There is no evidence. Even after 20 years of war, we have no proof he was involved,”

Bin Laden denied repeatedly that he had anything to do with 9/11.

CNN reported in 2001:

“In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, “The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

“I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons,” bin Laden’s statement said.

“I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders’ rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations,” bin Laden said.”

Bin Laden maintain that the true perpetrators were “within” the US “system.” He said soon after the attacks:

“The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the people who are a part of the US system …”

“Then there are intelligence agencies in the US, which require billions of dollars worth of funds from Congress and the government every year.… They needed an enemy.… Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United Sates? That secret government must be asked who carried out the attacks.”

I am sure the planning and coordination had contributions from many. Potentially even foreign governments and/or officials within acting in their own personal capacity.

Pakistan always seemed to be the hotspot for all the terrorist of the day. I rarely understood why Iraq and Afghanistan were the focus, especially once Bid Laden was brought to justice.
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I am sure the planning and coordination had contributions from many. Potentially even foreign governments and/or officials within acting in their own personal capacity.

Pakistan always seemed to be to be the hotspot for all the terrorist of the day. I rarely understood why Iraq and Afghanistan were the focus, especially once Bid Laden was brought to justice.
Or they are right and it was just an excuse.
Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc....all one in the same

But guess what the common denominator is

A Zionist people fraud at the top

AQ - Col Tim osman
ISIS - Simon Elliot
Taliban - whoever is telling traitor Joe which questions he can and cannot answer

"Osama" "not a priority"
Flip off TNA and let Taliban win afghan civil war
Execute pat Tillman for telling his family that they were "just sitting there" with "no target," lie and blame AQ, then lie again about a bullshit friendly fire
Leave Taliban in full control with billions $ in free American arms

Anyone who still believes the "official version" is a complete invalid moron.....
I don't recall the Taliban ever being involved in 9-11. We invaded Afghanistan because they were supposedly hiding bin Laden and wouldn't turn him over.

And with the great brilliance of W, we flipped off TNA and helped Taliban win the afghan civil war, all while "Osama" was NOT A PRIORITY but offing and lying about pat Tillman was....
I am sure the planning and coordination had contributions from many. Potentially even foreign governments and/or officials within acting in their own personal capacity.

Pakistan always seemed to be the hotspot for all the terrorist of the day. I rarely understood why Iraq and Afghanistan were the focus, especially once Bid Laden was brought to justice.

You actually think that plastic head dumped at the bottom of the ocean was "Osama...."

Quick replay....

911 happens
"Osama" denies involvement
Like fauXI, days later does a 180 and claims he did do it, but muses (correctly) that flying planes into the towers would NOT bring the towers down.... Remarkable scientific analysis from a Zionist CIA/Mossad fraud of a "religious leader..."
I don't recall the Taliban ever being involved in 9-11. We invaded Afghanistan because they were supposedly hiding bin Laden and wouldn't turn him over.

The problem is if my memory is correct, Bin Laden was holed up in Pakistan. In a fortress, well protected, until he wasn't

Now, the theory I heard from a CIA agent on youtube or somewhere is that he was being protected by ISI, Pakistans intelligence agency. He says that he and other believed that they knew where he was, it's difficult to just hide in a fortress somewhere as he was. They knew but didn't say anything as this agent believes the ISI enjoyed all the money the U.S was sending them to find him, which they conveniently wouldn't since it paid so well. He was worth more to them alive.

It's why when the U.S located him they ran a special forces operation without telling anyone as they didn't want him to be tipped off (anyone old enough to remember that Kadaffi was tipped off by the italian PM?). I imagine the order was to kill, I doubt they had any interest in making him a spectacle in the courts and going through the far more difficult task of kidnapping him. To me, that would be the better outcome, a forced extradition, as Israel has done in the past. It is what it is.

I question this part of the story though, about Pakistan being totally in the dark, though it obviously could be true. It's also possible they stated this publicly to allow Pakistan to save face, at least to the radicals. They probably handed him over on a silver platter once the CIA confronted them about the fact that they KNEW he was being held by them, but who am I to know more than anyone else, it's just a theory. it just seems awfully difficult to run such an operation in a foreign nation on the fly.

Maybe they went in to Afghanistan initially to get Bin Laden, but, as it turns out he was out of there early, or, wasn't there at all. It's why after 20 years, Americans are not keen at all on being there, though I imagine there are some critical intelligence benefits to the U.S position there. Now gone.
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The problem is if my memory is correct, Bin Laden was holed up in Pakistan. In a fortress, well protected, until he wasn't

Now, the theory I heard from a CIA agent on youtube or somewhere is that he was being protected by ISI, Pakistans intelligence agency. He says that he and other believed that they knew where he was, it's difficult to just hide in a fortress somewhere as he was. They knew but didn't say anything as this agent believes the ISI enjoyed all the money the U.S was sending them to find him, which they conveniently wouldn't since it paid so well. He was worth more to them alive.

