Taliban pulling people off planes and killing them on the tarmac (Sept 14. 2021)


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Didn't I hear Lyin' Joe Biden say we would not leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are out? Didn't I hear Winkin' Blinken say that we will get all American's left behind in Afghanistan out? Didn't I hear that both of these liars say that we have tremendous leverage over the Taliban?

Conditions in Afghanistan continue to decline. Americans are still stranded there. Blinken should be fired. Biden should be impeached.

A report within the past 24 hours claims Taliban are pulling people off planes at Mazar-e-Sharif airport and killing them right on the tarmac.

According to war reporter Michael Yon, “From @RealSamFaddis: The latest word from Mazar-e-Sharif is that the Dept of State is still preventing planes carrying AmCits from flying out. Meanwhile, the Taliban has started pulling Afghans off the planes and killing them on the tarmac. @ANDmagazine.

That message came out 21 hours ago. Taliban will not let our people leave Mazar-e-Sharif by most accounts.

Planes chartered to carry people out of Afghanistan had been stuck at Mazar-i-Sharif International Airport, casting doubt on the Taliban's assurance that foreigners and Afghans would be allowed to leave the country.

Some organizers of the flights also said the State Department was not doing enough to facilitate their departure.

The criticism came after an email leak suggested that the agency prevented several private flights from leaving Afghanistan with U.S. citizens and Afghan allies on board.


Wow, Trump signed a deal with these people and expected them to hold up their end of the bargain?
Damn you psycho Leftist are fucking STUPID !!!!

Do you honestly think normal thinking informed Americans believe you when you parrot the the Fake News Marxist Propaganda?

Here's a hint ...

They don't.

But, they do recognize you for the dumbass Leftist Sheeple you are.
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Damn you psycho Leftist are fucking STUPID !!!!

Do you honestly think normal thinking informed Americans believe you when you parrot the the Fake News Marxist Propaganda?

Here's a hint ...

The don't.

But, they do recognize your for the dumbass Leftist Sheeple you are.
Your blob signed the surrender papers.
Didn't I hear Lyin' Joe Biden say we would not leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are out? Didn't I hear Winkin' Blinken say that we will get all American's left behind in Afghanistan out? Didn't I hear that both of these liars say that we have tremendous leverage over the Taliban?

Conditions in Afghanistan continue to decline. Americans are still stranded there. Blinken should be fired. Biden should be impeached.

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This thread is a lie. The event claimed by the article didnt happen. It isnt being reported by ANY other news sites. What the fuck is this news source... IndependentSentinal? They outright lied. They completely fabricated a story to gin up clicks and outrage. Please tell me you will NEVER again give this horseshit website any more of your time.

People like this should be shamed out of existence. Fucking parasites.
Your blob signed the surrender papers.
The deal was conditional. It was not a surrender. It required the Taliban to abide by the conditions. They did not. Trump cancelled the deal in 2019.

Stupid Joe "The Puppet" Biden convinced you and millions of other useful idiots that he was still bound by the deal.

The fact that his surrender was a total failure is why "FUCK JOE BIDEN" is going viral at sports stadiums.

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