Taliban or Tea Party?


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
I found this in the signature of a fellow contributor.

I hope to start a discussion on this perspective.

Here's what the contributor sees as comparable traits between Americans, meaning those living in the US who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the soundly, objectively reasoned principles in nature that govern human behavior, the are the same principles observed and declared by the Founding Fathers of the United States and, the Taliban, collectivists, much the same as any other collectivist cult.

1-Ideological Purity.
2-Compromise as weakness.
3-Fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism.
4-Denying science.
5-A hostile fear of progress.
6-A need to control women's bodies.
7-Severe xenophobia.
8-Tribal mentality (us vs. them)

It should be recognized that as a Leftist, the individual who professes to believe this, posting such is their signature, is a socialists,

Socialism rests upon relativism.

Relativism, eschews objectivity.

Objectivity is ESSENTIAL to truth, trust, morality and justice.

As such, given their rejection of that which truth requires most, we can rest assured that such individuals are not worthy of trust and, we see examples of this played out before us everyday, by the socialists currently running our Federal government: "You can keep your plan", "You can keep your Doctor", "The Benghazi mission fell victim to a protest over an Anti-Islamic Youtube Video".

These are lies.

Now in terms of trust, we have seen them abuse their power, wherein the IRS ADMITTED TO SUPPRESSING THE TEA-PARTY VOTE THROUGH THE ABUSE OF THEIR OFFICIAL POWERS and, we know that the person directly responsible for that, pleaded their 5th Amendment Rights to not testify when doing so is likely to provide evidence of their complicity in a crime.

We know that when those on the ground in Benghazi during, those who are entrusted to defend and protect them, in the Socialist run executive branch, turned their backs on those for who they are directly responsible. So we know that the socialist cult, can't be trusted.

Where someone lacks the means to recognize truth, they've no means to recognize the traits and significance of trust, they are then incapable of understanding morality, thus can never, ever, by their presence, speech, or government policy desires, EVER: Serve Justice.

I wonder if the above list of traits comparing Islamic terrorists with Americans, is evidence of that which I've described above?

What say YOU ?
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This will give you an idea of the mindset, described above.

Truth requires you to be open to new ideas, new possibilities.

If you're only willing to see what you already know, then you will never understand the truth.

Really? So old ideas and 'a thing that may happen or may be the case', OKA: New Possibilities, This IS the truth?

Meaning what, that there are no old truths?
The truth is that our country is being torn apart by someone who hates every facet of what America is.
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The truth is that our country is being torn apart by someone who hates every facet of what America is.


There's no question about that.

It's just not the point of this particular discussion.

Any comment on the topic?
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