It's why when the U.S located him they ran a strike without telling anyone as they didn't want him to be tipped off (anyone old enough to remember that Kadaffi was tipped off by the italian PM?).

I question this part of the story though, it was probably to allow Pakistan to save face, they probably handed him over on a silver platter once the CIA confronted them about the fact that they KNEW he was being held by them, but who am I to know more than anyone else, it's just a theory.

Maybe they went in to Afghanistan initially to get Bin Laden, but, as it turns out he was out of there early, or, wasn't there at all. It's why after 20 years, Americans are not keen at all on being there, though I imagine there are some critical intelligence benefits to the U.S position there. Now gone.

Col Tim osman was partying on the West Bank....
Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc....all one in the same

But guess what the common denominator is

Totally wrong.
The Taliban and al Qaeda were both recruited into the Mujahedeen by the CIA in 1979, but al Qaeda was all Arabs and mostly from Saudi Arabia.
The Taliban were all local Pashtun and did not even speak the same language, and disliked Arabs.
They had nothing to do with each other except when the CIA put them on the same missions.
The Taliban became popular in Afghanistan from their spotless reputation for honesty.
They has absolutely nothing at all to do with al Qaeda or ISIS.
In fact, ISIS is very suspicious because they were created by Iraqis all let out of US prison camps in Iraq all at the same time in 2005.
And someone gave them millions in weapons and new Toyota trucks.
I don't recall the Taliban ever being involved in 9-11. We invaded Afghanistan because they were supposedly hiding bin Laden and wouldn't turn him over.

That is not true either.
Their laws did not allow extradition to a country that did not follow Islamic law, but they offered to turn bin Laden over to Saudi Arabia, where he already had a death sentence waiting, so the US obviously was lying and were the ones at fault for refusing the offer.
Taliban were very much involved in 911.
They hired Osama Ben Ladin
To kill all Americans.
What makes you think they will change?
Those nomads will never change.
Those people without war they have nothing to live for.
Except war and the production of HEROIN they know nothing.
We should have left that stupid country alone long time ago.
20 years ago.
That is not true either.
Their laws did not allow extradition to a country that did not follow Islamic law, but they offered to turn bin Laden over to Saudi Arabia, where he already had a death sentence waiting, so the US obviously was lying and were the ones at fault for refusing the offer.

You are a fountain of bullshit.

"Osama" never set foot in Saudi, which is why the Saudis told the FBI to fuck off on 913, and why your lying ass cannot show us a single photo of "Osama" in Saudi, because he was CIA/Mossad col Tim osman, and in 1980 he was involved in destabilizing the soviet occupation of afghan. That is why he is dressed as a rank and file Pakistani troop, but clearly is a close friend and associate of carter NSA Zbigniew.....
Taliban were very much involved in 911.
They hired Osama Ben Ladin
To kill all Americans.
What makes you think they will change?
Those nomads will never change.
Those people without war they have nothing to live for.
Except war and the production of HEROIN they know nothing.
We should have left that stupid country alone long time ago.
20 years ago.

That is ridiculous.
It was the CIA who contacted bin Laden and put him in contact with the Mujahedeen.
And clearly bin Laden was working for the CIA back then in 1979, so he was never know for being anti-American.
Nor would the Pashtun Taliban ever like or trust a Saudi Arab.
And the Taliban, who were known for being totally honest, would NEVER have hired anyone as sleazy as bin Laden.
Nor did the Taliban have anything against the US, ever.

And you are also wrong about Afghanis being nomadic.
The only ones who are nomadic are the herders.
But they are a tiny minority.
For example, Kabul has a population of over four and a half million.
They are not nomadic.
You are a fountain of bullshit.

"Osama" never set foot in Saudi, which is why the Saudis told the FBI to fuck off on 913, and why your lying ass cannot show us a single photo of "Osama" in Saudi, because he was CIA/Mossad col Tim osman, and in 1980 he was involved in destabilizing the soviet occupation of afghan. That is why he is dressed as a rank and file Pakistani troop, but clearly is a close friend and associate of carter NSA Zbigniew.....

Osama bin Laden came from a very larger, prosperour, and almost famous Saudi family.


There is no doubt about who Osama was and that he came from a very well known and large Saudi family.
Here is col. Tim Osmond, with Brezezinski.

Clearly Tim Osmond is short compared to everyone else in the image.

But Osama bin Laden was 6'5", and would tower over Brezezinski at only 5'11".
Osama bin Laden came from a very larger, prosperour, and almost famous Saudi family.


There is no doubt about who Osama was and that he came from a very well known and large Saudi family.


Zionist traitors will try anything....

There are NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi, and Zionist traitors do not want you to know that.....

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