Taker states are... RED of course


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
It should come as no surprise that the socialist freeloaders suckling at the teet of the government are the RED states which supposedly don’t like social programs. Hmmm. I wonder if their platform is all a con?


Going by numbers alone according to the map Califoria alone amounts to about nine of the so called red states. But then again I'm not trying to make a stupid political point

You notice how they use percentages when its convenient?

Another thread they are comparing 1 death to a few thousand in the USA to Zealand

Population of new Zealand around of 5 million USA around 330 million
That map only points to our manufacturing states...large companies that sent their workers home for the shutdown...they all went to the unemployment office....but they haven't lost their jobs for good....they are on hiatus so to speak...stop looking for bad in everything libtards....
Going by numbers alone according to the map Califoria alone amounts to about nine of the so called red states. But then again I'm not trying to make a stupid political point

You notice how they use percentages when its convenient?

Another thread they are comparing 1 death to a few thousand in the USA to Zealand

Population of new Zealand around of 5 million USA around 330 million
Yea brilliant. Let’s use raw numbers. The number of college graduates in California is more than every state in the southeast. Californians must be way smarter. Come on. Don’t be an idiot. You can’t look at raw numbers for this.
Red States benefit from social redistribution more than blue states yet deride the very programs that liberals establish for them
And this is important to you why?...why do liberals always feel the need to hold the scorecard?.....
Who decided ESSENTIAL WORKERS......hmmm.

Was driving around and the City workers were WORKING on roads with completion dates 7 years off.

OH THAT'S ESSENTIAL NOW......not Contractors..........

How about we end this BS and go back to work and take our dang chances.
That map only points to our manufacturing states...large companies that sent their workers home for the shutdown...they all went to the unemployment office....but they haven't lost their jobs for good....they are on hiatus so to speak...stop looking for bad in everything libtards....
If I was still working and still had debt to pay, I would have gone to unemployment. Who wouldn't?
It should come as no surprise that the socialist freeloaders suckling at the teet of the government are the RED states which supposedly don’t like social programs. Hmmm. I wonder if their platform is all a con?

View attachment 321178

So you're telling us the left is throwing the needy under the bus in this time of strife?
Going by numbers alone according to the map Califoria alone amounts to about nine of the so called red states. But then again I'm not trying to make a stupid political point

You notice how they use percentages when its convenient?

Another thread they are comparing 1 death to a few thousand in the USA to Zealand

Population of new Zealand around of 5 million USA around 330 million
Yea brilliant. Let’s use raw numbers. The number of college graduates in California is more than every state in the southeast. Californians must be way smarter. Come on. Don’t be an idiot. You can’t look at raw numbers for this.

Already so shaken by the truth the righty responses are unintelligible.
What truth are you talking about?...
Red States benefit from social redistribution more than blue states yet deride the very programs that liberals establish for them.

The Democrats made those laws
Already so shaken by the truth the righty responses are unintelligible.
What truth are you talking about?...
Red States benefit from social redistribution more than blue states yet deride the very programs that liberals establish for them.
And the Red State rant as well............this nut job has all the Narratives of the DNC pravda party..........where they count military bases and places that have NASA and build ships.

Been debunked plenty of times and HERE WE GO AGAIN........Next contestent
Yea brilliant. Let’s use raw numbers. The number of college graduates in California is more than every state in the southeast. Californians must be way smarter. Come on. Don’t be an idiot. You can’t look at raw numbers for this.
Who can argue with the brilliance of a bunch of unemployed Lesbian Dance Appreciation majors?

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